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So, the weapons we can have our units use in this game! What do you want to see return and/or go away?

I'm sure many of us want to see Light magic back, and I agree there. Light magic is so pretty and it made me appreciate Rhys more in the Tellius games. He's frail and sickly, yet still goes out there in the battle and starts kicking tail! He might not ever be the best magic user, but still.

But there are two groups of weapons I REALLY want to see back.

1. RD's variety of the weapon triangle. RD was so cool with how many different swords, axes, and lances you could choose from. The Silver Sword and Silver Blade were two different things. The Silver Blade was the more powerful of the two. Then we had, for example, the Silver Lance and Silver Greatlance. Again, the latter is more powerful. And to complete this, we had the Silver Axe and Silver Poleax. I thought this was just really cool and really made you think harder about which weapons are best for your characters.

2. The reaver weapons from the GBA games. Wow, I'm saying I want something from the GBA era back? Yes, yes I am. I thought that these were just genius. The Swordreaver, Axereaver, and Lancereaver actually reversed the weapon triangle, therefore making you think harder and adding challenge to the game.

As for what I would want to be ditched, the bronze weapons plz. They were okay in Awakening, but besides that, they've just been useless. In RD, you got access to iron weapons pretty fast, making the bronze ones totally redundant. I also don't like crossbows. Either make them a bit stronger, or get rid of them all together. They're so weak and regular bows outclass them in every way. I'm glad they weren't in Awakening.

Oh, and if this counts, I want the laguz or laguz equivalent, as usual. I never liked the dragonstone and beaststone business. I very much preferred the claws, breath, talons, and fangs that the laguz had. The laguz could transform without stones and although this meant that they couldn't do much offensively when they had to return to their human forms (due to their transformation gauge), this can still be useful too. Their punches and kicks aren't strong, so they can potentially weaken enemies for your weaker units to kill and get exp from. Also, the laguz's transformation gauges filled up faster when they were attacked, so they'll be able to transform again in no time. They could also use certain items to fill it up or transform again quicker. The laguz are really powerful in their animal forms too, so I felt that their transformation gauge balanced them out so you couldn't just spam them. A weakness to certain types of magic also balanced them.

Of course, there were also the laguz royals who were broken because of their ability to remain transformed. My solution to that? Keep them NPCs. :P Or make one or two playable ONLY at the last chapter or last couple of chapters. PoR did it right with how you got to choose between Naesala, Tibarn, or Giffca in the Endgame, though Giffca wasn't a royal. You could also make the enemies strong enough to be a potential threat to them unless you add in your other units to help them out. Or, the ability to remain transformed can just be removed all together, though that would make the royals stand out a bit less.

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I agree with the reverse weapons returning and the bronze weapons leaving. Can't really comment on the laguz stuff cause I haven't finished PoR or started RD (Though I really want to sometime soon). Aside from the Levin Sword from Awakening, I want to see a return of more magic based swords like the Fire, Thunder and Light Swords from FE4/FE5, as well as the Wind Edge from Radiant Dawn, from what I've seen in videos.

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Oh, the magic based melee weapons were cool too! I especially liked Petrine's Flame Lance, that thing was epic. But unfortunately, none of your playable Paladins had a magic stat that could use it efficiently. RD made it to where magic melee weapons used the strength stat instead of the magic stat, but then that caused units like Mist to be weak because she used swords and had little strength.

I think magic melee weapons should go back to using the magic stat, but some units who use melee weapons should actually have decent magic stats to use them, like Robin in Awakening (but not totally broken. :P). I have a fanfic character that's of the Fighter line, for example, but he has a good magic stat and uses a Bolt Axe later.

The Bolt Axe is epic too, imo.

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I'm hoping any non-human characters have more diversity with attacks like you said. In Awakening, as much as it was cool to have manaketes and taguels, they lacked diversity and didn't make them as fun to use, since there really wasn't much strategy for them. Hopefully they fix this and give them different attacks besides just dragonstone and an upgraded dragonstone that's the same exact thing, just more powerful.

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What do you guys think about Staves? There's quite a few, like Sleep, Silence, Berserk, Warp, Return (If there's a home castle system like FE4). Should the player/enemies have access to these staves if they do return?

Edited by DragonLord
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Reavers were also great alternative weapons.

Lancereavers were pretty much stronger but lighter Steel Swords that reversed the weapon triangle.

Edited by Vermilia Scarlet
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Oh yeah, I have mixed feelings on Sleep staves. On one hand, they're useful to you because of the sleep business. On the other, them being in the enemies' hands made things annoying. lol

I wouldn't mind seeing them back though. Same with Warp, Rewarp, etc. Berserk though, I never got far enough in FE7 to see one of those, but from what I hear, they are annoying when the enemy uses them. So I don't really want them. >_<

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Berserk though, I never got far enough in FE7 to see one of those, but from what I hear, they are annoying when the enemy uses them. So I don't really want them. >_<

I can't tell you how much I dread one part of the final level of FE7 when one of the enemies has a Berserk staff. Definitely not something I would want to see return.

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I would love Sleep staves and Berserk staves to return.

They were useful since in FE 7 I carried Lucius, Canas, Priscilla and Pent all the time, I had an adequate amount of stave users that it was quite useful. Especially since not everyone can carry Bolting.

