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Starting up an unpromoted-only run. Any essential things I should know?


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-prepromotes cannot be deployed

-prepromotes who are auto-deployed cannot fight with weapons, visit villages, participate in item / weapon swapping or rescue units, but they can meat-shield

-no Myrrh

-no arena / random battles / Tower

-all characters recruited and kept alive

I'm planning to level up Ewan as a Shaman and have Eclipse cut into the Demon King's health to make him manageable. Going Eirika route. Any nastiness I should prepare for?

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Sounds interesting!

Actually you don't need eclipse against the demon king. The accuracy without supports is pretty terrible. Ephraim and Eirika can reach it and almost kill it (not sure if they even can) in turn one and you also have the warp stave and Tethys.

Eirika's route isn't a big deal. However Ephraim's route can be really tough. Chapter 11 without Duessel and / or Seth is really challenging.

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  • 2 weeks later...

..... :o. Good luck.

Ooof. You're in for a challenge, but I'm sure that's why you decided to do this in the first place :) The hardest part, IMO, is the no-prepromote part. You really don't need myrrh or arena/tower/any of that stuff...much. I suggest loads of Ross usage, he's really great. And stick to Eirika's route, as someone else stated above. I can't imagine trying to plow through Ephraim's route without Seth or Duessel, period. The phantom ship chapter from him, as well as Chapter 19, even when you have everyone all together. I use either Duessel or Seth to help with the heavy duty stuff for that map, and not having them is really scary for me.

Best of luck to you though!

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I'd plan out the use of your Angelic Robes, Dracoshields and Talismen in advance so that someone can survive the endgame bosses, they have ridiculous attack value. I think Ephraim is the best candidate since he and Eirika are the only ones who can use legendary weapons.

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