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Using Girl Shampoo When Guy Shampoo Runs Out


Using Girl Shampoo When Guy Shampoo Runs Out  

80 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you find it weird if a guy does that?

    • Yes, that's very awkward
    • I wouldn't do it myself, but I wouldn't hold it against a guy if they did that
    • Not at all, and I'd even do it myself in that same situation

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I have actually never smelled Old Spice, i heard it's not bad but the kids back when i was in high school all wore AXE because they have no taste and that shit was dicks

Old Spice is bomb. At least the OG Old Spice. It is a lighter scent than the body sprays they have now.

AXE is just nasty smelling.

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The shampoo I use myself is pretty gender neutral. I don't mind using the baby shampoo my dad uses (he's got a shot ear (as in deaf) so no water is allowed in, it was the easiest way to avoid prickling his eyes) or even using the "girl" shampoo my sister uses. My mom's shampoo is pretty neutral too.

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I mean, I guess girl shampoo smells a bit more flowery, and guy shampoo smells more like...old spice? LOL. Usually you can't even smell their hair unless you're in close range so it's really not an issue to worry about. If I did end up happening to smell a guy's hair, or was close enough to smell it, and he smelled like girl's shampoo...I mean, it might be a little awk, but not really big a deal. Unless you...just happen to want your hair to smell like flowers?

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It's fucking shampoo why is there even a gender on it

it cleans your hair what is the big fucking deal

Do some men only use products branded FOR MEN or something because their masculinity is so goddamn fragile and can't handle regular shampoo and must smell like some weird "manly" thing when lbr it doesn't even smell good

I personally like stuff that doesn't have any fragrance to it, and is otherwise very plain. Not so much "MANLY" vs non-manly, but most "girls'" shampoo is scented in some way.

Granted, I buy store brand shampoo by the largest, cheapest bottle.

And also my hair is really short and I wash it really well, so I'd be surprised if anyone smelled the shampoo one way or another.

But more on topic, when I'm back home, I'll use whatever shampoo is in the shower, it all does the same thing.

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Note I did mention the keyword some. I was also under the impression that most unscented shampoos are in fairly neutrally-marketed packaging, and I was specifically targetting those with the FOR MEN packaging with extra bold letters and some edgy looking black bottle or something.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Gendered scents can exist I suppose...

Smelling flowery is typically more associated with the feminine, whereas more musky scents are associy with masculine...

...but yeah shampoo? Not really a big deal... Unless you don't use hair product I guess, and are worried about smelling too "feminine" or something?

...just old spice it up. To uh... Smell like a man? :p(Whatevs... Just please don't not shower or overuse some scent)


For myself, I don't particularly care about where I smell more one way or the other, but I prefer old spice and other scents on myself as I find them pleasing on myself, with my natural scent and such, and not too strong or whatever... Plus my wife likes the scent I use from Old spice. :)

...but I used it before it was cool. ;)

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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Note I did mention the keyword some. I was also under the impression that most unscented shampoos are in fairly neutrally-marketed packaging, and I was specifically targetting those with the FOR MEN packaging with extra bold letters and some edgy looking black bottle or something.

My neighbor who i clean for, has White Rain brand shampoo FOR MEN. I give him the benefit of the doubt, because hes over 80 years old. and retired forest ranger He also wears English Leather cologne. I guess its harder for old people to go gender neutral. My dad uses Olay unscented bar soap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

idk if it's just me but i never really felt like there is "girl shampoo"...like, the axe shampoo is marketed for male i guess but pretty much all other shampoo bottles i see and use are just like....normal neutral colors like white and green and brown and blue and stuffs. i guess the tv commercials do a thing but who watches those

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I just use whatever is on the side of the tub.

I also get the best out of every bottle. Almost out of shampoo? Fill the bottle with water and shake it up for one final shampooing!

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  • 3 weeks later...

...There is gender-specific shampoo?


I don't... I... What...?

Sure there is.

Since I've got two older brothers and a father living with me and all of us grow our hair out, guys' shampoo runs out quickly. I use my mom's shampoo sometimes. She always buys this orange scented shampoo that I like using.

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