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Who is the best looking male and female lords ?

Chloe Neo

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Can't see how you can't choose Ike for the bros. Dude's an inspiration, makes me want to go hit a gym so hard it explodes! RAWR! As for Ssb4 Ike and RD Ike, I feel like the main difference is that his muscles are a little bigger in ssb4, but in RD the muscle lines are darker so he looks a lot more toned in RD. At least in the portrait, ssb4 Ike is like RD cutscene Ike I suppose.

Makes me wish there were more muscly females in FE dressed similarly as Ike does. Muscles are hot on the ladies too! This is probably related to my female choice.

Lyn, gotta say she gets my vote because back when I was 15 or so playing the game for the first time I though she was super-mega-sexy-hot! Yep, those were the days. Too bad game characters don't grow up like you do, she'd make a super hot tweenager. But it's ok, I've moved on to adoring Titania. Yay progress!

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Also, while I'm not sure on this, I think Sanaki does count as a lord. So if younger = better, wouldn't she be the best?

I would've easily vote for her, but "younger = better" isn't my criteria...

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Male : Hector or Ephraïm maybe. I really enjoyed the possibility to play Axe and Spear bearers lords but I also liked their personalities . Maybe more Hector, funnier and I was very sad of his fate in Fūin no Tsurugi, so I'll choose him. I also like Ike but I think it's because he was the main protagonist of two games so his character was more developed and ended very (too ??) powerful with his third promotion.

Female : Before Lucina, it was definitely Lyndis, now I'm hesitating.

Don't care, I love both, why choosing ^^

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I'm going to say Marth and Lucina.

I have trouble fighting them in Smash 4. Their faces and voices are so hot. Both of them. Damn. I can't think straight when I fight with/against them.

Especially when Lucina does that taunt where she puts on her mask and poses fabulously. Yeah.

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Males: Ephraim, because he can bed more women than Ike, who probably only bedded So- *shot*

Females: Lyndis, the plains girl that somehow wields a rapier-katana-BFS hybrid. And it slows her down considerably... Hey, is there any way to make using that thing viable?

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Male: I'm gonna throw out some love for Eliwood. (For even more scandal: I do like redheads)

Female: Probably Lucina, although Lyndis is definitely right there too. (There are so many good looking girls outside the Lords too!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Male: Hector and Ike. Not surprising.

Female: Lyn is my first, Lyn is the best. I like Eirika, apparently people dislike her, but I don't, she is... simple.

... Does Caeda and Elincia counts as Lorde ?

Edited by B.Leu
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Male: Hector and Ike. Not surprising.

Female: Lyn is my first, Lyn is the best. I like Eirika, apparently people dislike her, but I don't, she is... simple.

... Does Caeda and Elincia counts as Lorde ?

Caeda: No

Elincia: Nobody agrees.

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... Does Caeda and Elincia counts as Lorde ?

No, though Elincia has a stronger case for lordship ​so basically what Glaceon just said. If they did, I would definitely have listed Caeda as the best-looking girl.

Edited by The Legendary Falchion
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Elicia is a strong candidate for a sort-of-lord/main character type so she can be put down in the comments.

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Elincia is not a lord. I don't know why people consider her such, she is clearly not one. She's a main character in PoR, but she isn't even playable until towards the end. She doesn't get to seize or anything either, not even in RD. And in RD, she's only a commander in one or two chapters. So if she's a lord there, Geoffrey is one too, and I don't think anyone would call him a lord.

Robin is more of a lord than Elincia is and I've seen people say he/she's not one either. But imo, Robin is a lord, Elincia isn't. I'd have said Elincia is the best looking female if she was one though.

Edited by Anacybele
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Elincia has a unique class in FE10, unlike Geoffrey. She's more a lord than he is (though I think if a third character was to be considered a lord to FE10, it would be Sanaki since she's endgame forced).

Edited by Glaceon Lord
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The laguz royals have unique classes too. I just looked it up, Nailah's class is Wolf Queen. Tibarn's is Hawk King, and so on. Nobody calls them lords though. Tibarn is almost one though, as he does get to be the commander of the Hawk Army in part 4.

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Well, the question is complicated. 'cuz Robin is not only a main character, he is the main character of his game with his own classes.
While Elincia is 'just' a main character. WIth just one scenario on her own, but with and her own classes. Micky is the main character of her own game, though in the end Ike is more like the main character or both game.

It's complicated. And we can go far like that, though yeah, in the end I agree, Elincia's not a lord.

Oh boy... I started something after talking about Elincia, didn't I ?

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Seliph's design appeals to me the most out from the males, from females...Hm...Probably Lucina.

Gotta be that glorious hair.

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