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How the *BLEEP* am I supposed to get max BXP in chapter 15?

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I have just reached chapter 15 in my fiirst POR run, and can't resist the 1000 or so bonus exp you get for all laguz surviving. Thing is, i have no idea whatsoever how to do that while still getting all of the items and steven. For reference, my team is as follows:

Ike Lvl 18

Zihark Lvl 15

Soren Lvl 17

Nephenee Lvl 15

Oscar Lvl 18

Kieran Lvl 13

Rolf Lvl 14

Rhys Lvl 16

Jill Lvl 14

Boyd Lvl 16

I am fine with using other characters or larger then usual amounts of BXP for this level to get the rewards. (was planing on deploying lethe or mordechi to get steven anyway). The exact stats of any given character are available upon request.

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You'll need to memorize which Laguz will come to attack you and which will not. As for Lethe and Mordecai, be very careful. If they shift and start attacking, a Laguz will most likely die before you get Stefan.

I would not suggest going for all treasures if you want to lessen the time on the map for you to mess up. Top priorities are: Boots, Stefan, (maybe) Physic, Statue Frag (if you want to sell for cash), White Gem for cash.

At this point, I have Soren and Jill (nearly?) promoted. They'll be the ones traversing the desert to go after Muarim or distraction. Volke (and Sothe) will traverse to get the hidden treasures I want. I ended up with Soren being the Muarim-killer with Jill helping out.

A few strategies I did:

1) stay out of range of enemies who will shift but not move

2) have high defense characters unequip and take hits from enemies. This is to force the Transformation gauge to go down and have them unshift earlier.

3) hit enemies until near death. Risky because a couple might try to suicide but they will flee to an ally to trade for Vulneraries and stop attacking until fully healed.

4) for the really weak enemies, I boxed them in with units so they couldn't go for any of my lower defense units (I was doing this for a RD Support Library completion run so this may not be applicable for you)

I didn't do this when I went for no Laguz kills but it might help to have both Mordecai and Lethe fielded and have Mordecai keep Smiting Lethe closer to Stefan's spot. The only issue is Lethe will Transform first and will get into combat with no way to make her stop.

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To get the items, use the thieves. Base Sothe and Volke can actually take an attack from most of the enemies on the map.

Don't bring Oscar and Kieran as they're pretty useless. Bring both Lethe and Mordecai. Lethe gets to Stefan faster and Mordecai's smite is a lifesaver on this map.

Don't worry about all the treasure either as some of it is pretty lame (Statue Frag, Coin). I'd focus on Guard, Physic and White Gem (these can be gotten in 3 turns with both thieves) and anything else is a bonus.

I'd also BXP one of Zihark/Soren/Nephenee to be your Maurim slayer and have Jill ferry them to Maurim.

This is one map you really want to get done with fast. I'd even consider deploying Marcia as a ferry bot but I'm not too sure how well base Marcia does at this map (probably not well).

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The only things worth getting is the boots and Stefan. Everything else is shit you'll never use. White gem is a thing but you get a bazillion gold in this game anyway.

I deployed Jill, Marcia, Lethe, Volke, and Sothe. That's all you need. The more you deploy the harder it gets. Jill wants to be promoted in this map to save like a turn or something. Give Marcia the laguz guard.

My Marcia was jacked enough to ORKO Maurim with the Laguz Lance (albeit it with shaky hit rates since Maurim is a tough bugger). Jill makes a mad dash towards the mountain to drop Lethe who recruits Stefan. Sothe makes a mad dash towards the boots while Marcia covers his ass. Volke can safely get the frag by himself since those Laguz don't transform until a few turns in.

Edit: Saw you don't have Marcia on your team. Dang Jill's gonna be working overtime then.

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The Coins are useless, and I wouldn't recommend going for the Statue Frag and White Gem (although you can have Stefan step on the area after you recruit him for a 28% chance to obtain it) either if you're going for max BEXP on this chapter. The longer you wait to kill Muarim, the more likely it is that a laguz will find a way to suicide on one of your units. For reference, a non-Thief's chance to find an item is equal to their Skill+1

What I remember doing is having Jill (Marcia is too light) rescue Lethe and fly towards Stefan unequipped. Jill can drop Lethe on turn 2 in range of Stefan but out of range of any enemies she can kill. Turn 3, just have Lethe recruit Stefan, then Stefan and Jill each have a chance at finding the White Gem.

