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Who could Ike's wife be?

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mah I really couldn't give a damn about the argument i was just throwing in a few points for others to think about I guess, also the aether thing is again very easy for them to do, even if it was a lord only skill, so if they wanted priam to be a direct descendant then they very easily could have reinforced it by giving him aether, which would be a cool bone wouldn't it, but really the whole thing being that its lord exclusive only because is didn't give it to others, and it could have very easily been character exclusive.

though i would also like to say that for ike to have kids doesn't mean he would have to get married, its very possible he could father a child without knowing it, or hell even knowing it, and still not get married, just as its possible for him to marry, I'm just saying that its more likely in my opinion that ike would not have married, though as for having a kid then id say that's open game.

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I'm just saying, Aether is exclusive to the Lord class in Awakening, so that's why Priam doesn't have Aether.

Also, I'm not sure that Priam having Aether would have made the callback to Ike more clear than it already was. Chrom and Lucina having the skill means it's not something unique to Ike or his lineage anymore.

The rest of what you're saying has been talked about to death on this thread, so I'll just leave it at that.

Edited by Radiant head
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Sanaki has purple hair, Mia's hair is indigo not purple Annie.

Well, there are different shades of purple, you know. Sanaki just has a more purply purple than Mia. But Mia's hair looks more purple than Ike's or that of other blue-haired characters to me.

Hair color pretty much means nothing though, so it doesn't matter. xP

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ah really? im sorry then, just sharing my opinion but if its been talked to death here then ill just quietly leave all embarrassed like.

as for priam though, yes he's obviously a call back to ike, and in the end that's all i really think he's suppose to be, hell for all we know he could just be some random guy whose really strong, and just happens to look close enough to call himself ikes descendant. the whole aether things was more if people want to use priam for proof that ike had a kid, then wouldn't it make sense that said kid would inherit the aether skill as well seeing as its both really powerful and its ikes signature move, and yet priam lacks it, and though yes its a lord exclusive skill in 13, is could have very easily added the skill to priams skill set any ways if they really wanted to hammer in the fact that priam is ikes descendant. the fact he doesn't can be taken two ways, both in that its more likely he's a descendant of mist not ike, and is using ikes name instead cause seriously who wants to be a mighty warrior related to mist, and that is were just throwing a bone to the players not really creating a character but more an Easter egg, hell priams presence in the world just leave more giant holes in 13's flimsy plot.

but again its all subjective opinion really so meh.

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I probably gave a serious answer to this thread a long time ago, but I think that Priam (and the rest of the Spotpass characters) are non-canon.

Gangrel and Walhart surviving makes Chrom look incompetent (you'd think someone would check to make sure that they were dead). The placement of every single Spotpass paralogue is illogical, considering that the Shepherds are right at the base of the mountain where Grima is waiting for them with Naga ready to teleport them onto his back … and suddenly they decide to go to Valm and some random island in the middle of the fucking ocean first? Aversa's paralogue is especially egregious in that she was literally defeated at the chapter right before you fight Grima.

There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to suggest that Ike married anyone from Tellius. None. In my headcanon, Priam does not exist and therefore it doesn't matter who Ike married. But I think the most likely options are that he married random village girl in the new world he traveled to, or he remained single for the rest of his life. Nor do I believe in the "Priam's descended from Mist" theory because if IS is going to make this character who calls himself the descendant of Ike with no further details, I'm going to take the simplest path and assume they want us to take him as Ike's direct descendant instead of being all "but he's actually from Mist's line".

Edited by Sunwoo
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I personally feel that the Spotpass chapters are non-canon as well, with the exception of Priam. I agree with what you say, Sangyul, about Gangrel, Walhart, etc. I feel that they only got to be recruitable for the sake of being marriage options for the Avatar. Priam, however, doesn't appear anywhere in the game outside of his Paralogue and doesn't mess around with the story.

But of course, you're free to say he doesn't really exist, if you want. I'm just saying I partly agree with your post.

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ah really? im sorry then, just sharing my opinion but if its been talked to death here then ill just quietly leave all embarrassed like.

