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Amiibo Compatibility Plz?


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Not every game saves data to the Amiibo though. So far, only Smash and Mario Party 10 will be doing this. And the latter is getting its own set of Amiibos.

Maybe once you input the amiibo into the game, it saves them on the save file not on the amiibo, then u can use it for Smash and have a character on FE:if

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It would be neat to have an amiibo-compatible FE.

I was doubting that the Smash FE amiibos would even get any use at all until Codename STEAM came in and saved the day.

But since we're doing this, at least let the amiibos be able to support other characters. In the DLCs they were definitely on the right path with the einherjars talking to your avatar after the mission, but the einherjars themselves were relatively useless since they were support-locked. They were also just boring Avatars with a blue aura and slightly different caps all around.


If FE14 is going to be amiibo-compatible, then do it RIGHT!

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I agree there, Fry. I'd love to have Ike interact with these new characters and get a unique model again!

Also, I love that Ike Avatar of yours. ^^ Though his cape looks like it's made of metal there... o.O

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I agree there, Fry. I'd love to have Ike interact with these new characters and get a unique model again!

Also, I love that Ike Avatar of yours. ^^ Though his cape looks like it's made of metal there... o.O

The "cape" looks like that because it IS metal. It's actually a boiler that produces steam.

Edited by FierceRagnar
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Why would you want this?

1) it's like $50+ DLC for the existing FE characters

2) They produce them in such limited quantities you can hardly even get them for their base price

3) No thanks.

Edited by ckc22
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Uh, because it's a cool idea?

Also, Amiibos would be entirely optional. If you don't want them, don't get them.

As long as they don't release these amiibo-chips in much cheaper (and more handy) plastic cards, I don't want to see compatibity anywhere outside of Smash Bros. to replace freaking unlockable content! For completionists it's a pain to get these things just to be able to get the most out of a full-price game they paid for.

It's litterally the only thing that's bothering me about Codename: Steam right now.

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...But it's not replacing unlockable content. Smash Bros., Hyrule Warriors, Mario Kart 8, etc. still have regular unlockable content.

For Smash Bros., I can understand it, since it's a big feature of the game and in MK8 and Hyrule Warriors it doesn't unlock anything of interest.

However if the trend continues as it does in Codename: Steam... I know many people are going to be highly dissapointed.

But again, if they released a cheaper alternative for people that don't like expensive plastic figures..

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1. Nintendo DID say that they're going to release card-equivalents of some sort.

2. Amiibos aren't expensive. $13 is a great price for these things. They are expensive in Europe though, I hear, which is where you are.

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1. Nintendo DID say that they're going to release card-equivalents of some sort.

2. Amiibos aren't expensive. $13 is a great price for these things. They are expensive in Europe though, I hear, which is where you are.

1. Miyamoto's card idea was mainly just one of his off-hand ideas. These ideas don't usually go anywhere.

2. While amiibos aren't expensive if you can find them in-store, they're usually pretty scarce and can be hard to find(unless you want the big-names like Pikachu, Mario or Link) if you're not importing or pre-ordering.

I know. I ended up missing out on Marth because I didn't jump on the opportunity at their launch here in the US(my gamestop only got enough Marths for pre-orders only) and don't really want to pay extra for importing or buying from ebay.

I've learned my lesson, though. Got Ike pre-ordered and will pre-order Robin and Lucy when pre-orders go up.

I'll also be looking out for that Marth reprint. Probably won't have any luck there, either though.

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  • 2 weeks later...


They just confirmed that these card-based amiibo they've been working on will in fact be based on already existing figure-based amiibo.

..That being said I still don't want this new FE to feature compatibility (just for the fact that games become less "timeless" whenever they feature stuff like that)

but these are some great news nevertheless.

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Yeah the confirmation of the cards threw me off.

*eats my own words*

I don't like it, though. I collect amiibos for the figures themselves, not really for their in-game functionality.

Hopefully they'll still be producing the statues along with the cards, too.

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Hopefully they'll still be producing the statues along with the cards, too.

Same here. I'd rather have a pretty figure than be stuck with some dumb card. Why can't Nintendo just produce more of the figures? They're obviously in high demand and would net them more money.

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Same here. I'd rather have a pretty figure than be stuck with some dumb card. Why can't Nintendo just produce more of the figures? They're obviously in high demand and would net them more money.

Well, I'd rather have a convenient card than being stuck with some ugly figure. :)

I'm sure they won't stop producing those figures, by the way. They just create cheaper and more handy alternatives now.

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I have to hope there are none of these Amiibo figures in FE14 due to the fact that I stand against the concept of what they stand for. Getting a figure that gives you special privileges for a price in a game you already bought is something that I can't stand for (Its effectively day one DLC )

Amiibo to me is something I fear will grow to the corporate money hogging of EA...

Edited by Dragrath
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