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Thanks a lot, Feminism.


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feminists are pure fucking scum and the cancer of the earth.

wow omg I am so angry right now I'm literally punching my keyboard and there are fumes coming out of my ears like in those cartoons

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I'm confused. Did the feminists REALLY change the lightbulb? I only see that they screwed it in, it didn't say where they got it from. Who took out the bulb that needed to be replaced? Was it a man? Why did the 12 feminists murder that man and create this cover-up?

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I'm confused. Did the feminists REALLY change the lightbulb? I only see that they screwed it in, it didn't say where they got it from. Who took out the bulb that needed to be replaced? Was it a man? Why did the 12 feminists murder that man and create this cover-up?

A jury has twelve people. The story regarding juries is called "Twelve Angry Men". Coincidence? I think not! :P:

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I mean, regardless of whether he's a degenerate person who genuinely believes that, your work here is done and this is getting kind of embarrassing. Like you know when the really unfunny kid from your grade back in the day gave like a really stilted delivery, like he was reading off a fucking script or something, and then nobody laughs and those with compassion in the audience just kinda feel that twinge of pity deep in their hearts? That's more or less where we are now.

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I mean, regardless of whether he's a degenerate person who genuinely believes that, your work here is done and this is getting kind of embarrassing. Like you know when the really unfunny kid from your grade back in the day gave like a really stilted delivery, like he was reading off a fucking script or something, and then nobody laughs and those with compassion in the audience just kinda feel that twinge of pity deep in their hearts? That's more or less where we are now.


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of course not. you go driving at 80 mph to the nearest party when you get drunk, duh

i don't think his work here is done though, i need my jimmie rustled. this might or might not be a sexual pun depending on which part of the country it is read in

Edited by buttmuncher.ops
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