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Fire Emblem: RD(Rebalance Hack) Updated: 10th October 2015


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Buff Fiona's, Meg's, Astrid's, Leo's, Eddie's and Micaiah's bases noticeably, maybe buff Aran's bases a little bit as well [or give him HM enemy bonuses just for kicks]. Increasing the level of enemy units in Part 1 might be a good idea because it buffs the amount of exp a unit gets for fighting them. Might help getting some of them to reach tier 2 / become competent in Part 3 and not completely unusable in Part 4.

Maybe add a Barrier Staff in Part 1 and increase Laura's bases + level so she can staffbot her way to viability via a Master Seal.

Maybe a little, but Edward doesn't need buffing imo. He's solid in Easy and Normal and still pretty usable in Hard. The others all need buffs, though.

If there's a way to make the Florete function with magic instead of strength, that would help Mist a ton.

Absolutely this. No clue why it's physical-based in the first place.

-Make Sothe, Volug, Tauroneo, Tormod, Muarim, Vika, Nailah and Rafiel not forced in the chapters where they're forced.

I wouldn't personally suggest this, but if it's an idea to be considered, it should go all the way; only force whoever needs to be forced. That would be:

-Micaiah alone for part 1.

-Geoffrey alone for 2-3.

-Ike alone for his part 3 maps + Ranulf for 3-4.

-Micaiah alone for DB part 3 maps.

-Micaiah/Ike/Tibarn alone for their individual part 4 maps.

-Ike and Micaiah for Endgame.

Story makes some scenarios not make sense (1-8 is such an example), but I'm assuming this mod isn't going to worry too much about that.

I do have my own ideas for this mod, but for now I'll stick to commenting on what is brought up until I know better what is planned and possible.

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That is the holy grail of FE10 modding, to be honest is something that seems very difficult to do atm, I will try to find a way after I finish the general idea and changes of the mod.

A while ago there was someone who did something called "Average Stats Special" & "Average's Unleashed" where she hacked everyone at there average stats and had fight each other, one of the things she did was make florette considered light magic, and also did that with the other weapons, I don't know how she didn't be but she did it, she has sense deleted youtube account and I don't think she on Serenesforest anymore.

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Editing Florete shouldn't be that hard; you just need to manipulate the attribute flags.

To begin with, what magic do you want Florete to be?

Go to 0xE384 and change 00 03 42 D0 (sword) to a pointer to a magic flag. Eg. 00 03 41 FB for Light Magic.

That only changes the weapon triangle though, as far as I know. The next bit is harder, where you make the weapon run off Magic and target Resistance. AFAIK, they removed the magsw (Magic Sword) attribute between FE9 and FE10, although it's possible the code for it is still there.

But what I would try is going to 0xE3B4 and changing 00 03 42 C8 (stormsw) to 00 03 42 74 (magblow). I think that's the attribute for the White Dragon breaths and some of Ashera's moves.

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Posted · Hidden by eclipse, February 24, 2015 - I don't think Tangy wants this member mentioned, ever?
Hidden by eclipse, February 24, 2015 - I don't think Tangy wants this member mentioned, ever?

A while ago there was someone who did something called "Average Stats Special" & "Average's Unleashed" where she hacked everyone at there average stats and had fight each other, one of the things she did was make florette considered light magic, and also did that with the other weapons, I don't know how she didn't be but she did it, she has sense deleted youtube account and I don't think she on Serenesforest anymore.

said selffriend was Goldie

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Editing Florete shouldn't be that hard; you just need to manipulate the attribute flags.

To begin with, what magic do you want Florete to be?

Go to 0xE384 and change 00 03 42 D0 (sword) to a pointer to a magic flag. Eg. 00 03 41 FB for Light Magic.

That only changes the weapon triangle though, as far as I know. The next bit is harder, where you make the weapon run off Magic and target Resistance. AFAIK, they removed the magsw (Magic Sword) attribute between FE9 and FE10, although it's possible the code for it is still there.

But what I would try is going to 0xE3B4 and changing 00 03 42 C8 (stormsw) to 00 03 42 74 (magblow). I think that's the attribute for the White Dragon breaths and some of Ashera's moves.

To be honest ,I remember testing changing the sword pointer to another one and it did not seem to work, sadly I cannot test it for now, but thanks for the info, I hope I am wrong and I repointed it wrong,lol.

I suppose changing the first one will change Florete to be ''Light'' magic instead of a ''Sword''?

Changing ''stormsw'' seems the best option, hope it works.

I will test it in a week or two,I am still working on characters because I don't have my Wii(I traveled to Puerto Rico and I will be here for 3 or 4 months.) and will take a couple of days/weeks to buy a new lap to use dolphin :(

Thanks again for the help.

