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The Avatar

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I think the avatar in this game has too many reclassing options. I like being able to do anything I want with my character but the options are overwhelming to the point of not knowing what I want to do.

I've thought up two ideas of how it would work better.

1. Split it into categories. When making your avatar it could ask what type of unit you want to be (fragile mage, brute strength fighter, etc.)


2. When making your avatar it could have you choose four base classes (The first one you choose being your starting class and the other 3 being your reclassing options)

So what does everyone think of these ideas? Do you think the whole avatar thing would work better with these ideas or worse?

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They pretty much did this with Fire Emblem 12's Avatar system. Personally I would have liked it better if they kept that old system but for the most part, I don't mind the one we have right now.

Edited by kingddd
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I think those options wouldn't help your issues at all. For both options, you can do the specific class that you have plans on anyways, and I have doubts that you'll often need more than four reclass options on one playthrough, so I just view it as a unnecessary restriction. I agree that the diversity of MU is an important factor on why s/he is awesome, but the fact that you can switch between all classes on one save file... isn't. unless you do a grind playthrough and want to accumulate strong skills, and even without that possibility, ultragrinding could easily break the game apart from loony +. So yeah, I don't mind the way MU can reclass either. FE12 MU isn't a good mage if he was a physical class from the start, and vice versa, but once you reclass FE13 MU into basically anything else, you'll likely be on one side of the offensive spectrum only, with some exceptions like Levin!Hero or a Bolt Axe user (though getting MU to bolt axe isn't very easy, and getting all that axe rank brings you into a str-based class for long so 1-2 phys axes will be more worthwhile anyways), so MU's reclass pool isn't abusive.

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I find the Avatar to be an interesting character, but I agree, I'd have rather chosen my Avatar's reclass options so she has the same number of options as everyone else. The Avatar is so broken because he/she can reclass into anything.

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Veteran is simply an overpowered ability that should be removed from future installments. If they have pair up

Also FE12 did much of what you are suggesting. Although I highly enjoy the Tactician class because Magic Swordsmen are like my forte

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Came in expecting a Sue topic.

I'd like option 2 better (3 classes total though, not 4), but doesn't actually solve anything. Having a ton of classes doesn't actually matter if you can't use all of them, and if the exp formula were adjusted to be harsher on strong units, you wouldn't be able to go through more than 2/3 promoted classes ingame no matter how hard you funneled exp, so an exp formula adjustment would do more than any sort of class selection limitations.

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I already limit each of my avatars to 3 classes only, so I would have no problem with being able to select which 3 classes you want them to have!

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I understand they want the avatar to be special. Like its your character, needs to have something out of the norm.

Having its own class, skill set and unlimited class sets is pretty legit but if we just had to choose 3? I'd be ok with that honestly.

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I think the avatar in this game has too many reclassing options. I like being able to do anything I want with my character but the options are overwhelming to the point of not knowing what I want to do.

I've thought up two ideas of how it would work better.

1. Split it into categories. When making your avatar it could ask what type of unit you want to be (fragile mage, brute strength fighter, etc.)


2. When making your avatar it could have you choose four base classes (The first one you choose being your starting class and the other 3 being your reclassing options)

So what does everyone think of these ideas? Do you think the whole avatar thing would work better with these ideas or worse?

Hmm, if it were up to me, I'd make my avatar a physical unit with Thief, Fighter, Merenary, and Cavalier as classes

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