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I've Had Enough.

The Adonis

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This is my first threat, and most likely my last. I am going to talk about Awakening, so if you aren't interested then feel free to leave. I apologize if I violated any forum rules.

Alright, so I'm sure everyone who's played Awakening knows by now that there's many wars and fights going on over who's canon, who's the right person for who, things like that. Me, I honestly like Chrom and Olivia. I like how Inigo looks identical to Chrom, as well as how he looks nice with Chrom-Blue hair. Don't get me wrong- I'm not going to ramble on how ChromxOlivia is canon or the best or eats the most popcorn. I just want to get that fact aside.

Now, there's millions of people who shipped Chrom and Sumia. I'm not saying this is everyone so please don't say "BUT I DIN DEW IT", but one of the most common reasons why they did was just because of how they think it's canon. Because of the reason that Sumia is standing next to Chrom holding a baby. Well, you know what I think? You people are doing what the game's basically telling you to. It's like it's trying to say, "Hey you got Awakening. Nice. This game is totally your choice when it comes to shipping people. Oh, and by the way, ship Chrom and Sumia cause of how many hints we've given you that they should be together."

So they're basically letting some chip in plastic tell them what to do. I don't know about any of you, but I hate being told what to do.

Oh, so Sumia slaps Chrom and their armor has similar Celtic designs and they have a cut-scene titled Lovebirds. Well that's nice. Now let me give Chrom the choice of someone who doesn't die so easily, doesn't have an annoying high-pitched voice, an even more annoying and immature child, doesn't lack significant confidence, and doesn't seduce people with pies.

Okay, I'll admit. That was uncalled for. Sorry to anyone who feels insulted.

Continuing on, this game is about the choices you make. In fact, it's just a game. If someone tells others who they shipped, people could instantly get butthurt and desperately try to prove who's canon and not and tell some cheap evidence. Do friends really need to fight friends over who they ship?

Okay, I think I said enough. Let me get down to my main point now.

This is a game about your choices. Don't let it tell you what to do; Do what you want and believe in.

I'll stop there and hope I didn't accidentally offend anyone. Thanks for reading.

Edited by The Adonis
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Naw, friends need to fight for friends in ship wars!

In all seriousness, this is a nice post, even if it likely doesn't belong in this section. I ship Chrom x Olivia too, btw. But the only thing that annoys me in this category is all the rabid Chrom fangirls that insist he and the female Avatar are canon and the one true pairing and crap. Uh no. Like you say, the game gives you a bunch of choices. It doesn't make anyone pairing canon (despite the Chrom x Sumia hints, which I never at all liked).

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I didn't think anybody actually cared that much about what is canon and what isn't to actually get upset about it. I mean the game is meant to be played in a way where you can choose people's relationships so I never really cared or was concerned about certain pairings being canon or not.

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Besides the exception of a few vocal people here, I think this rant is kind of... moot?

Shipping wars here are pretty much isolated incidents.

Why do people care so much about which specific characters in a game end up with which specific other characters in said game to the point of literally disagreeing with anyone who says anything otherwise?

"No, it's because they won't shut up about it."

I suggest just ignoring it if it bothers you so much. Like staying away from FF.net or Tumblr or something.

Because from your rant, it's not about you being angry about people shoving it in your face:

Now let me give Chrom the choice of someone who doesn't die so easily, doesn't have an annoying high-pitched voice, an even more annoying and immature child, doesn't lack significant confidence, and doesn't seduce people with pies.

It's more like you just hate the character and don't have an out for it.

Continuing on, this game is about the choices you make. In fact, it's just a game. If someone tells others who they shipped, people could instantly get butthurt and desperately try to prove who's canon and not and tell some cheap evidence. Do friends really need to fight friends over who they ship?

You seem very emotionally invested in this.

When pointing the finger at someone, you should take a look at how you seem first.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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IMO, shipping wars for Fire Emblem Awakening should be over at this point, especially considering the fact that the game is almost 3 years old if going with the Japanese release date and that a new Fire Emblem game is in the works right now.

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It seems a bit unrealistic to expect Awakening's shipping wars to be over after a mere three years. Not only that, but Awakening is still the freshest game in the series and will remain so until the next game is released.

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It seems a bit unrealistic to expect Awakening's shipping wars to be over after a mere three years. Not only that, but Awakening is still the freshest game in the series and will remain so until the next game is released.

Hmm, fair point. It's probably because I was near-oblivious to the shipping wars that go on even though I had the game not long after it's released in America and put about 960 hours of gameplay time into it that I thought that shipping wars would be over at this point. And I keep forgetting that the Miiverse community for Fire Emblem Awakening is still teeming with new players who would bring that stuff up (as well as keep commenting on spoilers).

