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Resetless Lunatic+ Run COMPLETED (Deathless) (With Complete Guide)

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I wasn't sure if it got treated like the Hit +X skills or not, since the AI does acknowledge skills that directly alter stats. I suppose it's hard to quantify infinite, though, unless they were to arbitrarily treat it as 999 or something like.

Enemy AI is not consistent. I've had the first prologue mage attack Robin over Lissa and vice versa. I don't think there is a specific calculation to the AI. There might be excess "randomness" in the "random" number generator. For whatever the hell that means.

It does seem that way. On the other hand, I think the randomness can only change things within a certain threshold, since once stats really break away from each other, the AI has more clear-cut behaviour. I guess the real question for me is how to overcome them with these particular Barbarians, especially since Vaike and Stahl seem to be able to draw their fire with little difficulty. Thing is, Vaike isn't really good for that on turn 1, since he doesn't do any counterattack damage and the whole first wave of C2 is already a damage race as is.

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Okay, it took all weekend, but I think I legitimately have a strat that can't be messed up by the Barbs being jerks. At least not on the first turn. I'm still a bit iffy on it, because it hasn't received quite as much testing as I'd like, but I think a dozen is enough to at least consider using it in the actual run.

Speaking of which... http://www.twitch.tv/kuroitsubasatenshi

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Kuroi, there was a troll. In your chat. And nobody noticed.

Edit: it happened again.

Edit again: you've got a serious problem on your hands. They just keep coming.

  • Goneyourani: <message deleted>
  • Anunculturedlittlepotato: Ew
  • Czar_yoshi: Quiet, you
  • Anunculturedlittlepotato: Invid smack him D:
  • Czar_yoshi: Invid blow him up
  • Anunculturedlittlepotato: No no no smack
  • Anunculturedlittlepotato: A good solid back hand
  • Czar_yoshi: No KABOOM
  • Czar_yoshi: TROLL
  • Czar_yoshi: TROOOOOLL
  • Czar_yoshi: *faints*
  • Knusperkeks_v03: *tries to drag yoshi out of the cave* COME ON DUDE WE CAN STILL MAKE IT, DONT GIVE UP!
  • Czar_yoshi: But... But it's a troll, Knu!
  • Knusperkeks_v03: It's okay, we need to retreat for now!
  • Knusperkeks_v03: There is nothing we can do but pick a god and pray!
  • Czar_yoshi: Until a mod notices and obliterates the troll, we must away!
  • Knusperkeks_v03: RUN IT'S RIGHT BEHIND YOU!
  • Anunculturedlittlepotato: Kuroi halp us meanie in chat D:
  • Czar_yoshi: Mark our words, you have not heard the last of us!
  • Knusperkeks_v03: Urgh, it got my leg... go ahead, I'll stay and try to distract it!
  • Knusperkeks_v03: @KuroiTsubasaTenshi you should really ban Goneyourani .
  • Czar_yoshi: Yeah troll jokes aside it needs to go
  • Vascela: he's already gone
  • Czar_yoshi: BAN IT ANYWAY
  • Vascela: I really wanted to make a gone your joke
  • Knusperkeks_v03: it will come back if we don't kill it now
  • Vascela: but the name isn't good enough
  • Anunculturedlittlepotato: TEACH IT THE MEANING OF FEAR
  • Czar_yoshi: Yeah its name is indeed very unfortunate
  • Goneyourani: <message deleted>
  • Czar_yoshi: ITS BACK
  • Knusperkeks_v03: KILL IT FFS
  • Knusperkeks_v03: I TOLD YOU
  • Czar_yoshi: KUROI HAAAAALP
  • Vascela: alright alright
  • Vascela: you got me this time man
  • Anunculturedlittlepotato: KILL IT WITH FIRE AND BURN THE WORLD TO ASHES
  • Knusperkeks_v03: MY LEG STILL HURTS
  • Knusperkeks_v03: YES!
  • Vascela: he fooled me with the good ol' "leave stream and come back" trick
  • Czar_yoshi: USE THE GREAT OWL
  • Anunculturedlittlepotato: Vas how could you D:
  • Czar_yoshi: MOO AT IT
  • Anunculturedlittlepotato: We killed it
  • Anunculturedlittlepotato: We saved the children D:
  • Czar_yoshi: I think it died
  • Czar_yoshi: Mooing must have worked
  • Czar_yoshi: yay Cattle

Also PSA to everyone: the current run, happening right now, is the farthest Kuroi's ever gotten while still sticking to the No Deaths condition, and it's going pretty strong (Donnel just recruited). Now might not be a bad time to tune in.

