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Bad Plot

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*spoilers probably*

#***Also...please don't spoil anything past part 3 for me. I'm starting part 4.***#


Downright pissed about the recent events. RD has a GREAT plot. Well crafted, tied together, and detailed.

However, after Daien is forced to fight Crimea, Micaiah barges in with Sothe, Ike trash talks him,(Shut up Ike, I think Sothe is a nice character) and then they proceed to forget everything and chase after Ashera... Like...what the balls? What about the bloodpact...? What about the fighting? Why don't the armies reach any concenses first? It...really irritates me.

Just my opinion. Don't hate me.

Edited by Roy: Marquess of Pherae
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There was nothing good about the story leading up to Part 4. Seriously, the war was so painfully contrived that they had to make up omnipresent Begnion spies to justify those events.

Now that this war fulfilled it's narrative purpose of allowing the awakening of the Dark God, I would say it's best to forget about this clumsy mess and move on. After all, if the game's Opening and Japanese title "Goddess of Dawn" is anything to go by, Part 4 is what the game is really all about. And wheter or not anything about that part is any good, is another issue entirely.

Edited by BrightBow
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I don't think the plot is that bad or implausible tbh, a lot of the good ideas are just poorly executed [such as Begnion still controlling / manipulating a lot of the politics in Crimea and Daein]. Overall the Tellius Saga has a pretty good plot behind it, I think it's only topped by the Jugdral universe in FE4 and 5.

Edit: on topic - i think most your questions regarding the plot will actually be answered later.

Edited by Yojinbo
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There was nothing good about the story leading up to Part 4. Seriously, the war was so painfully contrived that they had to make up omnipresent Begnion spies to justify those events.

Now that this war fulfilled it's narrative purpose of allowing the awakening of the Dark God, I would say it's best to forget about this clumsy mess and move on. After all, if the game's Opening and Japanese title "Goddess of Dawn" is anything to go by, Part 4 is what the game is really all about. And wheter or not anything about that part is any good, is another issue entirely.

BLAHSEMEY (can't spell sorry)

I personally like the RD plot. The game itself intorduced me to the game seires itself. For the most part. It seems the plot was mostly understandable to me when I was younger (actually it was confusing as heck since I rarly got to any of it over all the unit deaths ,I sucked at the game frist time around. And I lost so many units I had to reset on the desert chapter of part 4) ahem either way. Without spoilers. Can you really kill someone who's turned to stone. The blood pact is effect less.

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Can you really kill someone who's turned to stone. The blood pact is effect less.

This thing about the Blood Pact is actually a bit different and was actually changed during localisation. Sure, the characters are assuming that people who are turned to stone are save in this state but the actual reason they won't die is because...

turning to stone actually counts as dying for the purpose of the blood pact. And Lekain was turned to stone just like everyone else loyal to him before being revived by Ashera to serve her. Him dying broke the Blood Pact or at least robbed him from the ability to invoke it.

You can look this up on the extended script that we have on the site which notes the difference in our version of the script.

But even in the international version, they have accidental left a hint of this in one of the info conversations:

Tauroneo: Is something wrong?

Pelleas: Take a look at this.

Tauroneo: The mark of the blood pact… It has faded quite a bit, hasn’t it?

Pelleas: What do you think this means?

Tauroneo: Hmm… I do not know. I must think on it.

Edited by BrightBow
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IIRC in one of the endgame chapters

Sothe finds the actual blood pact document after killing Lekain and Micaiah rips it apart which ends the pact and free's Daein

Also I think everyone except the heros (aka the characters in the armies) were turned to stone to wait for Ashera's judgment since the Fire Emblem reached its max (or something along those lines) because of the continent wide war going on however, Mist and the herons sing the Galdr so that they aren't outright killed because of the 1000 year pact with Ashera.

I'm pretty sure after everyone turns to stone in a cataclysmic type event its enough to convince the armies at least between Micaiah and Crimea/Laguz to stop fighting and try to stop Ashera from destroying the world at that point. The only ones fighting against you at that point are the Begnion fanatics.

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There was nothing good about the story leading up to Part 4. Seriously, the war was so painfully contrived that they had to make up omnipresent Begnion spies to justify those events.


There was nothing good about part 4's story either. The whole thing is drive by contrived nonsense.

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What about the bloodpact...? What about the fighting? Why don't the armies reach any concenses first? It...really irritates me.

Bloodpact aside, Ike and Sothe sort of resolve this in the 4-P pre-split conversation.

“So what you’re saying is that we all have to play nice and work together? Just forget about all that’s happened?”

“Sothe, open your eyes and look around. There aren’t that many people left to fix this mess. If you don’t help, we can’t do it. Besides, I would think saving the world is something we could all agree on.”

“You’re right, Commander. All of this is the result of our war. I guess there’s not much reason for flag-waving on either side. First thing we have to do is… unpetrify everyone. And, well… I, uh… I’m actually kind of relieved. At least I don’t have to worry about fighting you anymore.”

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honestly i think everything was explained pretty well, i mean for starters we have more knowledge about this kind of stuff and why then awakening.

its like you all are looking for some deep, meaningful, complex answer when FE's always been pretty basic in terms of plot.

so what your saying, mr I'm Roy the weakest lord in the entire series. is that when the fate of the world is at stake and the best way to save it is by working together with old enemies who are perfectly willing to team up for this? you'd still go "NO I GOTTA FIGHT YOU FIRST FOR A PACT THAT'S NOT EVEN IN EFFECT ANYMORE"

sometimes i wonder why i put effort into posting when some fans can't put effort into paying attention to the script.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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Yeah I honestly don't get the question here. The fate of their world is at stake. Their armies are petrified ("Why don't their armies reach a consensus" what?). Neither side actually wants to fight the other, and now they have a perfect excuse to join up.

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Yeah I honestly don't get the question here. The fate of their world is at stake. Their armies are petrified ("Why don't their armies reach a consensus" what?). Neither side actually wants to fight the other, and now they have a perfect excuse to join up.

Better plot they join up, save the world....and then they fight! Just no touching of the face or hair.

Edited by LordTaco42
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