Whats your stance on gender caps? It always bothered me to see mia have one less str than males in favor of 1 res.

Well Mia is still better even with it, tough I could change that.

A while ago there was someone who did something called "Average Stats Special" & "Average's Unleashed" where she hacked everyone at there average stats and had fight each other, one of the things she did was make florette considered light magic, and also did that with the other weapons, I don't know how she didn't be but she did it, she has sense deleted youtube account and I don't think she on Serenesforest anymore.

Then I guess I just needed to test a bit more with repointing , feel a little dumb,lol.

I am focusing much more first on characters,then items, then enemy levels and growths I guess.

Characters take the most time, so after I finish with them,Items will be much faster.

Still advancing in some possible changes, please feel free to post yours also :)

Edited by Roxachronc
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Changing "sword" to "light" only affects the weapon triangle AFAIK. So it will be counted as Light Magic when used against Dark Magic, but it will still do physical damage I think.

There are actually two pointers to "sword" though. I'm suggesting that you change the second one, which is the weapon type for Florete when used at range. So at melee range, it will still be a sword (like how it's supposed to be, right?).

If changing "stormsw" to "magblow" doesn't cause it to inflict magical damage, you could try adding in the "magsw" flag yourself (you would need some free space to overwrite) and hope the game still knows how to interpret it.

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Are you going to change some characters' availability? Because some people (Lucia, Tormod's group, etc) could really benefit from getting some extra chapters.

Speaking of availibility:

If it's not possible to add some chapters, is there any chance to increase Lucia's, Geoffrey's and Tormod's (only examples) stats and maybe levels, when they return in part 4?

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Speaking of availibility:

If it's not possible to add some chapters, is there any chance to increase Lucia's, Geoffrey's and Tormod's (only examples) stats and maybe levels, when they return in part 4?


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Sounds good (like Eirika / Ephraim). Anyway Tormod, Lucia etc. need (massive) boosts to make them useable for the endgame.

I think Lucia's level could be a little bit nerfed in 2-2 (maybe around level 7 and 8 with similar base stats as Mia). She should get at least a little bit exp. by killing the enemies.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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Lucia only need a very very minor buff like RFOF said to be a top swordmaster comparable to Edward and Mia. I means really, there's no reason for her who served in the MAD KING war, and trained in art of swords to protect her childhood (or as they put it... milk sibling) friend from others, to be laughable weak compared to a slum kid who just happened to pick up a sword and be a prodigy, or a girl who sparred with Ike daily and matured via it. (Mia should be the best, Lucia next, and Ed stay a slum kid. Zihark and Stefan can go stroke their Laguz/Branded brotherhood somewhere else.)

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I wouldn't personally suggest this, but if it's an idea to be considered, it should go all the way; only force whoever needs to be forced. That would be:

-Micaiah alone for part 1.

-Geoffrey alone for 2-3.

-Ike alone for his part 3 maps + Ranulf for 3-4.

-Micaiah alone for DB part 3 maps.

-Micaiah/Ike/Tibarn alone for their individual part 4 maps.

-Ike and Micaiah for Endgame.

Story makes some scenarios not make sense (1-8 is such an example), but I'm assuming this mod isn't going to worry too much about that.

I mostly suggested this because of 1-8 (in which 2/3 of the slots are unfairly taken up by Jagens), but I guess it wouldn't matter much if this went all the way. Forced units don't really get in the way after part 1, so whatever.

One worry I do have is that it might mess up the dialogue a bit if units that are supposed to be there aren't deployed.

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Lucia is already better than Edward though. I think she's OK the way she is tbh. Bastian, Tormod and Vika are the ones that really need some tweaking.

Uh, what? Maybe in a hard mode tier list, but not otherwise.

And even if she is, that doesn't mean she should be left as-is.

I mostly suggested this because of 1-8 (in which 2/3 of the slots are unfairly taken up by Jagens), but I guess it wouldn't matter much if this went all the way. Forced units don't really get in the way after part 1, so whatever.

One worry I do have is that it might mess up the dialogue a bit if units that are supposed to be there aren't deployed.