It's probably because I'm a person who actually uses the Ward staff...

Edited by Vermilia Scarlet
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I kinda have mixed feelings on this. For one, I wouldn't mind seeing light magic again, but on the other hand, screw the magic triangle for being irrelevant crap that didn't really promote strategy.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Actually this topic could include staves as well.


  • reaver weapons, which replace the skills in FE13 (axebreaker etc...)
  • magic bows (flaming arrows, thunderbolt) => belongs to anima magic
  • FE10 weapon types (steel great weapons)
  • magic swords of all elements (FE9 runesword=fire sword, wind sword, thunder sword, light sword, dark sword)
  • bolt axe and flame lance from FE9
  • ballistas
  • knives for thiefs


  • "Blind stave": It reduces the hit rate of an enemy by 50% for five turns
  • "Bann stave": same effect as the warp / teleport stave with the only difference you use it on an enemy
  • "Flame stave": Enemy suffers burns for five turns. It loses 10 HP before each player phase.
  • "Vegetation stave": It changes the enviroment and affects the terrain. The landscape can be changed into desert, snowscape, marshy landscape or volcano terrain. Desert: every unit except for fliers, mages and thiefs are affected. Snowscape: every unit loses three movement. Marshy landscape: every unit is affected except for fliers. Swamp space = thicket. Volcano: Traps appear (as in the GBA-series). If an unit is placed on a trap, it will lose 10 HP everytime. This endures five turns.
  • all the staves of the GBA series have to return
Edited by The Taninator
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Oh, the magic based melee weapons were cool too! I especially liked Petrine's Flame Lance, that thing was epic. But unfortunately, none of your playable Paladins had a magic stat that could use it efficiently. RD made it to where magic melee weapons used the strength stat instead of the magic stat, but then that caused units like Mist to be weak because she used swords and had little strength.

Awakening did this with Levin Swords, Shocksticks and Bolt Axes... They just weren't that useful since there a lot of units were good in Str/Mag but bad in the other. On top of that Ragnell, Gradivus and Helswath exist... In the trailer though you can see one of the units use what seems to be some kind of axe/mace that uses fire. That would be cool to see.

Another thing the trailer showed were Katanas, Naginatas and Maces. If they are similar to RD Greatlances and Poleaxes that'll be a nice surprise. I wonder how they'll be different from the normal kind of weapons since weight is not a thing anymore.

A retun of the status staves would be great! They really made some chapters in old FE difficult(and frustrating) enough that you'll always want to have a spare Restore staff ready to use. FE6 did a great job spamming status staves everywhere, expecially 16x, where it was full of Berserk staff, the AI is set to hit first who has a Restore staff and then those who have low Res(basically everyone but the magic users) and there were long corridors with bolts that damage you, like in the Tower of Valni in FE8. I'd really like to see something like that again!

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They better make Light magic good if they do plan in returning it.

The only reason I remember Light magic being great is because Lucius was such a good unit he made his weapons look better than he did.

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I wouldn't mind bronze weapons if they didn't have piss might. Just promote them to the new iron, promote iron to steel, and steel is intermediate to old steel/silver. We don't need 4 Mt gaps between weapon ranks, 2-3 should suffice. Seconding reavers coming back in place of breakers too.

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Speaking of Dragon and Beast Stones, it kind of bugged me that the Taguel just wasn't anywhere near as good as the Manakete, namely because they both used the strength stat. I'd prefer it honestly if the Manaketes had their attack run off the Magic Stat instead, but that's just wishful thinking. It'd at least make them more of a counterpart than just having Manaketes be completely better.

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Speaking of magic weapons, would anyone like to see the return of the Wind Edge family from RD? I kinda liked that they finally gave swords a physical 1-2 range option that was commonly avaliable.

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Speaking of magic weapons, would anyone like to see the return of the Wind Edge family from RD? I kinda liked that they finally gave swords a physical 1-2 range option that was commonly avaliable.

I'd like that, tbh.

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Speaking of magic weapons, would anyone like to see the return of the Wind Edge family from RD? I kinda liked that they finally gave swords a physical 1-2 range option that was commonly avaliable.

The proper term for 1-2 swords that used ranged attacks based on the Str stat are Storm Swords. Ragnell and its counterpart Alondite, as many Tellius fans could tell you, are examples of Storm Swords. As is Floret, Mist's personal sword, despite it saying that it is actually a Magic Sword.
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I've secretly wanted FE3 manaketes back. (They're basically laguz with a stone, I admit)

They had multiple stones back then IIRC. Stones like Magestones and whatever stone turns the Manakete into an Earth Dragon would make them less boring. Also I never liked the Taguel class, its just a giant bunny. I never played the Ike!FE's but I saw stuff like shapeshifting lions and giant birds. Additions like those would be nice.

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They had multiple stones back then IIRC. Stones like Magestones and whatever stone turns the Manakete into an Earth Dragon would make them less boring. Also I never liked the Taguel class, its just a giant bunny. I never played the Ike!FE's but I saw stuff like shapeshifting lions and giant birds. Additions like those would be nice.

That's corrrect. And ditto on the part about not liking the Taguel class.

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