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I Just Want To Know One Thing


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There was a just one question thread for Awakening that was very sucessful from what I can recall. I think having one for every game would probably be beneficial since I oft find myself thinking of just one small thing to ask that doesn't seem worthy of going in a full thread. And just glancing at the recent articles here I can see a few small questions threads like the destroyed castles in Holy War and if Seliph gets Tyfring if Byron is killed.

Anyway I actually have a small question to ask aside from wanting to see this thread up and running. What happens if you don't recruit Levin or let him die? Specificaly, does he still appear in the second generation? It seems like a lot of scenes just wouldn't hold much ground if he wasn't recruited in the first pace.

Edited by Jotari
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lewyn is automatically recruited as part of a mandatory event. his recruitment is 100% unavoidable. if he gets ko'd in firstgen, then he basically just retreats and isn't actually dead, and should still show up in cutscenes in chapter 4

(though let's face it, he already dies at belhalla at manfroy's hands as part of the story so even if this wasn't taken into account, being killed in gameplay's not about to stop him in secondgen)

Edited by bookofholsety
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lewyn is automatically recruited as part of a mandatory event. his recruitment is 100% unavoidable. if he gets ko'd in firstgen, then he basically just retreats and isn't actually dead, and should still show up in cutscenes in chapter 4

(though let's face it, he already dies at belhalla at manfroy's hands as part of the story so even if this wasn't taken into account, being killed in gameplay's not about to stop him in secondgen)

Yeah but he only revived because he had Forseti. If he died before getting it then it would induce plot holes. Of course recruitment is unavoidable. You get to control him before he even meets up with Sigurd's army. But is actually getting him to talk to Sigurd et all necessary to progress, and if he (some how) dies before speaking to Sigurd then where does he retreat to since he hasn't met them yet? Does he meet them in a cutscene if that's the case? I wonder if they factored that in.

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lewyn's conversation with sigurd is optional and has no incentive or reward (well, besides more of lewyn being lewyn). there's no special accommodation in the script for missing it, nor should there be since it's not a big deal

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Since Levin retreats if killed in gameplay, he probably grabbed Forseti off-screen and later died at the BBQ.

The real question is, why can Claude revive him? Does the Valkyrie work on non-fatal plot injuries as well?

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lewyn's conversation with sigurd is optional and has no incentive or reward (well, besides more of lewyn being lewyn). there's no special accommodation in the script for missing it, nor should there be since it's not a big deal

Well him meeting Sigurd's army and speaking to them is what gets him to join them. Think about it. If he doesn't ever interact with anyone but Syliva and just saves the villages, then plot wise he never leaves until Sigurd moves his home base at the start of the next chapter and bam. Some random Bard and Dancer are in their castle and no one even blinks at it.

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Well him meeting Sigurd's army and speaking to them is what gets him to join them. Think about it. If he doesn't ever interact with anyone but Syliva and just saves the villages, then plot wise he never leaves until Sigurd moves his home base at the start of the next chapter and bam. Some random Bard and Dancer are in their castle and no one even blinks at it.

I don't see why they would kick him out just because he didn't speak with Sigurd himself. I mean, he IS an entertainer. An army is as good as an audience as any, so he has reason to be there.

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I don't see why they would kick him out just because he didn't speak with Sigurd himself. I mean, he IS an entertainer. An army is as good as an audience as any, so he has reason to be there.

Yeah. I guess plot wise the canon would turn from him seeing this big army just over the hill and deciding to join them to him hearing about Sigurd conquering half the kingdom and then seeking him out for the same reasoning as before.

Edited by Jotari
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not to mention, there's a metric fuckton of characters across the entire series who automatically join you but don't ever speak to the game's lord under any circumstances. dorcas, fe7!bartre, wendy, barth, ogier, dagdar, marty, tanya... needless to say, this happening poses exactly zero problems to anything ever

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I killed off everyone that "retreats" in chapter 3, and only Levin is able to be revived. Cuan, Ethlin and Fin have the little scene where they go back to Lenster after their health is knocked down to zero, so reviving them would make no sense.

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There are lots of these plot holes you can find/create. My favorite is friendly Ishtar, where a neutral non aggressive Ishtar talks to ghost of Blume and walks onto the map and just stands there if you seize Conote before turn 6.

Please tell me that you are going to show that off in your ltc run, because i could never do that myself.

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I have a question. It's kind of irrelevant, but I'm just curious. On the serenes forest FE4 section it says this under exploits:

The game uses a slightly different RNG (random number generator) compared to other games in the series, in that very largestrings of RNs (random numbers) are created where needed. However they aren’t created during battles. In very long battles (such as using the Charge skill or in the Arena) there’s a chance that all the RNs in the string may be used up by the time the character levels up. Since the game has no RNs to use, your character will then receive no stat gains, even if some of their growth rates surpasses 100%. In the arena this can be avoided by cancelling your next battle and then re-entering the Arena to continue it.

However, in my FE4 0% Growths Play through there've been some super long fights in terms of RN's (like Daisy killing 60 hit point enemies with 1 damage per hit and a 10% hit rate ) and I've never seen random numbers run out on my lua script. This means that a charge would never exhaust enough RN's like this says, because that would use like, 50 RN's at most and that's assuming charge procs multiple times and other skills like great shield and critical are work. In terms of actual fights, I'm not sure if there's anything reasonable that would be longer than the ~600 RN's used in some of the ridiculous Daisy fights. From this I'm guessing that this might be false and there's some other explanation for this anomaly. Have any of you noticed anything while playing that would disprove this conclusion?
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If I'm correct, I haven't done any actual number crunching or any real testing, so take it with a grain of salt; I believe what they mean by that is that the game will not generate any new Rn's. So basically, it will reuse the exact same chain of numbers until completion is reached, thus why you can break that arena problem by hitting the 'B' to go to the menu screen. So basically it will generate empty levels if the string is long enough.

As a side note, I have experienced impossible 'empty' levels in the arena.

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Your logic seems correct, but I've never had it explained or observed any other way. So I assume it just keeps reusing RN's until the battle is over, then it comes to a new situation and thinks "welp, damn I'm out of numbers everything must now be zeros until I get to a menu" or something confounded like that.

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Hmm yeah... I mean it's obviously not relevant to me at all and it's not really important to someone who plays with growths either, but the explanation seems a little weird with Sigurd, since it's not as if his arena fights are usually super long, though I suppose it is possible. I doubt I'll ever have the motivation to go through and check it, but it would be kind of interesting to find out. There are lots of little mysteries like this even though the game is mostly well figured out (such as why the hell does the AI like attacking Holyn so much?)

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So if a unit has a low hit%, and they don't in the rn chain, the battle will go on forever without any winner? (Assuming you slept the enemy).

Also, the AI for me really loves Beowulf. Idk why, the mackily Ballista skipped Deirdre and could have killed Lach's knight to attack Beowulf

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