Oh no, I just meant I wasn't going to get into those other points because I feel like I've said enough on them. Nothing wrong with you bringing them up.

But anyway, Aether isn't a genetic skill, so it wasn't going to be proof even if he had it. It wouldn't make him Ike's descendant anymore than Chrom and Lucina. Aether is something Ike picked up from Stefan's occult scroll, not his father (at least not directly).

I think, had Awakening not given Chrom and Lucina Aether and kept it as Ike's unique move, then Priam showing up later with Aether would have basically been a full on confirmation that he's a descendant, but as it is, Aether isn't that relevant in of itself.

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I personally feel that the Spotpass chapters are non-canon as well, with the exception of Priam. I agree with what you say, Sangyul, about Gangrel, Walhart, etc. I feel that they only got to be recruitable for the sake of being marriage options for the Avatar. Priam, however, doesn't appear anywhere in the game outside of his Paralogue and doesn't mess around with the story.

The problem with Priam is that the location of his map and the availability of his paralogue really fuck things over in Awakening. Because if he's canon then you're suggesting that the Shepherds were at the base of Origin Peak, ready to face off with Grima and Naga prepared to teleport them onto his back. And then someone says, "Oh, wait, we should randomly go to the other side of Valm for some reason, I don't know, I have a good feeling about it!"

And then they leave. While Grima is right there. Which gives him more time to raze the fuck out of everything while the Shepherds are on their merry way to recruit Priam without giving a fuck about the giant evil dragon that is right there. If Priam was recruitable during the main story arc while in Valm, he wouldn't mess up the story line so much but as a paralogue character … NOPE.

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I think, had Awakening not given Chrom and Lucina Aether and kept it as Ike's unique move, then Priam showing up later with Aether would have basically been a full on confirmation that he's a descendant, but as it is, Aether isn't that relevant in of itself.

defiantly true actually.

And then they leave. While Grima is right there. Which gives him more time to raze the fuck out of everything while the Shepherds are on their merry way to recruit Priam without giving a fuck about the giant evil dragon that is right there. If Priam was recruitable during the main story arc while in Valm, he wouldn't mess up the story line so much but as a paralogue character … NOPE.

yeah the timing of the "extra sidequests" is very poor, but really priam existing in cannon brings in the problem of what the fuck was walhart doing well priam was around raising an army, if unintentionally, i mean the guys smart and he would have heard about it at some point considering how large the army is and how supposdly powerful priam is. hell why didn't walhart go and fight priam himself, he likes a good challenge. all in all the extra paralouges at the end game are stupid and i like your position of not accepting them as cannon.

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Gangrel and Walhart surviving makes Chrom look incompetent (you'd think someone would check to make sure that they were dead).

Hah! Chrom, competent. Hoooo that's a good one.

Going back a bit I liked the discussion about Elincia having Ike's child without him knowing about it. I don't think it could possibly happen either without a huge falling out and possibly another revolt, because politics blah blah, but if she could keep it totally under wraps, and maybe claim the kid is Geoffrey's...

It still probably wouldn't work (for long, anyway) but hey it's a thought.

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Hah! Chrom, competent. Hoooo that's a good one.

Well, it makes Chrom look more incompetent. And not just him, too. It really speaks a lot about the entire army (avatar and Frederick included) if no one double checked to make sure that Gangrel and Walhart were actually dead.

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Going back a bit I liked the discussion about Elincia having Ike's child without him knowing about it. I don't think it could possibly happen either without a huge falling out and possibly another revolt, because politics blah blah, but if she could keep it totally under wraps, and maybe claim the kid is Geoffrey's...

Interestingly enough, this is the plan they come up with in my stories if Ike accidentally got Elincia pregnant (they're having a secret affair at this time, this stuff takes place before my main fic where Elincia left to leave Crimea in Renning's hands and seek Ike). But of course, nobody likes it. But it's all they can do to prevent the consequences you mention. It's not impossible for people to end up reacting differently as I had said earlier, but yeah. Ike and Elincia ultimately agree to not have any children until they can make sure the child will have both of them.

