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Most annoying bosses


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Kinda goes with the hardest bosses, but kinda not...I made this thread because I was unsure. The other day I was on the RD chapter in part 3 called Marauders, where the Crimean Royal Knights have to defend a village from Begnion soldiers. The boss, a halberdier named Roark, wasn't as hard as he was annoying. I'd get him down to almost dead, and he'd use a concoction his next turn. This happened like 3 times! I had used a master crown on Kieran so I probably could've had him roflstomp him, but I wanted to build up the others. I was using Marcia, Geoffrey, and Danved. That obviously wasn't working. In the end one hand axe hit by Kieran followed by Geoffrey with a brave lance did the trick.


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I posted this in the other thread, but I think it deserves to repeated here: The Chapter 3 boss in Shadow Dragon. I was playing on Normal difficulty, and he still could double the vast majority of my PC's. Worst of all, he has a Hand Axe equipped, meaning that I can't put Wrys behind a sword user without exposing him to being killed.

Also, there's both Ashnard and the Black Knight in Path of Radiance.

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FE11 C1 Boss. He just does dodgefest and eats my time (and turns on runs where I care). There's nothing that can trivialize him either when compared to C2 (savepoint + ogma + jagen + barst) or C3 (savepoint + ogma KE crit + barst devil axe).

Generic bosses like on FE12 C21 that are failures in their complete existence and combat-wise too and just sit there at the gate and eat shit, out of which their heads consist




FE6 every other throne boss

FE12 Medeus can be annoying if I don't have enough staves for a 1-turn and on 2, Dragons block the way, with me not tending to forge a +9 dragonpike often

FE13 Grima the dodgefest. He isn't particularly difficult to kill once you rigged successfully, but the dodges are sort of annoying. more than annoying not actually, but we're discussing annoying things!

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Most bosses in FE6, because of their throne bossts.

However FE5 seems to be worse, because bosses have +10 (!!!) defense on their throne.

Hard mode Ashnard. He blatantly goes after people who can't damage his blessed armor. Freaking coward.

You have to clean up the map till turn 9 before Ashnard starts to move.

(Berserk) Ashnard can be beaten in one turn, if Ike has wrath and resolve

Kinda goes with the hardest bosses, but kinda not...I made this thread because I was unsure. The other day I was on the RD chapter in part 3 called Marauders, where the Crimean Royal Knights have to defend a village from Begnion soldiers. The boss, a halberdier named Roark, wasn't as hard as he was annoying. I'd get him down to almost dead, and he'd use a concoction his next turn. This happened like 3 times! I had used a master crown on Kieran so I probably could've had him roflstomp him, but I wanted to build up the others. I was using Marcia, Geoffrey, and Danved. That obviously wasn't working. In the end one hand axe hit by Kieran followed by Geoffrey with a brave lance did the trick.


This is a possible 3-turner with Marcia. If she has 23 strength, maxed speed and a brave lance, she can take him out in one turn.

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You have to clean up the map till turn 9 before Ashnard starts to move.

(Berserk) Ashnard can be beaten in one turn, if Ike has wrath and resolve

I know, but I couldn't reach him in that many turns. I ended up just having Ike solo the map.

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Reinhardt, and any fe5 bosses I am forgetting who move and have a good chance to proc another movement.

The desert bandits in fe6.

The black knight in fe9.

The Pegasus boss in fe10 4-1.

Gabriel in fe13. I have never lost a unit on his chapter, but dealing with him is usually a bit tricky.

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Reinhardt, especially if you're like me and want to make sure Olwen talks to him to get the Holy Sword AND make sure to steal his Dime Thunder off him (usually via capture, because Lifis usually doesn't have the build to be able steal from him) so Olwen has a spare.

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Gabriel in fe13. I have never lost a unit on his chapter, but dealing with him is usually a bit tricky.

I assume you meant Gangrel.

Anyways, I have to mention Gangrel for the reasons I did back in the other thread. Also, Validar on anything above normal (I mean chapter 6 Validar in particular).

I also agree on FE9 Black Knight.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Ashera is tons of bullshit, as is Judah.

I can't agree more. Ashera and Judah really are ridiculous compared to any boss in the entire 13 games.

Unlike the black knight battle in Radiant Dawn, the one in path of radiance was extremely cheap. Not only did it throw Mist in to punish anyone who didn't use her(but why would you, as Rhys is much better for the role) but the battle is also luck reliant. In a game where its all about strategy, having a battle about luck is just...wrong. Firstly, if you didn't teach Ike his aether skill, you can't win. And if you want to win, you must have luck. It doesnt help healing yourself and fighting forever, as there is a turn limit too. So not proccing aether during the few turns means you can't win. To be fair, you don't have to, but its canon that Ike wins, so perfectionists won't be pleased.

And if you fail? Restart the entire chapter up until that point, which is quite a large and long chapter. Great.

