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what weight is best for curves? opinions?


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I'm aware of that, and I was about to put it, but I thought it was too obvious. Like it would make a difference.

I don't think we'll really know without a picture- of course, you don't HAVE to post it. I'll just guess:

Muscles weighs more than fat, so it is possible that you can weigh little, be skinny and soft and have some fat on you.

What do you see? If what you see in yourself, then it is what it is. There doesn't need to be some sort of rule.

Soul, did you read my post? There was a reason why I posted what I did - being underweight by a large amount isn't a good idea (one nasty stomach flu, and all hell WILL break loose). Furthermore, it sounds like you have no idea what someone of that height and weight looks like - I do, and I see it in the mirror every day.

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Don't you mean that LBM is your body weight minus your body fat ? What you wrote kinda implied that LBM is the mass of only your muscles, but a body isn't only fat and muscles, there are also skin and bones and intestines to be factored in.

Also, a bit off topic, but do anyone know if it's possible to be underweight and skinny-fat? I am 165 cm and 47 kg, which gives me a BMI of 17.26, but I don't excercise (unless biking everywhere counts), and I'm really terrified that I might be unhealthy. On the other side, I really don't want to find out if I'm skinnyfat, because I'm too lazy and stressed out to work out, so I'll probably just end up eating less in an attempt to get the unhealthy fat away from my body :|

"skinnyfat" isn't a proper term, it's just what people call you out to be if you look soft and skinny with no definition. If your stomach looks disproportionate in terms of fat distribution then yes you're generally skinnyfat, females usually get away with it just cause of how their bodies are framed, a lot more noticeable and problematic on males because there's no breasts to even the protruding stomach out.

Edited by Alb
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Soul, did you read my post? There was a reason why I posted what I did - being underweight by a large amount isn't a good idea (one nasty stomach flu, and all hell WILL break loose). Furthermore, it sounds like you have no idea what someone of that height and weight looks like - I do, and I see it in the mirror every day.

I did, and I still think there are more things to factor, rather than just simple appearance. Body composition, for example. That person could have more or less muscle mass.

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As long as you're careful about not being overweighed and underweighed everything is fine in my opinon. Body fat do matter but heh, it's inevitable to have some and I think you should just eat normally (unless you eat too much or too little) and you should be fine.

i eat too little is the problem. idk how much more i should start eating.

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I did, and I still think there are more things to factor, rather than just simple appearance. Body composition, for example. That person could have more or less muscle mass.

Soul. This is the LAST time I'll say this. I'm the one that's closest to Azusa's height and weight. Your "advice" is actively harmful. Stop it.

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Using myself as a measuring stick (as we're the same height and build, apparently), I'd say you're pretty far away from being skinnyfat. If you're worried about activity levels, you'd probably be better off exercising. I don't think eating less is a good idea, unless you're consuming a ridiculous amount of calories per day.

Ah, I know that I most likely isn't skinnyfat, but I'm just scared of being it if that makes sense :/ I know that this is a stupid concern at my weight, but I'm just a highly neurotic person, and I tend to worry about the stupidest things...

I'm aware of that, and I was about to put it, but I thought it was too obvious. Like it would make a difference.

I don't think we'll really know without a picture- of course, you don't HAVE to post it. I'll just guess:

Muscles weighs more than fat, so it is possible that you can weigh little, be skinny and soft and have some fat on you.

What do you see? If what you see in yourself, then it is what it is. There doesn't need to be some sort of rule.

I know that you're trying to help, but honestly, this is dangerous advice. Telling people that their perception of their body size is correct is not a good idea, and can help foster all kinds of eating disorders. I'm not saying this to be passive-agressive in a ''if-I-get-anorexia-it's-your-fault''-way, I'm saying this because there might be sensitive people on this forum, there might be people who have or is trying to recover from anorexia, and a statement like yours is only reinforcing their negative thoughts. Hope you understand this was not meant as a personal attack :)

"skinnyfat" isn't a proper term, it's just what people call you out to be if you look soft and skinny with no definition. If your stomach looks disproportionate in terms of fat distribution then yes you're generally skinnyfat, females usually get away with it just cause of how their bodies are framed, a lot more noticeable and problematic on males because there's no breasts to even the protruding stomach out.