On the other end of the map, Sothe can run down the bottom to get Guard, then up to get the Silver Blade without being in danger of dying even if he's at base stats. He might be able to get the Shine on the last turn, but I'm not sure. He can definitely get the Coin on the west edge of the map. Volke can run up and get Physic turn 1 and the Boots on turn 3. He'll have to tank a couple enemies so make sure to give him a Vulnerary or Elixir.

As for killing Muarim, he's got 17 speed so you won't be able to double him with an unpromoted-unit. I recommend using BEXP (or a Master Seal, if you've got one) to promote either Zihark or Nephenee to get them to 21 speed (remember that they will get +2 speed when they promote) and have them use a Laguz-slaying weapon or strong Steel-forge to bring him down on turn 3 player phase (you'll need to have Marcia ferry them - make sure to unequip them before rescuing them), with Soren for back-up. You can also forge a Fire tome for up to an extra +10 damage if necessary. If you don't kill him on the player phase watch out because he attacks last, so the Tigers next to him will attack Zihark/Nephenee and may die on the counter.

Don't forget about the Laguzguard. You can give it to Jill, Volke, Marcia or Soren if any of them need it to accomplish their tasks. If your Marcia is still at base level I'd recommend giving it to her; she may not be able to tank an attack while rescuing otherwise.

I hope this helps. I'm sure there are also videos on You-Tube that can show other successful strategies that you can reference as well.

EDIT: Mordecai may need to Smite Jill on turn 1 so she can drop Lethe close enough.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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The Coins are useless, and I wouldn't recommend going for the Statue Frag and White Gem (although you can have Stefan step on the area after you recruit him for a 28% chance to obtain it) either if you're going for max BEXP on this chapter. The longer you wait to kill Muarim, the more likely it is that a laguz will find a way to suicide on one of your units. For reference, a non-Thief's chance to find an item is equal to their Skill+1

What I remember doing is having Jill (Marcia is too light) rescue Lethe and fly towards Stefan unequipped. Jill can drop Lethe on turn 2 in range of Stefan but out of range of any enemies she can kill. Turn 3, just have Lethe recruit Stefan, then Stefan and Jill each have a chance at finding the White Gem.

On the other end of the map, Sothe can run down the bottom to get Guard, then up to get the Silver Blade without being in danger of dying even if he's at base stats. He might be able to get the Shine on the last turn, but I'm not sure. He can definitely get the Coin on the west edge of the map. Volke can run up and get Physic turn 1 and the Boots on turn 3. He'll have to tank a couple enemies so make sure to give him a Vulnerary or Elixir.

As for killing Muarim, he's got 17 speed so you won't be able to double him with an unpromoted-unit. I recommend using BEXP (or a Master Seal, if you've got one) to promote either Zihark or Nephenee to get them to 21 speed (remember that they will get +2 speed when they promote) and have them use a Laguz-slaying weapon or strong Steel-forge to bring him down on turn 3 player phase (you'll need to have Marcia ferry them - make sure to unequip them before rescuing them), with Soren for back-up. You can also forge a Fire tome for up to an extra +10 damage if necessary. If you don't kill him on the player phase watch out because he attacks last, so the Tigers next to him will attack Zihark/Nephenee and may die on the counter.

Don't forget about the Laguzguard. You can give it to Jill, Volke, Marcia or Soren if any of them need it to accomplish their tasks. If your Marcia is still at base level I'd recommend giving it to her; she may not be able to tank an attack while rescuing otherwise.

I hope this helps. I'm sure there are also videos on You-Tube that can show other successful strategies that you can reference as well.

EDIT: Mordecai may need to Smite Jill on turn 1 so she can drop Lethe close enough.

Tried this. Base marcia gets brutally murdered. All the laguzgaurd does is turn 1RKOs from the ravins into 2RKOs, and the tigers flanking the boss make short work of her when i attempt to place nephne. Any other ideas?

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Tried this. Base marcia gets brutally murdered. All the laguzgaurd does is turn 1RKOs from the ravins into 2RKOs, and the tigers flanking the boss make short work of her when i attempt to place nephne. Any other ideas?

If you really want the items and Stefan with your current set-up, might be best to start using BEXP for good level ups and promoting through Master Seals/BEXP. Getting the extra HP, Spd, and Def from promotion gains will be helpful here.

