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Monster Hunter 4


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the hunting horn is fucking great don't worry. the specific one in the demo is pretty weak compared to the other weapons though. the charge blade that's available in the demo is particularly strong for example

i love the charge blade so much

boom boom explosions

the reason why everyone should use charge blade

also @ underwater fighting: gunlance forever

3d space is pretty bad on a 3ds though

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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I just noticed the lancer is wearing Black Diablos armor with a Black Diablos Lance. I-it's like Capcom knew what my favorite monster(varient) and weapon type was hnnng. Further more this means Diablos and Black Diablos are in the game, hnnnnnnnnnng. Time for the Gunlance.

Black Diablos Lance? No, it's the monoblos lance. I think the armor is also from Monoblos.

I think that Diablos is gonna be part of the prominent wyvern trio (Rathies, and himself). I can see every Monster Hunter have a Diablos.

Even though I haven't even played 3rd Gen, I'm pretty hyped for MH4U, and I think I've got the gist of the new weapons down (SA and CB/CA, though, I'm not too fond of the glaive).

Also, Rajang Hype (Freaking loved to hunt this Saiyan down)

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I got the demo for this game last week, and i wasnt much of a fan of the last one on 3DS (3 ultimate). But when i started to play the demo, it helped when it gave me a quick tutorial, and i really enjoyed the hunt! It was quite satisfying to see my hits land well, and finally defeat the monster. so i may consider getting the full game when it comes out, or hopefully if it goes on sale for a cheap grab. $60 aint easy to just throw away for me...

Also, i think i got some "special demo", which has unlimited uses. It also has access codes, of which i have three to give away, as per the email i received. Would anyone like one?

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Just wondering, do I have to repeat the quests on Single Player if I've already done them online with other people? Or are they to be completed separate of each other?

Unless they've changed it up, you have to complete the offline single player quests separately from the online ones

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Ahhhhh it's tough adjusting to the new hunting horn but I think as long as I get my evasion skill back I'll be able to adjust alright ;u;

and omg definitely getting that cpp ;~~~;

But I really do need to try out those other new weapons =o Maybe I'll find a new favourite as I did when I got mh3u (although I sort of doubt that, I'm totally spoiled by hh buffs~). I guess I'm too busy trying to get reused to hunting horn to bother with the others ;u;

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I'm enjoying the Insect Glaive, but I don't know if it'll be taking my priority away from my Long Swords, Dual Blades and Bows

Yeah, Insect Glaive looks fun enough to tempt me to try it out. How's its range?

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Yeah, Insect Glaive looks fun enough to tempt me to try it out. How's its range?

From my time with it in the demo I'd say.. around shorter than a long sword by a little bit (don't quote me, been a bit).

But with its leaping and insect sending abilities it makes up for it. It's pretty fast too

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Thanks for the info. I'll probably try one out for a few hunts, but I don't see myself changing from my great sword or sword and shield any time soon. I actually like dealing with the timing of the great sword, haha, even if riding a kirin has, like, been my dream for forever

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Looking through some videos, Insect Glaive is actually a pretty crucial weapon for killing monsters more quickly, especially in group hunts. The pole jump is capable of mounting monsters, which can put them in a downed state once the whole QTE on its back or stomach has succeeded. I like its whole pole jump attack, but I'm kinda confused with the Kinsect's essence system.

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Basically you have this insect thing, and you can send it out to get an extract from the monster and bring it back to you. This gives you a buff. Depending on the body part you send the kinsect to, the extract is a different colour and gives you a different buff. So for exampe, head gives you red extract, and back legs give you orange extract.

There are four extracts:

Red: arguably the most important one. Ups your damage. Generally you get it by going for the head iirc.

White: increases movement speed iirc. It also interacts with the other extracts by augmenting them and extending their duration (red+white makes your attacks faster and an additional damage boost. Insanely good dps. Orange+white gives you a pretty significant additional defence boost.) generally you get it by going for the body iirc.

Orange: defence boost. Generally you get it by going for the back legs and the tail iirc.

If you have these three extract you get additional buffs to all their effects. This lasts for about a minute. Orange and red do not interact with one another.

Green: not sure what this one does. I think it heals you? Dunno.

Obviously this information isnt 100% accurate but its a good intro

Edited by fuccboi
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The sword and shield class seems to be extremely agile and good to use for me. S me as the charge blade, however, the charge blade can get a bit annoying to use when i forget that your movement drastically reduces when you quickly switch to axe

Also is it just me, or do a lot of people doing vids on MH4U on youtube seem to also be using the charge blade?

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Also is it just me, or do a lot of people doing vids on MH4U on youtube seem to also be using the charge blade?

I thought they were all using the glaive, actually, but then again, I haven't watched that many MH4U videos. From what I've seen here, people really like the charge blade.

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