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Live Action Legend of Zelda Series for Netflix?


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Why is everyone worried about Link talking and how it's live action?Jeez,I'm worried about the plot line more than Link's voice.I don't really give about what he sounds like as long as it fits,and we have better actors now.Netflix hopefully won't let Nintendo screw with it for with their guidelines.

As I said,I'm more worried about the plot line.Unless they stretch it out for a couple seasons,I doubt the plot line is just "Go save the princess and kill Ganon(dorf)".I hope it has something to do with all the timelines,because I sure as hell would give Netflix my money if it has TP in it.

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I honestly don't care at all about Link talking. As I said in my previous post he's only a silent protagonist in the games, but he's not incapable of talking.

What worries me is the inevitable backlash this will get for making Link talk. The Zelda fandom is incredibly picky when it comes to this kind of thing, and because of the voice thing alone, the show may end up getting a worse reputation than it really deserves.

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I honestly don't care at all about Link talking. As I said in my previous post he's only a silent protagonist in the games, but he's not incapable of talking.

What worries me is the inevitable backlash this will get for making Link talk. The Zelda fandom is incredibly picky when it comes to this kind of thing, and because of the voice thing alone, the show may end up getting a worse reputation than it really deserves.

Yeah, same here. I can't believe how closed-minded Zelda fans are about Link talking, they even say Link sucks in the old Zelda cartoon because he talks. But I disagree, his voice was just fine in that show. It was his personality that was dumb. lol

Imo, I'd love for Link's dialogue to show up in the games eventually. He'd finally get some actual characterization.

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As I said,I'm more worried about the plot line.Unless they stretch it out for a couple seasons,I doubt the plot line is just "Go save the princess and kill Ganon(dorf)".I hope it has something to do with all the timelines,because I sure as hell would give Netflix my money if it has TP in it.

My main issue is I can't see how a plot/world like that could work in a live action version, as opposed to a animated series with a more serious take. How would they make the enemies look in a live action version? The Zelda series don't exactly have the most realistic looking beings. It's all just too hard to imagine for me. I'll keep an open mind anyway, see how it unfolds.

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I honestly don't care at all about Link talking. As I said in my previous post he's only a silent protagonist in the games, but he's not incapable of talking.

What worries me is the inevitable backlash this will get for making Link talk. The Zelda fandom is incredibly picky when it comes to this kind of thing, and because of the voice thing alone, the show may end up getting a worse reputation than it really deserves.

Hohestly, the only issue that might be a problem with talking is where the personality that is given does not match with the personality that can be implied from his actions and body language in his previous appearances (ie, other M's problem). That being said, there is nothing inherently wrong with an adaptation, and netflix origionals have a decent track record, so i will probably watch the first episode and judge it based on that.

Edited by sirmola
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Yeah, same here. I can't believe how closed-minded Zelda fans are about Link talking, they even say Link sucks in the old Zelda cartoon because he talks. But I disagree, his voice was just fine in that show. It was his personality that was dumb. lol

Imo, I'd love for Link's dialogue to show up in the games eventually. He'd finally get some actual characterization.

link really doesn't need characterization. zelda's never had strong writing and it's not the focal point of the series. obviously they could make an off-shoot game but the results would probably be disastrous as is usually the case. what is the point of revolutionizing an established series with loyal costumers only to make a mediocre game and alienate the fanbase when you could've just launched a new IP?

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The main problems I see are ones people already named: The CGI or makeup budget for all the villains (and even for some good characters, like, for example, Gorons and Zoras) is going to be enormous, and there's also the problem with the story. Let's say the whole thing is about Link's quest to defeat Ganondorf, and let's say the end of the first season is Ganondorf's defeat, but the show happens to be really good and gets renewed. If Ganondorf is already defeated, does he just come back each season like in the games? Or do they rehash the same plot with a different villain. Or, is the whole show across all seasons going to be about finding and defeating Ganondorf, causing a huge potential for arc fatigue.

And all the different possible interpretations of characters makes it very hard to talk about who the best options to play various characters are. Do they want Young Link and Zelda or Adult Link and Zelda (this is probably the big one)? Is Impa going to be barely older than Zelda (like in Hyrule Warriors), middle-aged (like in Ocarina of Time), or an old lady (the classical interpretation of her character, most recently seen in A Link Between Worlds)? Even Ganondorf, the character whose appearance has remained the most similar (whenever he isn't a giant pig, though Ganondorf is both more awesome and cheaper on the effects budget than Ganon is, so he's probably the go-to option for the main villain's appearance) has multiple possible ways he can be portrayed. Do they want him to be a badass warrior who conquers his way through Hyrule himself, or a scheming mastermind who works behind the scenes? Though, I actually know who I would want to play Ganondorf, one for either of those portrayals (both of them I know from Game of Thrones, since that's pretty much the only Live Action show I watch besides sports): Rory McCann (a.k.a. The Hound) if they're going for Warrior Ganondorf, and Charles Dance (a.k.a. Tywin Lannister) if they're going for Scheming Ganondorf.

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Yeah but lets be honest. What are the chances it would even be good in the first place?

