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Bonsoir !


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Phew, first time I ever sign in an english forum, It's going to be tough for me, and probably for you.

Encouraging thought aside, good evening !

My name, or rather my pseudo is B.Leu ! I'm twenty, and I'm a guy.

First you might wonder, what the heck 'B.Leu' mean ? It is Bleu, the french word for 'Blue', with a dot between the B, and the L. I have chosen this pseudo because I wanted to do a 'reference' to France, but also the hair color of almost every Lord of the FE franchise.

How this dot came into the picture ? Well I wanted a short nickname, so feel free to call me 'B'.

As you might have guessed, I'm french, so feel free to do some racist jokes ! Or with Greninja, you know, the blue frog pokemon !

I might use a Greninja kit actually, that would be badass.

My favorite kind of video game are RPG, all kind of them, Secret of mana,TES, Dark souls, Chrono trigger, Shin Megami Tensei, Etrian Odyssey, Dragon Quest, FF, there's just a lot of them. I have to say that I dislike FFXIII.

On the Nintendo side, I have to admit that while I don't dislike Mario and Kirby, I don't like them much either, I'm much more of a Zelda, Fire Emblem and Pokemon fan.

Though I apparently suck at pokemon battle, oh well, I never play online, and I don't wanna, so it's all good.

My first Zelda was A Link to the past, on super nintendo, it was also one of my very, very first game, with Secret of Mana and Super Mario World, and I love it.

It's hard to describe a game that had such a great impact on me, but I will say this: I look at it now and I believe that it's not the best Zelda, but that it's still a great game. Loved A link between world BTW !

I think the only Zelda I never played was Zelda 2, on the NES, though that I have to admit that I dislike the DS Zelda, they're not... my kind.

My first Fire Emblem was Fire emblem 7, on GBA, I remember: I was just so bad at it, that most of my units died, and I had to redo the entire game because of that, with the tutorial and all, and I was so frustrated ! It was at 2000 I believe, when I was eleven. I'm much better at Fire Emblem now.

I loved pretty much all FE, Shadow Dragon and Sacred Stone included, don't see why some people hate them. The one I didn't played was Radiant Dawn, though I've seen let's play of it, as in Mageknight's one and on Lp, and those on the NES, FE1, FE2 and FE3, those on the NES.

My favorite Fire Emblem is Path of Radiance, for me, it is EVERYTHING that I love about Fire Emblem, and I'm disapointed to see that not many FE is like it.

It has a great story, great lore, great characters, great gameplay. Great everything. It's really too bad that they took off the hardest mode, outside of japan, because I really wanted to play it.

If I have some time to kill, I read some fanfiction, or play some Harvest Moon. Nice little seriest this one. I also played some romhack, and I read some manga too, but I can't say that, I love DBZ, some Higurashi. Can't say I really like Bleach and Naruto anymore though.

Funny how no other manga/anime come to my mind.

Phew, long ass introduction is long, I hope it wasn't too tedious for you to read. I probably won't write something as long as that ever I promise.

I hate to say what I will say, but like I said above, I'm french, and most importantly, it's the first time I ever write something in an english forum, I feel confident enough to try. But if I do some minor screw up in the writing category, if it's not much trouble, tell me. And if it's way too much trouble or if it's a major screw up, well, admins know what to do, tell it to me and I'll go away.

I reread the thing, and beside being outrageously long, there is nothing wrong I can spot.

So here we go, Post New Topic.

Sheesh, I sound like a whiny kid there. But I hope we can get along !

... Can i get some moe point for the awkwardness ?

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Ah, so my english isn't bad ? That's a great relief.

To be honest, I always wanted to be part of the forum, but I though my english wasn't good enough, but what precipitated my decision was 'that' new Fire Emblem, I wanted to talk about it, and be a part of all those discussions.
It sounds cliche, but it's true.

Welcome. I will forever associate you with this character because of your username.

Touche ! Funny I didn't even thought about her. Bof's a good series btw. Bof2's my favorite.

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As you might have guessed, I'm french, so feel free to do some racist jokes !

Erm. . .might wanna be careful 'bout this. Rules and all~!

I have to say that I dislike FFXIII.


Ahem. . .welcome to the Forest~! Don't forget to read the rules, and feel free to bug me if you have any questions about them~!

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Welcome to the forest. Don't loose your way.

Your english is fine. As for the other thing, you can have 2 moe points, Collect 9998 more of those and you can serve the moe king himself.

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