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I can't agree more. Ashera and Judah really are ridiculous compared to any boss in the entire 13 games.

Unlike the black knight battle in Radiant Dawn, the one in path of radiance was extremely cheap. Not only did it throw Mist in to punish anyone who didn't use her(but why would you, as Rhys is much better for the role) but the battle is also luck reliant. In a game where its all about strategy, having a battle about luck is just...wrong. Firstly, if you didn't teach Ike his aether skill, you can't win. And if you want to win, you must have luck. It doesnt help healing yourself and fighting forever, as there is a turn limit too. So not proccing aether during the few turns means you can't win. To be fair, you don't have to, but its canon that Ike wins, so perfectionists won't be pleased.

And if you fail? Restart the entire chapter up until that point, which is quite a large and long chapter. Great.

I kinda disagree with the statement I bolded - I mean, sure, Rhys will heal more than Mist, but oftentimes, I find that Mist generally heals enough to get a unit back in the game. The issue here is that Mist has better supports (by which I mean supports better characters among the ones not shared by both she and Rhys) and better affinity for supports, and gets a horse after promotion.

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Lundgren Lundgren Lundgren Lundgren.

All of your squishy little unprompted units vs. General with Javelin and a Silver Lance and HP regen who can two-round anyone not named Wallace. Even Lv. 11 Sain w/ Heavy Spear doesn't stand a chance. Wil won't do crap against him, and chances are Erk and Lucius aren't strong enough to hold their own due to Lyn's super short story.

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I assume you meant Gangrel.

Anyways, I have to mention Gangrel for the reasons I did back in the other thread. Also, Validar on anything above normal (I mean chapter 6 Validar in particular).

I also agree on FE9 Black Knight.

Ya I meant Gangrel. I was posting with my phone so the autocorrect messed me up.

I've only played Lunatic past Validar's first chapter once, but I didn't have much trouble with him at that time. Maybe it was in part because I wasn't trying to beat the chapter quickly, meaning he ended up with very little support on the part of other enemy units by the time he moved up the map some.

I can't agree more. Ashera and Judah really are ridiculous compared to any boss in the entire 13 games.

Sorry to sound kinda skeptical about this, but why are you and others listing Ashera as "ridiculous?" I honestly think she's pretty easy as far as FE bosses go. She doesn't even have some ridiculous OHKO mastery skill once you get past her barriers. I honestly think Dheginsea is more challenging for this reason.

EDIT-And ya, actually, Lundgren is kind of obnoxious. I think the people who play the game with turncounts in mind tend to promote Sain or Kent during Lyn's story, so one of those guys can probably run roughshod over Lundgren.

Edited by Severlan
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Ya I meant Gangrel. I was posting with my phone so the autocorrect messed me up.

I've only played Lunatic past Validar's first chapter once, but I didn't have much trouble with him at that time. Maybe it was in part because I wasn't trying to beat the chapter quickly, meaning he ended up with very little support on the part of other enemy units by the time he moved up the map some.

Ehhh, for me, it's the part where he has Anathema, and you likely won't have anyone with enough Luck that he will NOT have crit on you after Anathema, and the part where, being a mage type boss, he hits hard. He has Vengeance on Lunatic, too.

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I kinda disagree with the statement I bolded - I mean, sure, Rhys will heal more than Mist, but oftentimes, I find that Mist generally heals enough to get a unit back in the game. The issue here is that Mist has better supports (by which I mean supports better characters among the ones not shared by both she and Rhys) and better affinity for supports, and gets a horse after promotion.

Well, I won't argue about characters, as everyone likes other characters and the fact that the lvl up stats are random make sure other people have other good units.

I really did try to make Mist viable, but as I played on the hardest difficulty blind, I found that Mist doesn't heal enough. She has pretty low magic stat and not much else going for her. She had 6 lvl ups, which were all 1-2 stats per lvl up, and they were all on something useless like luck or skill. Rhys on the other hand had a lot of magic and kept having rather decent level ups, making him easily the better choice. Hes also so lovable as a character, due to how nice of a character he is.

Ya I meant Gangrel. I was posting with my phone so the autocorrect messed me up.

I've only played Lunatic past Validar's first chapter once, but I didn't have much trouble with him at that time. Maybe it was in part because I wasn't trying to beat the chapter quickly, meaning he ended up with very little support on the part of other enemy units by the time he moved up the map some.

Sorry to sound kinda skeptical about this, but why are you and others listing Ashera as "ridiculous?" I honestly think she's pretty easy as far as FE bosses go. She doesn't even have some ridiculous OHKO mastery skill once you get past her barriers. I honestly think Dheginsea is more challenging for this reason.

EDIT-And ya, actually, Lundgren is kind of obnoxious. I think the people who play the game with turncounts in mind tend to promote Sain or Kent during Lyn's story, so one of those guys can probably run roughshod over Lundgren.