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This is my first threat, and most likely my last.

...You meant thread, right?

Shipping wars are extremely rare on this forum due to it a) being predominantly gameplay based, b) being dominated by elitists who hammer anything claimed to be canon by anyone other than the devs, and c) having some really nice mods who are good at deescalating blowups (or confining them to single threads), so your rant may be slightly out of context here. If your problem is, in fact, with Sumia herself and not her fans, I advise you take your issue to the permadeath system. It'll help you come up with a fix. But if the fans really are your problem, you'll likely find a little more peace and quiet here than elsewhere.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Is this a rant about casual players just doing what the game tells them to? Once someone is serious enough about the game to be on this site they know that it is about player choices and will have had at least one playthrough where Sumia did not marry Chrom.

It was a mistake for IS to push Sumia over the other choices, but in terms of the fandom I think the female avatar rivals Sumia and is also pushed by the game over most of the other choices if you play as her.

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Did this really need a topic?

I mean, I've written Roy/Shanna before... even though the game pushes Roy/Lilina. I don't have a problem with Lilina or pairing her with Roy...

Also... Chrom x Fe Avatar fans are far more vocal than Chrom x Sumia fans... And your post seems more anti-Sumia than anti-Sumia fans.

I pair Chrom with Olivia every playthrough... but... I can't bring myself to agree with your post. There's nothing wrong with Sumia or the game pushing Chrom/Sumia on you.

Also note I don't have Ike/Elincia vs. Ike/Soren wars with my sister. It's stupid. So... try to not mind others pairing choices.

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I don't see that many shipping wars around these forums so I don't see why you should direct your anger here. But I can see that you're upset about the fanboys/fangirls saying that a certain pairing is "Canon" so on and so forth.

Well that's nice. Now let me give Chrom the choice of someone who doesn't die so easily, doesn't have an annoying high-pitched voice, an even more annoying and immature child, doesn't lack significant confidence, and doesn't seduce people with pies.

But from this one, it sounds like you just hate Sumia and don't want people to pair her up with Chrom because you like Olivia more.

And this is before you emphasize that this is a game about the choices that the player makes. If that is so then why do you sound like you're mad about people picking Sumia over Olivia? More so than you sound mad about people shoving it in your face that their pairing is canon.

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I just find it funny that Awakening blatantly lets you choose pairings, and then people still fight over them. Kind of makes me wonder if having a set in stone canon pairing (like Radiant Dawn kind of) flames more shipping wars or less.

Edited by Radiant head
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I find RD didn't have enough pairing options. It only had a little handful compared to what was in the GBA games or Awakening. And then throughout PoR and RD, plenty of pairings seem viable, so as a result, people will prefer these pairings or these, but many of them don't get their wish granted at the end of the game. My co-author actually decided to skip RD because it "decanonized" his favorite pairings. I think that's kind of silly given that I still loved RD despite it using almost none of my favorite pairings as well, but I do understand his frustration. I wanted to support/pair certain characters as well, only to find that they don't have endings. Or decent conversations since RD's support system is crappy.

Also, I've still seen Ike x Elincia vs Geoffrey x Elincia and Ike x Elincia vs Ike x Mia vs Ike x Soren, etc. Heck, I've met Tibarn x Elincia and Lucia x Elincia fans too. And Soren x Mia fans.

Edited by Anacybele
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I just find it funny that Awakening blatantly lets you choose pairings, and then people still fight over them. Kind of makes me wonder if having a set in stone canon pairing (like Radiant Dawn kind of) flames more shipping wars or less.

It blows up at first and then shuts up people more in the long run.

I remember when I felt betrayed when I finished FE10 after playing FE9 with the English version shipping Ike and Elincia. Hahahaha.

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This thread happened. You picked the least relevant place for this rant. This belongs on tumblr or GFaqs or something.

Hell I can't remember the last time I've seen a shipping war even there. If you see Chrom x Sumia here odds are it's because that's a very powerful pairing gameplay wise.



Love it~

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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I just find it funny that Awakening blatantly lets you choose pairings, and then people still fight over them.

You know that's what's kinda got me. You can literally play the game however the hell you want so who gives a shit what anyone elses pairings are? Its a great game so everyone should just enjoy it and move on.

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Ownage that's incredible.

You know that's what's kinda got me. You can literally play the game however the hell you want so who gives a shit what anyone elses pairings are? Its a great game so everyone should just enjoy it and move on.

Maybe the people who constantly have certain ones rubbed in their face by fanatic fanboys?

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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The game takes place in a literal multiverse. Everyone is canon. There might even be a timeline where Cordelia marries Chrom. Somewhere...in that dark corner over there...Ok maybe not.

Though when you think of it like that, it's weird that certain kids are the same character regardless of who one of their parents are.

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