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Who is the best looking male and female lords ?

Chloe Neo

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Male: Hector, with Ike coming in at a close second. I like fictional beefy guys as a counterpart to my elf-like husband, I suppose.

Female: Elincia, if she counts, otherwise Micaiah, then Eirika.

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Female: Micaiah

I feel like all those those colors on heir outfit come really well together. Some nice red tones there combined with black. I think the red is called Maroon. But whatever it's called, it's pretty good looking and goes very well with her silver hair and dark personality. And I can't really put my finger on it but something about the materials in her outfit makes her really well into the medieval city scenery of Daein for me. I don't like those high heels, though. No wonder she failed to outrun the Begnion soldiers in the intro.

Male: Sigurd

I really like how Ike in Smash4 looks but I never felt that Radiant Dawn itself made him all that good looking. So I went with Sigurd because I like how he is just generally more knightly looking and a bit more of an adult in appearance then all the others, which helps him stand out among all those blue guys. And he is a bit more colorful anyway, with his outfit usually being black and white for the most part, reserving the blue for his cape. It makes him look very elegant. Although, admittedly that forehead isn't doing him any favors in my book.

Edited by BrightBow
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Female: Micaiah

I feel like all those those colors on heir outfit come really well together. Some nice red tones there combined with black. I think the red is called Maroon. But whatever it's called, it's pretty good looking. And I can't really put my finger on it but something about the materials in her outfit makes it fit her really well into the medieval city scenery of Daein. Although wearing high heels isn't doing her any favors for me. No wonder she failed to outrun the Begnion soldiers in the intro.

Male: Sigurd

I really like how Ike in Smash4 looks but I never felt that Radiant Dawn itself made him all that good looking. So I went with Sigurd because I like how he is just generally more knightly looking and a bit more of an adult in appearance then all the others, which helps him stand out. He also has some nice black elements to him as well. Although, admittedly that forehead isn't doing him any favors.

Aww... you removed the really funny "Marth" line...

But I'm a bit confused... how does Ike look any better in SSB4 than FE10?

It's the exact same design, as far as I could tell...

That said, I dislike FE10!Ike's design an awful lot. I don't like guys like that.

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Aww... you removed the really funny "Marth" line...

But I'm a bit confused... how does Ike look any better in SSB4 than FE10?

It's the exact same design, as far as I could tell...

That said, I dislike FE10!Ike's design an awful lot. I don't like guys like that.

I wanted to avoid mocking other people's opinions. Or at least avoid to sound like that's what I'm aiming for. But I'm glad someone liked it.

As for Ike, I don't know to be honest. I can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's just because I am biased because he is so dramatically different from PoR and I'm over that by know (not to mention being very happy over Ike's return in the new Smash). But whatever the reason, something about him in RD just doesn't click with me compared to how he is in Smash 4.

But he is definitely not entirely identical in both games. Like, the Smash 4 version has a symbol on the back of his cape which isn't in RD's artwork and Ragnell is larger and more massive.

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But he is definitely not entirely identical in both games. Like, the Smash 4 version has a symbol on the back of his cape which isn't in RD's artwork and Ragnell is larger and more massive.

They're mostly the same, but yeah I prefer SSB4 Ike. He's not as steroid-bound as RD Ike.

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Male: Alm

Female: Celica

Sorry guys, I don't want to be too mainstream. You guys need to learn how to appreciate the overlooked characters and understand their true beauty. Don't conform to what society tells you is right, rebel and carve your own path in this world.

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RD Ike is less muscular than Smash 4 Ike

They're mostly the same, but yeah I prefer SSB4 Ike. He's not as steroid-bound as RD Ike.

They both look the same to me, aside from the length of the headband...

And I don't think either one look like they're on steroids. RD/Smash 4 Ike looks like your average NFL player that regularly exercises and body builds to me. And the NFL bans the use of performance enhancing drugs and does regular drug tests on the players.

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I suppose it's just the effects of the 3D rendering but Ike's biceps look noticeably larger in Smash 4. ITT Ike is in the NFL and plays for the Gallia Lions.

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I still see no difference in the biceps here. Maybe Smash 4 Ike has his SLIGHTLY larger, but that's it. But man, I still wonder why Ike's headband got shortened. Maybe it just couldn't fit on the model somehow without it taking up too much space or Sakurai thought it looked silly. xP

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It could also be that Ike's torso at least looks proportionally smaller; Either way the proportions aren't exact on that


Male: Hector

MUSCLES and my favorite short hairstyle

I mean I prefer long hair but only Seliph has long out of the dudes and IDK his art makes him look too young for my tastes; Put his hair on sigurd on the other hand...

As for Ike I greatly prefer RD version to PoR, which isn't PoR's design's fault by any means. RD Ike has the combination of a more mature-looking face by virtue of being, well, older, and as resident muscle artist more muscle is better muscle get fucking swole

Female: IDK they all look pretty good to me. Queen!Elincia has my favorite design, though, and if Elincia doesn't count (she should IMO) I'm fond of DLC Lyn.

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I think she is too, but I don't consider her a lord in either game. She's barely playable in PoR, and she only has a big role in part 2 of RD. She's a major female overall, but not a lord, imo. Micaiah is more of a lord than she is.

Robin/Avatar I do consider a lord, especially if people say Lucina is one.

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Yeah, exactly! The steroids jokes always annoyed me for that reason, though I try to ignore them. It's not just because I love Ike a lot, it's also the fact that I like his muscles, and when people say they look like he's on steroids and that it's ugly, I just feel like they're saying my tastes suck, though unintentionally.

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It's also like have they looked at actual athletes

I was studying athletic builds last night and Ike's build honestly reminds me of basketball players (except maybe not quite as tall), who are definitely jacked and very strong but not even the most jacked of athletes anyway

IDK after having actually drawn muscles for years Ike's muscles are actually fairly small compared to the muscles I tend to draw

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I know, I've looked at a lot of athletes myself due to being an NFL fan and being into muscley guys. I also walk past the men's underwear section every day at work because I have to go that way to get to the stockroom, and those always picture muscular dudes on the covers of the packaging.

Ike's body looks just like some of them.

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