Exceedingly high. Have you seen TV budgets these days? Netflix's comment about it being "Game of Thrones for family audiences" hints to the quality to be comparable to that show. Game of Thrones has a stupidly huge budget. (considering A-listers for actors and all the costumes, special effects, etc) They are likely to be shelling out a lot of coin to make a Zelda series. I expect it to look more like the Lord of the Rings movies, and play out a lot like the film Legend with Tom Cruise. (the character of Jack is a lot like Link) Throwing up your arms and dismissing it as crap before its even created, is really counterproductive and kinda ignorant.

As for Link talking, what is the big deal here? So hes a Silent Protagonist in the games. Ok. I dont think they have plans to make him as mouthy as he was in the 80s. Link has a rather generic heroic personality. People saying he has no characterization are plumb wrong. Depending on how they plan to depict Link, (be it adult or kid) hes going to be rather expressive. WW's Link was actually a little hothead. TP's Link is fiercely protective of just about everyone he knows. SS's Link was kinda lazy, laid back dude but a nice guy. OoT/MM's Link is a kid who had to grow up way too fast. In a show, if they depict him as Young Link, he can be a bit hotheaded, but his heart is the in the right place and he must learn to calm down and where true courage comes from. If hes a grownup, he can be the kind of character who grows into his responsibilities. (basically watered down Jon Snow) Its not even hard to make Link with dialogue work well. Its his supporting cast that is going to carry a lot of characterization. Theres a lot options for that too and its always been that way in the games.

Though, I actually know who I would want to play Ganondorf, one for either of those portrayals (both of them I know from Game of Thrones, since that's pretty much the only Live Action show I watch besides sports): Rory McCann (a.k.a. The Hound) if they're going for Warrior Ganondorf, and Charles Dance (a.k.a. Tywin Lannister) if they're going for Scheming Ganondorf.

I really dont want a white guy playing Ganny. I want Idris Elba.

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Exceedingly high. Have you seen TV budgets these days? Netflix's comment about it being "Game of Thrones for family audiences" hints to the quality to be comparable to that show. Game of Thrones has a stupidly huge budget. (considering A-listers for actors and all the costumes, special effects, etc) They are likely to be shelling out a lot of coin to make a Zelda series. I expect it to look more like the Lord of the Rings movies, and play out a lot like the film Legend with Tom Cruise. (the character of Jack is a lot like Link) Throwing up your arms and dismissing it as crap before its even created, is really counterproductive and kinda ignorant.

As for Link talking, what is the big deal here? So hes a Silent Protagonist in the games. Ok. I dont think they have plans to make him as mouthy as he was in the 80s. Link has a rather generic heroic personality. People saying he has no characterization are plumb wrong. Depending on how they plan to depict Link, (be it adult or kid) hes going to be rather expressive. WW's Link was actually a little hothead. TP's Link is fiercely protective of just about everyone he knows. SS's Link was kinda lazy, laid back dude but a nice guy. OoT/MM's Link is a kid who had to grow up way too fast. In a show, if they depict him as Young Link, he can be a bit hotheaded, but his heart is the in the right place and he must learn to calm down and where true courage comes from. If hes a grownup, he can be the kind of character who grows into his responsibilities. (basically watered down Jon Snow) Its not even hard to make Link with dialogue work well. Its his supporting cast that is going to carry a lot of characterization. Theres a lot options for that too and its always been that way in the games.

I really dont want a white guy playing Ganny. I want Idris Elba.

I don't want to come off as combative but did you even read the rest of my post? I said that if they can pull it off then my hats off to them and I'll maintain a open if somewhat skeptical/cynical mind about this. It would be badass if they made something like this good I just think the chances of them doing it are kinda low given past attempts of live action adaptation particularly when it comes to Nintendo franchises (anyone remember the Super Mario Movie?).

I think when they compared it to Game of Thrones they meant in terms of story structure i.e looking into political actions/medieval style combat with fantasy elements mixed in (which could be awesome if they do it right) I don't think they were directly correlating it to the quality of the show. Keep in mind Game of Thrones is a big time TV show airing on HBO (or showtime can't remember which but thats besides the point) which gives them funding on funding. Somthing that is exclusive to Netflix might be a bit different. I don't know of many exclusive TV shows exclusive to Netflix but I doubt they have the budget that things like Game of Thrones or other stuff on ShowTime or HBO do. Again I could be wrong here.

As far as the big deal with Link talking, I think the biggest thing is what dialogue to put in given what little they have to work with. Sure like you mentioned you get kind of a feeling of the different Links in each game but Miyamoto even stated that Link is supposed to be a semi-self insert that the player can see themselves playing as in an attempt to make the player feel like they are the hero and essentially fill in the dialogue with their own imagination. Now contrast that with Game of Thrones which is based on books with written dialogue and characterization for each character there is far more source material to work with and its far easier to adapt into live action as a result. But if this thing is going to be successful you're right the supporting cast has to be good. Link already starts out kinda limited as far as characterization and dialogue goes so the rest of the cast is going to have to be spot on.

I see some potential in characters like Midna, Impa, Sheik, and Saria for this.

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Link has plenty of dialogue and personality in the OoT/MM manga. Granted, its your completely generic cliche shonen protagonist characterization, but its something nonetheless.

Yeah I think if they went with any of the previous Links OoT/MM or Skyward Sword ones would be the best for live action. Maybe they could use the manga for some source material even though its not considered cannon.

Edited by LordTaco42
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