I'm guessing you were attempting to have Nephenee be the Muarim-killer. Probably feed some EXP to Nephenee and Jill and force-promote if need be, even if stats aren't capped. Though Neph will need to be ferried if you want to do this under a short amount of time. (I use Soren so I don't have to ferry him but I understand his defenses are not desirable). You really do want to do this in as little turns as possible.

Mordecai smiting Lethe vs. ferrying Lethe frees you a flier. For a temporary time, the enemies should be attacking Mordecai since he can't attack back--but you would still run a risk with Mordecai shifting sooner. Don't remember the stats of enemies but I don't think a base Mordecai or Lethe should be powerful enough to take out enemies in one or two rounds.

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Yeah you seriously need a good lancer to take down Maurim. Dude is not easy to kill. You need what, 21 AS to double him? BEXP abused levels ups for Neph and rescue dropping her might be your best solution.

Things get very annoying 1 turn after all the tigers by Maurim transform. The Ravens are the least of your concern. Maybe Laguz guard should go to Neph as well?

Remember to watch the attack ranges of the ravens (or count 8 squares). They don't aggro if you're not in their range.

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Tried this. Base marcia gets brutally murdered. All the laguzgaurd does is turn 1RKOs from the ravins into 2RKOs, and the tigers flanking the boss make short work of her when i attempt to place nephne. Any other ideas?

As far as I'm aware, the two Tigers closest to Muarim don't move. Using the video Raven posted as a reference, it looks like the only enemy that should be able to attack her during the first two turns is the Hawk that transforms on the first turn. Can Marcia end turn just outside of his range, and still be able to drop Nephenee close enough to Muarim next turn that she can attack him the turn after? Keeping in mind that she only has to drop Nephenee three squares away since the Laguz shouldn't block her, this has the added benefit of Nephenee not having to take two Tiger attacks before fighting Muarim.

Another option if that isn't possible and you don't need Mordecai to Smite Jill is to have Marcia fly up as far as possible turn 1 and take one attack (with the Laguzguard), then drop Nephenee three squares from Muarim and fly back to get rescued by Mordecai. You'll want to start Mordecai in the spot closest to Muarim and have him move as far as possible on the first turn to see if he can get close enough.

Does anyone have a link to a good picture of this map with the grid and enemy/allied starting positions on it so I can count squares? Neither SF or WoD has one as far as I can tell.

EDIT: Found one. Marcia has just enough move to drop Nephenee in range of the boss if she stays out of range of the Hawk on the first turn, and that Hawk is the only enemy that will be able to attack her on the second turn. If Soren is unpromoted, he can start on the square closest to Muarim and only need one Shove to be close enough to attack him on turn 3 (if he's promoted he can make it on his own). He will need to get in range of that Hawk on turn 1 to make it in time if he's not promoted, but he should be fine - use a Vulnerary/Elixir turn 2 if you have to. The only thing I can't tell from the map I'm using is how many desert tiles there are near Stefan - I would recommend having Mordecai Smite Jill to be sure that Lethe can make it to Stefan on turn 3.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Maurim's tigers don't move untransformed, right? But if someone is in their range while they are transformed they will move and attack I know that for sure.

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Oh. Hmm... That complicates things.

Start Marcia on the square right below the one closest to Muarim and have her fly straight north as far as possible on turn 1. She'll be in range of a Raven but you should be able to bait it into attacking Ilyana instead of Marcia (just have someone rescue her next turn). Rhys might also work, depending on his stats. Turn 2, have Marcia drop Nephenee two squares south of Muarim, with Marcia directly below her. Marcia can survive both Tigers at base with the Laguzguard, and this positioning prevents Nephenee from getting blocked.

You'll also need to start Soren in the square closest to Muarim and shove him west on turn 1. Have him move four squares west and one square north. This will aggro the Hawk and two things will happen:

1) The Hawk will attack Soren from the west. This is ideal, as it puts him out of range of Marcia and lets Soren attack Muarim on turn 3.

2) The Hawk will attack Soren from the north. This is less ideal, as while Soren will be able to block him from being able to attack Marcia he won't be able to reach Muarim on turn 3.

