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Fire Emblem 4 0% Growths LTC


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Excellent work on the first generation, Marty! I love the second generation a lot so I am looking forward to see how you'll handle some of the pricklier parts of it.

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Nice video, but I feel like you could have easily shaved one or two more turns in the last portion.

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Doesn't Mekkah get 2 points for correctly placing Midir?

And Momo should have 14 points for the characters, and I should have no points for Fin

Edited by Baldrick
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Well Sylvia did a lot, but I don't like her.

HAHAHA! I don't like her because she always fell in love with the wrong person!

I felt really bad for Sigurd the first time through this game. Mostly because Serlis is boring.

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Great news, I tried chapter 6 out, and the RN chain allows me to 20 turn it while getting Celice enough experience that he can barely promote after clearing the arena. While this isn't anything special in a play through with growths, on 0% growths it's pretty good. Maybe a few turns could be cut if I wanted to guess and check for better RN strings, but I don't have the confidence to do that, so I should start recording chapter 6 tomorrow. It won't be as large a delay as I thought.

Edit: I also worked out a really fast way to kill Arvis (I think I can get it done within a single turn provided good positioning of my dancer) but it's really unreliable. I may need a whole video just for the RNG abuse required to take Arvis down.

Edited by MartyTheDemonSlayer
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Well, I'm putting him to sleep with Aless to save me from having to rig dodges. After that I just need power!ring Shannan to land five hits on him in one turn (I'll need a dancer for this), which is pretty unlikely but oh well. I've been thinking of ways to deal with the Rotten Ritter (since last playthrough I had Levin!Sety to obliterate them) and I'm kind of considering using lightsword!magicring!Shanan to do it. I think that with all the wyvern knights I can feed a lot of kills onto it, and even though Shanan has low magic between crits, continues, and astras he should be able to one round a lot of enemies at 1-2 range. He'll eventually be put to sleep but before he does he should manage to thin the Rotten Ritter out to manageable numbers for the rest of my army.

Does anyone know the degree to which the AI mobs units near death when both units are incredibly weak anyways? I was thinking that I could get away without the prayer ring by making it so that either Celice or Leif are knocked into prayer range while abusing the prayer sword on a male unit glitch and then dodge a bunch of attacks (this could let me skip things like the Weissen Ritter and the cavalry coming from Edda), but if too many attacks go towards the non prayer abusing unit they would die. If the AI is stupid enough to mob the near death unit with everything I can skip the prayer ring, otherwise I think I need to lose a turn to kill Arion.

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Shanan will have a sojourn in hell from Darna to the end of chapter 8, so no, I unfortunately can't pair him up (well maybe with jealousy, but since pairings aren't as important in the second generation the section on second generation jealousy isn't completed, and I'm not going to work it out for the sake of a +10% boost to hit/evade.)

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I believe Marty is giving Shanan the power ring.

Also, does anyone know how effective a Noish Brigid pairing is? For both children?

Edited by momogeek2141
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I picked the Silver Lance because Cuan did so much work and he was most crucial when you had Silver Lance, but I prolly could've picked Steel Lance in retrospect and it would've been better, lol. And yes, my impressive physique would leave you gasping for breath especially if you were to try to hold me...

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So I'm gonna guess that even if Shannan doesn't do much, the little he does do will be pretty valuable. Like Deirdre or something, right? That Alvis boss kill sounds hilarious.

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I believe Marty is giving Shanan the power ring.

Also, does anyone know how effective a Noish Brigid pairing is? For both children?

even with the power ring, he does 13 damage a hit to Alvis (18 st + 5 from power ring + 30 MT Balmung = 53 attack - Alvis's 40 defence is 13 damage a pop and Alvis has 80 HP)

I'm guessing he'll have Aless Mistoltin him or something after using the sleep sword or something though, although he only does 6 damage and doesn't double without the speed ring.

Noish Briggid is pretty good for Faval, and Patty is always going to be a mediocre combatant until she promotes anyway, it's not too bad. Noish is a pretty good dad in general though.

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Oh got my math wrong... guess my strategy got even more unreliable!! It'll still take the same number of turns though, I'll just need to rig more hits.I could always rig 6 hits from Shanan (78 damage) + the sleep sword hit (1 damage) and then finish Alvis off with Celice for the sake of vengeance.

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Nah Celice doesn't have time for the Tyfing, but he only needs a hero sword hit to finish off 1 hp Alvis. Besides, the Tyrfing wouldn't help anyways (well maybe it would make avoiding some sleep staffs a bit easier) because the high kill hero sword is a better boss killing weapon anyways.I'm still not sure how I'm going to deal with a few late game things (like the sleep staffs above Freege Castle), but I'll find solutions.

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