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Immediate Damage


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[2:20:26 PM] The Mighty Brendor of Keowa: I made a thing too
[2:20:38 PM] The Mighty Brendor of Keowa: But it's shittier than I thought it'd be
[2:21:08 PM] The Mighty Brendor of Keowa: You know how when you hit something the HP goes down 1 by 1?
[2:21:41 PM] The Mighty Brendor of Keowa: I made it just update immediately in the hopes that it'd speed up animations
[2:22:10 PM] The Mighty Brendor of Keowa: Y'know cuz having a dude linger while you wait for the hp to go down is awkward and bad
[2:22:23 PM] The Mighty Brendor of Keowa: But it doesn't really speed it up that much
[2:22:25 PM] The Mighty Brendor of Keowa: :/
[2:22:43 PM] Librul Athist Scum: i actually like that
[2:22:46 PM] The Mighty Brendor of Keowa: It saves code density
[2:22:50 PM] The Mighty Brendor of Keowa: But
[2:22:52 PM] Librul Athist Scum: the pause wwhile their health decreases
[2:23:00 PM] The Mighty Brendor of Keowa: Yeah
[2:23:06 PM] The Mighty Brendor of Keowa: I made that not a thing
[2:23:12 PM] The Mighty Brendor of Keowa: For 8 at least
[2:23:24 PM] The Mighty Brendor of Keowa: So the transition is immediate
[2:24:01 PM] The Mighty Brendor of Keowa: So if you do like 100 damage you're not waiting around for 10 seconds
[4:06:27 PM] Librul Athist Scum: nice
[4:06:32 PM] Librul Athist Scum: now post it to sf
[4:06:37 PM] Librul Athist Scum: i wanna see what people say about it

So basically, I made it so that the HP number doesn't continually go down one-by-one in a loop anymore, but rather, just immediately updated the number.

I only did it for FE8 and there's no source(I did it in straight hex) but if people voice demand and interest in this, I may make one for FE7 publicly available

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for a moment i thought you made it actually deduct hp on moves that deal multiple hits

Can't you just get around that by making all the hits except one "pseudo-hits" (just have a white flash and a sound effect)

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That's actually a pretty neat tweak. I personally like the fact HP takes a while to tick down, it makes you feel like "Whoaaaa that was a TON of damage! I slammed that guy!"

But earthbound....

Also, imagine the speedrun shenanigans if you simply disabled the meter drop speed. That time piles up o...ver...time...wow that was lame

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