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Custom Moves and other competitive discussion


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I see. I still think that us Wii U players that use customs should be thought of though. I don't play the 3DS version anymore. I find it to be inferior (although it was still very fun while it lasted). And I bet there are plenty of people that prefer the Wii U version that use customs and would love to participate in tourneys.

I wish I had local friends to play with...

Edited by Anacybele
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No one plays the 3DS version anymore lol.

Hopefully when the game is updated with whatever that tournament mode is that's coming there will be a way to incorporate custom moves without allowing equipment.

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I thought of telling them to "go in the direction of the stage" but I figured "go up" is much easier to comprehend. Saves us about 1 second, which is pretty useful!

I would go into training mode, but Kei likes Little Mac, and Chelsea likes Rosalina. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't wanna be the same person. One has an AWESOME recovery, and one has the worst in the game.

I'll set the stock to 5 next time. And then MAYBE show them customs, but that'd be way too mind-boggling.

Hmm, could have them go into training as their preferred characters, (CPU can be whomever the other isn't) and you can demonstrate their recoveries and how Mac can use his Side B etc.

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No one plays the 3DS version anymore lol.

Hopefully when the game is updated with whatever that tournament mode is that's coming there will be a way to incorporate custom moves without allowing equipment.

Really? Because I've seen people say they prefer the 3DS version or only have the 3DS version.

And yeah, I agree. I don't like how custom moves and custom equipment are stuck together unless you create a custom character that doesn't have equips. I want to be able to turn one or the other off, not have to have both on or both off.

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No one plays the 3DS version anymore lol.

Really? Because I've seen people say they prefer the 3DS version or only have the 3DS version.

Some people still don't want to buy Wii U's, whilst the competitive community has mostly moved to Wii U, this doesn't apply for everyone.

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Does anyone actually use custom moves offline? If so, congrats, you have friends that have actual attention spans.

All the time on With Friends. I use my mii fighters a lot too on With Friends. I have the 3DS version, so i dont do a lot of local play, but With Friends is basically the same concept.

I see my more casual friends enjoying the customs more than the hardcore competitive friends I have, but thats just from my particular set of friends.

The hardcore ones always ask for customs off, my casual buddies ask for em on most of the time especially during our randoms

Yeah, i think this is because more hardcore players do For Glory and junk more so they get accustomed to not using custom moves.

No one plays the 3DS version anymore lol.

*snort* Yeah, ok. *snicker*

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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I didn't mean that literally, of course, but as far as this topic is concerned, good look finding a 3DS tournament. Everyone considers the Wii U version the definitive version and the only people that really still play the 3DS version are people without a Wii U.

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I didn't mean that literally, of course, but as far as this topic is concerned, good look finding a 3DS tournament. Everyone considers the Wii U version the definitive version and the only people that really still play the 3DS version are people without a Wii U.

This is true, sorry general statements like that just tend to be a personal thing that bugs me.

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Custom moves imo aren't terrible executed and are great concepts. The main issue in the end is still the unlocking method. It's still random based and there is no definitive way of getting all the moves for all the characters and it still takes hours to do it. Something most competitive players would rather just play smash mode rather than constantly go through classic, crazy orders or other mind boring effort to get them.

If the unlock system was more viable like a shop system to unlock the custom moves, then I think there would be more incentive but as of now I don't see it happening anytime soon.

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I like the concept of custom moves, but trying to comprehend what moves the opponent has can be intimidating. You expect one move but something different occurs that throws off your game and puts you in a disadvantage. I think the concept could have been better executed for it to work.

As for the 2-3 stock thing, I'm pretty divided on this subject. I like 3 stocks more because it's considered traditional and punishes less for mistakes but I have had 2 stock matches almost go to time. If I'm using someone like Ganon, 2 stock matches end really quickly for me. Otherwise it'll take me about the same time it takes me to 3-stock CPUs and human players in Brawl.

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At least the Custom Moves, in my eyes, are balanced.


One custom move allows his up-b to be a much better recovery move.


It doesn't do damage.

The other lets his up-b rack up more damage.


Less recovery, and start-up lag.

They should really, in my opinion, be allowed. They spice up the gameplay, and adds strategy to Smash... Well, more of it, that is.

It's the idea you don't know what your opponent has, or what they could possibly throw at you that gives me the excitement.

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I'm really not a fan of custom moves, since the vast majority of them are just variations of the standard moves. The only exceptions to this are the Mii Brawler/Gunner/Swordfighter and Palutena.