Unfairly? It's all based on the context of the chapter.
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The Dawn Bridage Should be revamped

Your logic is flawed if you think participating in the mad kings war makes you a great soilder (all generic soilders from 3 years ago are uber now basicly)

Lucias Performance in the mad kings war is nothing spectecular

Mia was always inferior to Stefan and Zihark in PoR

Edward Only Needs +2 Hp +2 speed +1 Str +1 Def to not worry about his offence in Hard mode because of doubling

Leo Needs HP 17 HP is just bad Up his Speed/Str growth to like 45 Improve his bases and he isnt really as suck as he used to be

Rename Nolan to god (only thing that can be better IMO is +5 more to the str growth to make it a glorious 50%)

Laura Kinda Reminds me Of FE5 sety she has great offensive growths but unlike sety she has the worst magic class in game Saint sucks that 40 res cap doesnt matter much when your other caps are crap

Up her bases do something with her Ill bench her anyway

Arran Make his HP 60% not 50% and that it he functions as a better tank then meg will ever be (give him an innate skill to make him better instead of just shove everyone has shove he is also one of the only members of the dawn bridage I can use in part 3)

Meg Remodel Her entirely she has growths like fir from FE6 lol

Fiona +5 Hp +3 str +3 Skill +3 Speed +3 Def +2 Luck Innate Paragorn

Volug I Love him I wish he had better growths and stuff but he really doesnt need them he is a reliable unit in Part 3 and Part 1

Tauroneo More chapters to participate in +Improve Marshall caps worse defence then wyvern lords lol

Jill Instead of her akward 1st tier phase make her start as a lvl1 Wyvern Lord (yea she is worse then a transfer bonus jill but still gives more balance) Improve Axe rank to A

30 17 3 16 20 18 17 8

as her starting stats

Zihark Keep him the same i guess

Tormod Vika Maurim Playable for more Chapters

As For sothe and micaiah I am fine with both but I still think that sothe cap str cap would be higher +Make Knives More Useful (Make baselard) Micaiah is a rather solid unit post promo for being a great healer speed and durabillity is her only problams +Her innate skill sacrifice is useless at least on her I have managed to abuse it in my 1st RD playthrough at 1-3 by sacrificing HP to leo on that archer and then healing with laura to level up (Its the 2nd FE I played)

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To be honest the most base stats and growths of Micaiah's party are fine.

  • I agree that Leonard and Jill should have more base HP and strength.
  • Maybe one more base speed for Edward, because he has trouble to double enemies in earlygame
  • Maybe a higher speed growth for Aran (45%).
  • Laura should be higher base level with higher base stats or healing should give you more experience (degressive model from FE13). Also the skill and speed cap of priests should be 20.
  • Fiona defintitely needs improvements in almost each stat and other equipment in 1-6-2 (iron lance instead of steel lance).
  • In general the stats / or levels of the enemies in the GM's chapters should be increased a little bit.
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Also the skill and speed cap of priests should be 20.

I never knew that.

The enemies in 2-3 should be all promoted. It would increase the exp gain for Geoffrey's knights and it would justify the presence of yellow npcs in that chapter. Astrid's bases should match or slightly exceed the generic yellow units.

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I never knew that.

The enemies in 2-3 should be all promoted. It would increase the exp gain for Geoffrey's knights and it would justify the presence of yellow npcs in that chapter. Astrid's bases should match or slightly exceed the generic yellow units.

that clashes story wise though, as the enemy's in 2-3 are suppose to be relatively untrained. in fact you get more bonus exp for keeping the enemy's alive in that chapter i believe.

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I have been kind of unactive because of work and still need a new internet provider,etc.

Glad people are interested in this, anyways I have free the next 2 days so I will be able(hopefully) to read more carefully the ideas and edit the first post according to the changes that seem better.

Thanks for collaborating :)

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I think Edward, Leonardo and Nolan should all have bond supports with each other for both story and gameplay wise reasons. Also Arran and Laura should as well.

This will help make the Dawn Brigade chapters a little bit easier because of that small crit bonus.

Also imo it was stupid that these characters didnt have bonds with each other even though they were close to each other

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I have been kind of unactive because of work and still need a new internet provider,etc.

Glad people are interested in this, anyways I have free the next 2 days so I will be able(hopefully) to read more carefully the ideas and edit the first post according to the changes that seem better.

Thanks for collaborating :)

Do you have someone helping you out? Because this thread looks overwhelming haha.

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Do you have someone helping you out? Because this thread looks overwhelming haha.

I am doing this by myself, but if someone wants to help it would be great, particularly in modding text or testing stuff like Florete doing magical damage,etc. since I cannot really test it because I do not have my wii and I still need to get paid to buy a new laptop to run dolphin(alongside a good internet provider since I am going to be 4-5 months away from home.)

A lot of things dont take THAT much time to modify because the help of Nightmare modules, but still finding offsets and testing take quite a bit.

The thing I am unsure now is about the skill Shove, do you think I should make hist cost 0(aka free), remove them from some units and give other skills instead?what do you think?

I think is a good tactical skill but some units could been better with other skills.

Edited by Roxachronc
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