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2 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Banned because apparently my vision was a lot worse than I thought.

I'mma need some glasses.

Banned because F. Hope it doesn't become too much of an obstruction for ya.

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3 hours ago, Benice said:

Banned because oof... Hopefully it's at least informative, since taking care of your body is important,

Banned because thanks, although it’s not really that big of a deal. It’s just that in gym I had to do literally nothing, while in health I have to do probably a minimal amount of very easy work. The only real problems are that and the facts that I won’t get to socialize as much in there and I have to eat lunch in there instead of the cafeteria (most people eat lunch in their classrooms because COVID), the class itself will probably be eh.

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5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

It’s just that in gym I had to do literally nothing

Banned for not putting in the sigma grindset effort into gym.

How dare you waste my taxes?!

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Banned because I could put in effort or I could not risk embarrassing myself or messing up.

^A mindset I apply to a lot of things, honestly. Maybe too much?

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Banned because eh, perhaps my mindset is awry; I am the archetypical "tryhard" in pretty much every sense of ithe word, and being bad at athletics doesn't help. Still, I find it fun and it is good exercise, even if I make a fool of myself more often than not. (Then again, I'm a band nerd so it's not like I have much dignity to preserve anyways. I don't mind playing the fool in most situations, because at least I can make people laugh if I goof up.) Plus, for me personally, I like being fit and working hard (sometimes), and if I get to go outside for 1-3 hours of a 7 hour day normally spent inside, I figure I may as well leave it all out there. I do like getting attention and standing out too, as you can probably tell because of how often I quote people so it all just kinda works out for me being a "sweat", as the cool kids say.

Plus, I am way too competitive in literally everything, so if there is a game, I play to win. And I get good grades from trachers because I am a teacher' pet like that.

Didn't mean to actually shame you, though. The majority of people just do what is required from gym and nothing more, and tbh I probably would too if I didn't enjoy being physically tired. I mean, I'm writing this when I' supposed to be working on math, and I really don't work out as much as I should, so...

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Banned because I do actually enjoy, like making people laugh, and like being the center of attention. I’d just rather that be for positive reasons as opposed to negative ones.

Well, for the last two anyway, as for exercise… I just don’t have many opportunities for it, but now that gym is over I have like zero anyway.

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Banned because ye, I feel that. I really wanna get back into long-distance swimming  at the pool and liftin' weights and whatnot, but I've got no way to get there in the time-frames available to me. I suppose I could bike if I left really early in the morning...

My potato stat is extreneky high right now, though.

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