If your Nephenee can ORKO Muarim with the Laguz Lance, you're golden regardless. If not, try having Rhys (or Ilyana if he's distracting the Raven) start on the square one south and one west from Marcia's starting position. Shove him west twice (you can use Nephenee for the first shove before she gets rescued) and then have him run all the way west. This will get the Hawk as far from Marcia as possible as well as let Soren reach Muarim in time.

Do some experimenting and see what works. Like Chapter 10, this map can be a difficult puzzle to figure out how to get max BEXP while clearing all other objectives.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Did it. Finally.

Oh. Hmm... That complicates things.

Start Marcia on the square right below the one closest to Muarim and have her fly straight north as far as possible on turn 1. She'll be in range of a Raven but you should be able to bait it into attacking Ilyana instead of Marcia (just have someone rescue her next turn). Rhys might also work, depending on his stats. Turn 2, have Marcia drop Nephenee two squares south of Muarim, with Marcia directly below her. Marcia can survive both Tigers at base with the Laguzguard, and this positioning prevents Nephenee from getting blocked.

You'll also need to start Soren in the square closest to Muarim and shove him west on turn 1. Have him move four squares west and one square north. This will aggro the Hawk and two things will happen:

1) The Hawk will attack Soren from the west. This is ideal, as it puts him out of range of Marcia and lets Soren attack Muarim on turn 3.

2) The Hawk will attack Soren from the north. This is less ideal, as while Soren will be able to block him from being able to attack Marcia he won't be able to reach Muarim on turn 3.

If your Nephenee can ORKO Muarim with the Laguz Lance, you're golden regardless. If not, try having Rhys (or Ilyana if he's distracting the Raven) start on the square one south and one west from Marcia's starting position. Shove him west twice (you can use Nephenee for the first shove before she gets rescued) and then have him run all the way west. This will get the Hawk as far from Marcia as possible as well as let Soren reach Muarim in time.

Do some experimenting and see what works. Like Chapter 10, this map can be a difficult puzzle to figure out how to get max BEXP while clearing all other objectives.

This didn't quite work. Because the ravin ignores rys and illania to attack marcia. I fxed this by having on the first turn by having rys heal marcia, and on the second turn by having marcia drop nephee so that marcia was next to both nephee and an untransformed laguz, so that there are only two possible spaces to attack her from. The ravin and a lion do so, but the other lion has to attack nephee instead, who is able to take that and a counter from the boss (aalthough you need to unequip her iether at the base or on turn 1 to prevent a kill). It helps that she is strong enough to 1RKO the boss. The other main issue was that volke will not be in range to get psychic (he can get the boots either way), while still allowing jill to drop lethe within range of stefen's square, unless mordechi smites jill, and someone else shoves volke. (this is necessary because stefen's square and all adjacent squares are desert. Sothe was able to do his job of getting gaurd, a coin, and the sliver blade with no issues. THanks to everyone for the advice. Many of you helped me arive at the final product.

Edited by sirmola
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I'm glad to hear you found something that worked for you! I actually wish the series had more chapters like this, Ch.10 and Ch.22, which are significantly more puzzle-like and reward strategies other than brute-force.

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I'm glad to hear you found something that worked for you! I actually wish the series had more chapters like this, Ch.10 and Ch.22, which are significantly more puzzle-like and reward strategies other than brute-force.

Honestly' me too. The main reason that i like thracia is how often it does this. That game is essentualy one giant resoubce management puzzle, which was pretty fun imo.

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I'm glad to hear you found something that worked for you! I actually wish the series had more chapters like this, Ch.10 and Ch.22, which are significantly more puzzle-like and reward strategies other than brute-force.

To each their own - TBH, I didn't mind chapter 22's gimmick, but I vehemently think that stealth and FE just don't mix. And I'm not exactly fond of pacifism either, unless the reward is actually worth the hassle (See: Knight Ring).

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  • 5 months later...

I actually did it in my last PoR playthrough. I even have a video of it. Not edited yet, though. As far as I remember, one of the keys was to use Jill with the laguz guard to distract the ravens and/or hawks around the northeast section of the map. Since she can fly over that huge rock/thing, she can drive them far from your other characters. I did it with an almost-non trained Jill, so you should be able to do the same. But I think your other characters are a bit underleveled. You need one or two units capable of finishing Muarim in one or two turns...

If I've the time I'll look into my replay for more details. If you're interested, that is.

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