Gangrel wasn't too bad on lunatic. What made me restart his chapter multiple times were all the unexpected reinforcements and the fact that all the units next to Gangrel, and Gangrel too, if you are in range of any of them(which were quite many).

About Ashera, I started writing the answer, but it turned out too big of an essay. To put as simple as possible, everything about the fight is annoying and hard, from her insanely high avoid(Ike with capped stats having 56% hit for example) to her incredible attacks no other boss ever had(kills your more squishy units instantly, especially the heron). I was so confused for so long about her attacks, as I couldn't figure out when it was magical and when physical, as the damage varied on all units(you could cheat and see on the internet that the distance matters too, but if you don't you will be quite confused). If I didn't have Boyd with Urvan and Shinon with the double bow, the fight would have been impossible, as only those two did a lot of damage on 100% hit.

So, its not too hard IF you know her attack pattern, perfectly use the terrain and many other things, but its still quite tough. Easily the hardest boss in any fe by far.

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Well, I won't argue about characters, as everyone likes other characters and the fact that the lvl up stats are random make sure other people have other good units.

I really did try to make Mist viable, but as I played on the hardest difficulty blind, I found that Mist doesn't heal enough. She has pretty low magic stat and not much else going for her. She had 6 lvl ups, which were all 1-2 stats per lvl up, and they were all on something useless like luck or skill. Rhys on the other hand had a lot of magic and kept having rather decent level ups, making him easily the better choice. Hes also so lovable as a character, due to how nice of a character he is.

So your argument for Rhys being better is mostly backed by personal experience. Personal experience means nothing, you know. Anyways, I still think my argument stands, if only because in general, I found Rhys' healing to be overkill. Take the earlygame, for example. Boyd's one of only a few characters who'll have enough HP that Rhys' extra healing MIGHT make a difference...

Anyways, so I don't drag this off topic, I'll mention Carlyle. Fast and hard to hit, and, being a swordmaster, getting up close means having to roll the dice and hoping he doesn't crit (and as he uses a wind sword, he attacks resistance, which for most non-mages, tends to be le crap).

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Ike with maxed strength and nihil is able to beat BK in 5 turns with 10 regular hits, if he can hit him every time.

This statement fails to factor in the bishops that show up about halfway in.

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Florete, February 3, 2015 - No reason given
Hidden by Florete, February 3, 2015 - No reason given

Derp. Please delete.

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So your argument for Rhys being better is mostly backed by personal experience. Personal experience means nothing, you know. Anyways, I still think my argument stands, if only because in general, I found Rhys' healing to be overkill. Take the earlygame, for example. Boyd's one of only a few characters who'll have enough HP that Rhys' extra healing MIGHT make a difference...

Anyways, so I don't drag this off topic, I'll mention Carlyle. Fast and hard to hit, and, being a swordmaster, getting up close means having to roll the dice and hoping he doesn't crit (and as he uses a wind sword, he attacks resistance, which for most non-mages, tends to be le crap).

Personal experience means more than facts in this game, considering that facts are not facts, but mostly "probabilities". You can guess the average stats from the growth rates, but you having lower or higher than average is definitely possible.

And about the healing, not sure which difficulty you played on, but the healing Mist does is only acceptable at the mission she joins. You fail to factor in 3-4 missions from there, where you will have many characters who need 2 or even 3 turns of healing to get back to full health from critical condition, while Rhys can do it in one.

But I'll stop here to stop derailing the thread.

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This statement fails to factor in the bishops that show up about halfway in.

When do two bishops appear?

NEVER happened in my runs. A bishop and two helbardiers with a spear appear.

If only one bishop appaers, it wouldn't matter.

Ike can survive three hits by BK, if he has maxed defense and at least 58 HP. In the end of turn 2 Mist heals / recovers Ike. In turn 3 Ike can attack twice without healing while Mist can kill the bishop.

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Lloyd on throne in FE7's Cog of Destiny.

Fighting a Swordmaster on a throne is never fun for multiple reasons:

1) His insane Speed + Throne's added Avoid bonus.

2) His doubling potential and his crit potential thanks to being a Swordmaster.

3) He has a Runesword which does prevent crits and does Magic damage from afar. Kind of means fighting up close is not preferred and only certain units should fight him from afar.

4) Hard mode: He has 20 Res. It's more than his 16 Def.

He does get off his throne if you talk to him with Nino... of which he will proceed to go attack anyone he sets his eyes on. I could try that strategy if he doesn't attack Nino after the talk but my best bet to actually fight him is if I got a well-raised promoted Priscilla or Florina from a distance.

This and doing this either for a ranked run, HHM, or HHM ranked makes me dread this chapter every time. It's like it almost punishes me for getting my lords to level 50+ for Geitz and the Arena access earlier. Or making Wallace lose his way.

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