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Who is the best looking male and female lords ?

Chloe Neo

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Female: A close tie between Micaiah and DLC Celica. I also think Lucina makes a close runner up, though that's a personal dark hair bias. Next in line of course is Eirika.

Male: Don't expect this entry to be educated at all, I can't for the life of me pick out good looking men. Ephraim? If I had to pick anybody it would be him. Next would be Sigurd. Blue hair + horse riding = attractive, apparently.

I feel the need to point out that the artidt who drew Celica's DLC artwork mostly draws porn.

Hey, if the man's good the man's good. People fail to realize Hentai artists still need to be GOOD. Even if they are cheap.

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Male: FE12 Marth

Female: Micaiah

lock the thread, you can go home now, i posted the correct answers

Edited by Sophie
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Hey, if the man's good the man's good. People fail to realize Hentai artists still need to be GOOD. Even if they are cheap.

I feel the need to point out that the artidt who drew Celica's DLC artwork mostly draws porn.

Fun fact: the Celica DLC artwork isn't the first time that an artist who does erotic artwork got involved with Fire Emblem -- Shirou Masamune (who made his fair share of hentai artwork) did artwork for FE11 and I think FE12.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Male: RD Ike, with maybe Chrom as a somewhat close second. I'm not gay, but I gotta say I dig the more rugged look on a guy.

Female: Seliph. If we can count Elincia, she'd beat everybody by a mile in my book (long live the queen), but if not, I can settle on Eirika.

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For female I have to go with Micaiah (I honestly feel the game was held back by Ike's Greil Mercenaries and the Crimean forces taking so much attention as I feel it would have been quite interesting to focus on the DB maybe Fiona and Meg wouldn't have turned out that garbage w/ more effort on their designs...) I liked her use of magic instead of the classic swords especially Thani the feel of OHKOing Bosses early on with the spell was just exhilarating... (shame her personality was crap and she was basically overshadowed by Ike...) The magic focused early part was a quite enjoyable part of the game in that respect...

For Male Chrom wins design wise as he feels the most regal of Modern Lords. Conversely Ike looks like a muscle bound meat head I expect him to wreck things but not be a great leader tactically (face it Soren was the tactics...)

Edited by Dragrath
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For Male Chrom wins design wise as he feels the most regal of Modern Lords. Conversely Ike looks like a muscle bound meat head I expect him to wreck things but not be a great leader tactically (face it Soren was the tactics...)

Yeah, but how is that conversely? Robin was Chrom's tactician. Chrom is basically an even duller version of Ike.

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I agree, Chrom is kind of handsome (I don't like his outfit though), but he knows even less of tactics than Ike. Ike actually has some degree of knowledge on this since he gives Jorge and Daniel advice on strategies for a war game. And this is in PoR. Imagine how much more he might know in RD, even though Soren is still around. Soren is still there because Ike just won't ever beat him when it comes to tactics and they're best friends.

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I agree, Chrom is kind of handsome (I don't like his outfit though), but he knows even less of tactics than Ike. Ike actually has some degree of knowledge on this since he gives Jorge and Daniel advice on strategies for a war game. And this is in PoR. Imagine how much more he might know in RD, even though Soren is still around. Soren is still there because Ike just won't ever beat him when it comes to tactics and they're best friends.

Especially since Soren is still around. I mean, three years being in that guy's proximity has got to have some effect on you, not to mention how close he and Ike were...

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Why does nobody want my waifu Celica as a waifu? She's not an ugly person, she is the best looking without a doubt. I'm talking FE2 art. I am very offended.

I like Celica FE2 art just sux.

As in a lot

The porn artist made her look pretty, thankfully.

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Male: I've gotta go with Alm. He's just so adorable. That baby face suits him :3

Female: Celica. Definitely Celica. I mean...


C'mon now. How can you say that isn't attractive?

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Gonna have to go with Eirika on this one for the ladies.

Seems she gets paired with the Tactician in non-Awakening fanfics more than anyone except Lyn, despite the fact that Sacred Stones didn't have a tactician in-game

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Seems she gets paired with the Tactician in non-Awakening fanfics more than anyone except Lyn, despite the fact that Sacred Stones didn't have a tactician in-game

Likely because idunno, she starts out as the BRIDE CLASS IN THE DLC?

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