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Smash Bros. Character Tier List by Canon


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This is a tier-list for all the Smash Bros. characters based on their own respective sources, their abilities and feats in their own canon, just for fun really. Keep in mind, simply because X character has defeated Y character before doesn't make them necessarily make them the more powerful one.

S tier

Captain Falcon



Ganon is so powerful that he seems to survive weapons specifically made by the gods to kill him. He shrugs off having a castle fall on him and even an ocean dropped from the heavens is just an inconvenience. When the gods decide to lock him in the sacred realm, he decides to make it his own realm. He can teleport, turn invisible, cast spells, summon creatures, possess bodies and shoot powerful balls of energy.


A tier





Mario/Dr. Mario



Each of these characters has something in common, tons of weapons, abilities and a lot of strength to back them up. Link in Skyward Sword is probably the strongest, with the ability to swing a giant sword that no human could probably ever think of swinging, without magic enchantments. Shulk tears through giant monsters and machines rather easily by the end of the game (though with help). Samus is a one-woman-army defeats dangerous alien species that ravage entire planets with ease, plus probably the most agile of anyone. Megaman has a weapon for every situation. Mario and Luigi have tons of power ups and their jumps and groundpounds make quick work of even giant robots.

B tier


Dark Pit



Meta Knight

Toon Link



Donkey Kong




I'm gonna be honest, from here on out it's rough estimations.

C tier



Zero Suit Samus

Little Mac







Bowser Jr.


Diddy Kong

This is where things are starting to get a little more normal.

D tier


Wii Fit Trainer


King Dedede

Villager - average human

Mr. Game & Watch


Duck Hunt (might be higher if you count the fact that there is a gunman)

E tier



? tier

Rosalina (her powers are too ambiguous)

So what do you guys think? Any changes? Who did I forget?

Edited by Knight
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Ness to A tier. Pacman to bottom of C at worst. I'd say put Olimar somewhere in B at least given that he was in a life threatening situation in his first game.

Where's Wario?

Meta Knight above toon link. Having access to an army, and a fucking Space Battleship gives that advantage.

Yoshi to top of B. He fucking survives over and over and is reborn in eggs.

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Ness is mainly a healer/melee powerhouse in his game (most Mother protags are from what I understand) so...B-A?

Toon Link, assuming it's TWW Link not ST Link (which it has to be cuz Master Sword), is one of very few if not the only Link to permanently kill Ganondorf. That alone should bump him up to A at least, bias aside.

Palutena is kinda low for a god, she should probably be above Pit. Also, Dark Pit is capable of flying without help, unlike Pit, so he should be above Pit too.

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Ness to A tier. Pacman to bottom of C at worst. I'd say put Olimar somewhere in B at least given that he was in a life threatening situation in his first game.

Where's Wario?

Meta Knight above toon link. Having access to an army, and a fucking Space Battleship gives that advantage.

Yoshi to top of B. He fucking survives over and over and is reborn in eggs.

The only reason I put Olimar so low is because he's about an inch tall and therefore could be easily be stepped on by anyone else.

Wario's at the bottom of B, I don't really know where to put him.

Other ones fixed.

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Should the F-Zero anime really be considered when it's on its own as far as F-Zero is concerned?

It's difficult to find canon sources on the fighting ability of a racecar driver. (I dunno, maybe I need to play more F-Zero GX, if anyone has some info then I can change it.)

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Toon Link, assuming it's TWW Link not ST Link (which it has to be cuz Master Sword), is one of very few if not the only Link to permanently kill Ganondorf. That alone should bump him up to A at least, bias aside

Especially when Toon has around the same level of power (Kid uses swords sized for Darknuts) and an equally large arsenal at a much younger age.

Edited by algae
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Meta Knight above toon link. Having access to an army, and a fucking Space Battleship gives that advantage.

I think that's dumb, not because it's something he easily has to his advantage, but because it isn't actually HIM doing that stuff, the dirty work. If it were some kind of overpowered weapon he'd wield, then we're at least talking about MK doing the work. Which is what this tier list is about: The characters. Otherwise, we might as well count Ike and Marth's respective army (hear that guys? Marth has Tiki/Naga on his side).

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pretty sure sonic is completely invincible with the chaos emeralds at least for a little while, on top of his ridiculous speed, which is probably worth more than whatever megaman can do. Probably mario/luigi too but I haven't played hardly any Mario games to know the reasoning there.

ness could also probably be higher, since he at least suppressed giygas, who's capable of destroying the entire universe.


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I think Little Mac can be placed in B-tier.

Since in Punch-Out for the Wii he can fight Donkey Kong.

He also has shown extraordinary feats like becoming Giga Mac in Multiplayer.

Mind you he has fought people with magic like Great Tiger.

A person faster than a Bullet Train like Piston Honda.

Someone stronger than a bear, Bear Hugger. etc.

He also keeps fighting against a steroid soda lover named Soda Popinski.

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I feel like Ike and Shulk could stand to go higher (shulk in canon is pretty ridiculous but I won't go into that for people who haven't played the game and Ike defeats a god as more more powerful than Palutena without any visible difficulty)

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Technically, once again, Ike and his team defeat a goddess, as well as a dragon who's probably even stronger than the goddess herself. Just like Chrom didn't beat Walhart by himself (and as he admitted it, just after that).

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If we are doing the entire series then we have adult Link, child Link, WW Link and TP Link. For Zelda we have TP Zelda and OoT Zelda. Each Link and Zelda is a different character.

Meta Knight and Bowser shouldn't be able to use their armies since they aren't in smash. Rosalina can use her Luma because it is actually fighting beside her.

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Admittedly I haven't played enough of most of these games to say anything, but Shulk needs to be higher - possibly even to the top. Unfortunately, I can't explain why without ruining the entire game for people who haven't played Xenoblade.

EDIT: SF is 7 minutes fast for me, gg.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Captain Falcon raced against the racing god and won.

Which makes the fact that Sonic is faster than him, all the more hilarious.

Also, the F-Zero anime isn't canon.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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pretty sure sonic is completely invincible with the chaos emeralds at least for a little while, on top of his ridiculous speed, which is probably worth more than whatever megaman can do. Probably mario/luigi too but I haven't played hardly any Mario games to know the reasoning there.

The Mario RPGs showcase that both Mario Bros. are very powerful and both have their own invincibility powers. Megaman can fly, make barriers, shoot weapons of pretty much every element imaginable, freeze time, pick up giant boulders and that's just the minimum of what he can do with the weapons he obtains in the first 3 games (in a 10 game series in which he gets at least 8 new weapons each game).

I've gotten to the end of Xenoblade and I don't think that there are any enemies that Shulk and his gang defeat that Link can't defeat alone except maybe the last boss, there's nothing in the game though that suggests Shulk is physically stronger than Link though.

I also raised Meta Knight because I recalled Galactic Knight from Super Star Ultra, who is apparently the strongest fighter in the universe. (Until Kirby kills something tougher)

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S tier-Incredibly OP and broken




A tier-Greatest fighting ability

Link (OoT)

Link (TP)




Dr. Mario


Dark Pit



Meta Knight

B tier-Great fighting ability




King Dedede



Toon Link

Donkey Kong



C tier-Above average fighting ability





Zero Suit Samus

Little Mac





Bowser Jr.


Diddy Kong

Young Link

Zelda (TP)

Zelda (OoT)


D tier-Normal people and creatures



Captain Falcon

Duck Hunt

Wii Fit Trainer

Mr. Game & Watch


E tier-Worst fighting ability



? tier


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