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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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Brother from another mother right here.

I also detest canned veggies (fresh only here!),

Pork chops because they are rarely tender and hurt to chew.

Majority of fast food. Ew.

I love mushrooms but not when they are cooked.

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Oh, in terms of food I dislike, I really don't like beets for the most part (though I have had borscht and enjoyed it). I'm not a big fan of lasagna, even though its aliquot parts are all things I love. I do like buffalo wings, but I find them grossly overrated (not exactly the same thing...).

OH! I don't like peanut butter. *SeverIan stands proud*

Two things I've been eating and enjoying in the past year or two that I used to dislike are eggplant and mushrooms (though when I was a little kid I liked mushrooms).

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oh jeepers, there is a lot of them. I'm a pretty picky eater. I was WAY worse back in the day and I'm getting better now, but still.

Most vegetables, actually. Broccoli especially. Stuff makes me gag, seriously.


There's definitely more, but I can't really think of them.

Edited by Draco
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i love me some veggies but i would kill peas right in the face if i could

not big on peanut butter/peanut in general but that's waned over the years


mountain dew is ass fight me

EDIT: OH YEAH i ate some salt and vinegar chips a few years back that made me BARFY AS HELL because they were nasty and now i don't like those anymore. pity, i used to love them. :(

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Peas, Green Beans, cherry tomatoes, bacon, Mayonnaise and most junk foods.

The weird part is I used to be a junk food junkie when I was younger and then I aquired healthier eating habits and began despising the fattening foods I used to eat.

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i'm a very picky eater sadly

but notably strawberries, can't even stand the smell

i'm also physically unable to eat cauliflower for some reason, it's weird

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UGH BITTER MELON. Also known as goya, for the weaboos who might recognize it from Okinawa references in anime and manga. That stuff is repulsive. OH and Salmiakki! Good heavens....I don't know why people eat it.

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Let's see....

Raw onions, uncooked animal fat and gristle, carrots, several "raw" fruits (as in not blended into smoothies, etc - it's fine then) including mangoes and most melons. I also am not a fan of mayo in general.

Probably have more, but that's what I can think of at the moment.

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- mayonnaise
- anything spicy
- anything sour that isn't candy
- any kind of beans/chilli type stuff (the smell of those alone make me feel nauseous)

- peas
- oranges
- gravy

and so much more I'm reallllllllay picky

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I love mushrooms but not when they are cooked.

For some reasons I'm the opposite, maybe it's the type of food I'm used to growing up but

I need my mushrooms extra super cooked if it's not cooked long enough I will feel it and it will not feel right with me

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Also most seafood I've had tends to make me feel queasy

Also most cheese I've had tends to make me feel sicky (no I am not lactose-intolerant)

Also most spicy food I cannot tolerate I am pretty sensitive (and this isn't fud but because of how sensitive I am, I also cannot stand soda or alcohol uguu those are so painful to drink)

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Also most seafood I've had tends to make me feel queasy

Also most cheese I've had tends to make me feel sicky (no I am not lactose-intolerant)

Also most spicy food I cannot tolerate I am pretty sensitive (and this isn't fud but because of how sensitive I am, I also cannot stand soda or alcohol uguu those are so painful to drink)

oh my god soda kills my throat nowdays, sometimes it actually leaves some sort of ethanol taste in my mouth

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