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All the time on With Friends. I use my mii fighters a lot too on With Friends. I have the 3DS version, so i dont do a lot of local play, but With Friends is basically the same concept.

Yeah, i think this is because more hardcore players do For Glory and junk more so they get accustomed to not using custom moves.

*snort* Yeah, ok. *snicker*

Real hardcore players do not play For Glory, they mostly play in person or wi-fi against people they know. That's why FG people usually suck and it teaches you bad habits that won't work in a tourney setting (assuming you care about tourneys of course).

Sorry, but 3DS for the most part is dead. The only people still playing it are people who can't afford or don't think the Wii U version is worth the money. I need to see what For Glory has become on there for shits and giggles.

Edited by Knife
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the custom moveset project actually looks pretty promising imo; at the very least I see it talked about a lot

you upload a handful of custom sets (most characters don't have more than a few viable custom sets) before the tournament, from a single 3DS that has everything unlocked, and then players can just choose like, 2313 Rosalina or something, and it's super quick and easy

[spoiler=explanation]Format: Custom moves are numbered 1-3 as named by the game and are in the order neutral, side, up, down. For Rosalina, 2313 refers to Neutral-2 (Luma Warp), Side-3 (Shooting Star Bit), Up-1 (Launch Star), and Down-2 (Guardian Luma).

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they take way too long to get so getting all of them to become familiar with them is just a pain. it's as op said; nintendo effed up.

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One problem I have with custom moves in tournaments is that people will only use the sets that yield the most success. Everyone I've seen who use the Mii Fighter only uses the smallest, thinnest Mii Brawler with the exact same moves. No Swordfighters, Gunners, or any of the Brawler's other moves. Likewise, Rosalinas will only use the single, far reaching Shooting Star Bit over any of her other options.

In other words, there's little to no variety in what's considered viable for tournaments. It's like everybody using Beat-Up + Terrakion before any good Follow Me users could be used, or like TCG tournaments where the top 8's are mirror matches of the exact same deck.

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One problem I have with custom moves in tournaments is that people will only use the sets that yield the most success.

Shocking that tournament players want to win, right?

Obviously there will be times where one custom move is clearly better than the alternatives, but I think there are more cases where it's dependent on match-ups and personal preference.

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One problem I have with custom moves in tournaments is that people will only use the sets that yield the most success. Everyone I've seen who use the Mii Fighter only uses the smallest, thinnest Mii Brawler with the exact same moves. No Swordfighters, Gunners, or any of the Brawler's other moves. Likewise, Rosalinas will only use the single, far reaching Shooting Star Bit over any of her other options.

In other words, there's little to no variety in what's considered viable for tournaments. It's like everybody using Beat-Up + Terrakion before any good Follow Me users could be used, or like TCG tournaments where the top 8's are mirror matches of the exact same deck.

well i would expect that since people would probably want to win in a tournament where there's money on the line

Customs are amazing.

The guys who made the Apex ruleset are morons.

unless you're some expert TO (online doesn't count), that doesn't mean anything.

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Apex is not stupid for not allowing customs. A tournament of that size needs to run as smoothly and efficiently as possible without worrying about customs. Lots of IRL tournaments banned custom moves before the Apex ruleset was even announced.

They are stupid for two stocks and stage list.

I guess the custom moves projects is nice, but it still requires all moves unlocked on all Wii U, not to mention having one person make sets for all 49 characters (yeowch).

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Real hardcore players do not play For Glory, they mostly play in person or wi-fi against people they know. That's why FG people usually suck and it teaches you bad habits that won't work in a tourney setting (assuming you care about tourneys of course).

Sorry, but 3DS for the most part is dead. The only people still playing it are people who can't afford or don't think the Wii U version is worth the money. I need to see what For Glory has become on there for shits and giggles.


You need to stop caring about being "hardcore". So this thread really is a sly attempt at bad mouthing people who dont play Wii U Smash or "competitively."

You act as if not affording a Wii U or not wanting one is something to sneer at. Grow up.

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Shocking that tournament players want to win, right?

True, but I'd like to see something different for a change.

They are stupid for two stocks and stage list.

2 stocks is widely accepted because of For Glory. More people play there than local or with friends. If anything, blame the majority vote for saying what makes them comfortable. (Also I've had 3 stock matches almost go to time.)

And what is the stage list for Apex? Something wrong with that?

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The Diddy, Sheik, and ZSS, and maybe Luigi army are too strong.

Just pretend it's like YGO and live with the not changing meta because innovation is dead as a concept.

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