Oh, I guess the word doesn't have the implication I thought it had. In Danish, we have a semi-medical term called ''tyndfedme'' (''thin obesity'') which is when a person have a healthy weight, and a healthy looking body, but a dangerous amount or distribution of body fat, and I thought ''skinnyfat'' was the literal translation of that. Whoops.

i eat too little is the problem. idk how much more i should start eating.

As someone who always have had problems with eating too little, the best tip I can give you is to always make sure that you always make sure to have some food within your general vicinity. Take a small box with peanuts or almonds and raisins with you when you go out. Cut an orange or an apple into bite-sized pieces so you can eat it with a fork while using your computer. Eat constant, small meals instead of three large meals a day. Try to stay away from junk-food, unless you're seriously underweight gaining weight on white sugar and saturated fat is a bad idea.

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Ah, I know that I most likely isn't skinnyfat, but I'm just scared of being it if that makes sense :/ I know that this is a stupid concern at my weight, but I'm just a highly neurotic person, and I tend to worry about the stupidest things...

I can sort of understand, as my physical activity levels are pretty low. Since doing strenuous things is out of the question for me, I've instead taken up walking. You're at a point where you can't afford to lose too much weight, so restricting what you eat probably isn't a good idea, unless you're consuming a ridiculous amount of calories every day. If you want details, I can provide them via PM.

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see a doctor/nutritionist and dont ask a fire emblem forum

i don't have transportation or money to do that now really, so i'm just asking for some different viewpoints from people

As someone who always have had problems with eating too little, the best tip I can give you is to always make sure that you always make sure to have some food within your general vicinity. Take a small box with peanuts or almonds and raisins with you when you go out. Cut an orange or an apple into bite-sized pieces so you can eat it with a fork while using your computer. Eat constant, small meals instead of three large meals a day. Try to stay away from junk-food, unless you're seriously underweight gaining weight on white sugar and saturated fat is a bad idea.

why exactly is eating junk food a bad idea for gaining weight though?

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why exactly is eating junk food a bad idea for gaining weight though?

Unless you are at the point where you are in danger because of your low weight, eating junk food for gaining weight is a bad idea because the high amount of sugar, salts and saturated fat can cause elevated cholesterol levels in people of all weights. Also, if you have a small appetite, junk food may fill you up so you don't have appetite for other kinds of healthy food. Keep in mind that this doesn't apply to healthy, caloric-dense food like nuts, fat fish, avocados and dried fruit, eat it to your hearts content.

This article is means for parents with underweight kids, but I think it has a lot of useful advice for everybody trying to gain weight, and I can recommend taking a look at it :)

Edited by Azura
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Ah, I know that I most likely isn't skinnyfat, but I'm just scared of being it if that makes sense :/ I know that this is a stupid concern at my weight, but I'm just a highly neurotic person, and I tend to worry about the stupidest things...

I know that you're trying to help, but honestly, this is dangerous advice. Telling people that their perception of their body size is correct is not a good idea, and can help foster all kinds of eating disorders. I'm not saying this to be passive-agressive in a ''if-I-get-anorexia-it's-your-fault''-way, I'm saying this because there might be sensitive people on this forum, there might be people who have or is trying to recover from anorexia, and a statement like yours is only reinforcing their negative thoughts. Hope you understand this was not meant as a personal attack :)

Oh, I guess the word doesn't have the implication I thought it had. In Danish, we have a semi-medical term called ''tyndfedme'' (''thin obesity'') which is when a person have a healthy weight, and a healthy looking body, but a dangerous amount or distribution of body fat, and I thought ''skinnyfat'' was the literal translation of that. Whoops.

As someone who always have had problems with eating too little, the best tip I can give you is to always make sure that you always make sure to have some food within your general vicinity. Take a small box with peanuts or almonds and raisins with you when you go out. Cut an orange or an apple into bite-sized pieces so you can eat it with a fork while using your computer. Eat constant, small meals instead of three large meals a day. Try to stay away from junk-food, unless you're seriously underweight gaining weight on white sugar and saturated fat is a bad idea.

Skinnyfat does genuinely mean that. It's usually used as a cautionary term when describing weight loss plans that don't concentrate on exercise or proper nutrition, as they generally end up creating gains in the form of lost muscle mass instead of lost fat. Thus skinny, though also of high fat content.

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