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That's the real barrier to any pairing, unfortunately, because it means either the mother of his child went through with him, was unintentionally cut-off from him, or met him after he went between worlds.

The 'Random villager girl' is simply the most likely theory. It's also the most uninteresting theory and can't be proven or disproven either way. Even if Ike had kids with Mia, Elincia, and Lethe for good measure there is no guarantee that they actually went between worlds or had Ragnell with them. TBH Ragnell is the real wild-card here because, regardless of the parent, the kid has to get the blade. This means either the kid went through with Ike or Ike left it with the mother. There is a third option of him leaving it for the church, but the only one who gets anything from that is Sanaki who could probably argue that it's legally her sword due to ancestry.

A pint of beer can explain any kid, Ragnell, however, is much harder to explain.

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>Mia dies during childbirth, which is already horrific enough (for the woman, at least) without the dying

>You feel worse for Ike


One could say that Mia choked on Ike's Ragnell.

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I guess it's possible for Elincia to get pregnant before Ike leaves, and then for Geoffrey to marry her after. There'd be a giant scandal because the nobles probably don't like Ike much to begin with, without having to add "knocked up the queen and left" to the list. I'm sure Geoffrey sticks his head out to defend her and all that. The problem is, with Elincia raising the child and Ike being nowhere close, there's no way for the child to get Ragnell unless a descendant like Priam happens to find it or something. Perhaps the Mia theory works more in my eyes because it gives a way easier way for Ragnell to be handed down, since Ike most likely has access to the child. And yeah, random village girl is probably the most likely.

To defend the spotpass chapters, the plot's already pretty weird as is so who knows. I think it's not necessarily correct to say that some are canon and some other ones are not however. I'm not totally a fan because of the treatment of Emmeryn. It's not like her sacrifice was in vain, but it just feels kinda wrong at first.

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I guess it's possible for Elincia to get pregnant before Ike leaves, and then for Geoffrey to marry her after. There'd be a giant scandal because the nobles probably don't like Ike much to begin with, without having to add "knocked up the queen and left" to the list. I'm sure Geoffrey sticks his head out to defend her and all that. The problem is, with Elincia raising the child and Ike being nowhere close, there's no way for the child to get Ragnell unless a descendant like Priam happens to find it or something. Perhaps the Mia theory works more in my eyes because it gives a way easier way for Ragnell to be handed down, since Ike most likely has access to the child. And yeah, random village girl is probably the most likely.

To defend the spotpass chapters, the plot's already pretty weird as is so who knows. I think it's not necessarily correct to say that some are canon and some other ones are not however. I'm not totally a fan because of the treatment of Emmeryn. It's not like her sacrifice was in vain, but it just feels kinda wrong at first.

Yea. That's sort of the big problem. Most of the potential mothers wouldn't be able to use it at all or fight from mounted horseback meaning they wouldn't be able to fight effectively with that sword. So any mother who got it would likely have it just as a memento of Ike and probably wouldn't be willing to part with it easily. Course, that doesn't mean the kid couldn't take it after her death, but it is something to at least consider.

IMO Mist has the best chance at Ragnell, but she also is not likely to be the parent by any means. After that Mia is the best as she's the only one who can actually use the thing. Of course that doesn't push Elincia out of the running by any means, just an extra nudge towards Mia likely getting Ragnell.

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Elincia can't SS in swords though? That's weird, I would've thought she could have (even though like Mist and Mia, I'd think she isn't strong enough to lift Ragnell or Alondite well enough to use them). But then again, she doesn't need Alondite OR Ragnell when she has Amiti. :P

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Elincia can't SS in swords though?

She can. Though it's hard to get weapon level exp. with Amiti. She needs steel blades or silver swords to increase her weapon level faster.

Amiti is still the best weapon for her, because it's brave weapon, has better accuracy and one single attack is almost as powerful as Ragnell / Alondite.

She can 1RKO an aura with Amiti, Nasir, Ena and Gareth or triangle attack.

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Ohhh, I see. True, Amiti roflstomps things. I just remembered that it doesn't have 2 range though, so Elincia could use Alondite to get that.

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