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Etrian Mystery Dungeon


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I type this as Untold is downloadin', I found out about this last night. You see, you get some EO dudes and you run around in a dungeon doing things. Oh, the classes are...

EO4 Landsknecht

EO1/2 Protector

EO1/2 Medic

EO1/2 Hexer

EO4 Dancer

EO2 Gunner

EO3 Ninja

EO3 Prince(ss)

EO4 Runemaster

And an unlockable dude

According to GFaqs, we're getting this March 10, five days after the Japanese release. What are your thoughts and feelings?

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Mystery Dungeon? The Pokemon spinoff of that is good...well, it started sucking the more releases it got, but yeah.

Might be interested but I'll have to learn more to be sure.

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Rouge rpg, that alone gets my attention, I'd have more to say, but I don't really EO yet.

If you have any sort of money I reccomend Etrian Odyssey 4, or Untold since it's on sale(I'd personally get 4 first, but if you're the sort of person who needs a story breathing down your neck for days, then get Untold). If you can find any of the first three then that would be good too. But yeah, I reccomend the series as a whole.

If any of you care my team will be Protector, Landsknecht(later Ninja), Medic and Runemaster(or Gunner iunno).

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