...And it's over. So planning your resetless rout with a sub-par Robin certainly is a thing, but at this point I feel like having backup strats for being good is a really important idea (Cht.4 is pretty good at weeding out weak Robins anyway, so most of the ones that do make it are really good).

No Deaths record updated to mid-Cht.5.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Hehe, oops. Yeah, I only very periodically look at chat during the actual runs. Unfortunately, the intensity of the thing makes it so it steals my attention pretty hard until after roughly C7ish. Too bad only one run has gotten past it thus far. >.> I did look up long enough to nuke that bot, though. I'm glad Glaive got that second one, though, because I definitely didn't see that one at all.

As for the strats, yeah, I need to need to toy with C5 strats to see if I can get something a bit better than swapping Fred and Robin for instances where Robin is balling out of control (because 12 Vulneraries isn't nearly enough to just let Wyverns stay alive like that and my budget is tight as is). The one I routed with was actually a bit above average. As in, just marginally in most stats, other than Res, which was just going nuts compared to its average (I think it was +8 at one point). This one was +4 or +5 in Def, which messed up enemy targeting quite badly.

I'm fairly pleased with the new C2 strat in the end. After I stopped doing dumb things with the first two runs, it worked fairly well with the third, despite enemies going a bit out-of-position. The thing about that strat, though, is from as early as turn 2, it's semi-yolo, anyway, because random movements. Still, it doesn't hinge on a Dual Strike proc and having Virion free to shoot stuff up helps make it so I don't have to roll the dice as much, so I think I tentatively prefer it for the moment. But who knows what future runs may reveal?

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There were three, actually.

Anyway I look forward to seeing what comes up for Cht.5- I feel like having several different approaches to choose from on the spot would be really useful, because there are some cases where it's just not possible to make a stable turtle in the corner.

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Thank you Kuroi, this helped alot (Both your streams and this). It has been a very nice (and frustrating) learning experiance going from "Normal Casual" to "Lunatic Classic" and then back to
"Normal Classic" and "Hard Classic" then to "Lunatic+ Classic". And because this was my first Fire Emblem, when I finally beat Lunatic+ I am going to go back and play the GBA Fire Emblems.

Thanks Again for the Guide.

PS. Good Luck on your next stream
: D

Edited by Lylium
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Glad I could help. One thing to note: once you get the hang of the playstyle shift, if you're going to the GBA games from Lunatic+, it may seem a bit tame by comparison (even the hard modes).

And thanks for the well wishes.

Been glancing at the C5 map every-so-often when I get a free moment and so far no strats have really jumped out at me, At least, nothing I haven't already gone over. A sufficiently strong Robin could easily wreck four guys out the gate, but the whole thing hinges on them not having Counter, which isn't exactly a likely scenario. So far, the best I can think of is having the super!Robin hang out in the centre near the narrow chokepoint and just unequip tanking against the cliff. The rest of the team would hang out in the bottom right and peel enemies off, which Ricken, Miriel and Virion would dogpile. The main problem there is in denying Robin experience (which, I guess, isn't a super huge deal if she's already that blessed) and too much Hawkeye making Vulnerary tanking iffy (a non-Luna+ Barb will still be dealing double-digit damage, nevermind a Str+2 Wyv). In theory, though, the positioning should cause all the enemies to clump up around Robin, including 4 of the mobile Wyverns. The bottom-right group is likely to have to deal with luring and ganking the other 2 Wyvs (which should be easy, all things told, since they'll be in separate waves). The upshot of this is that if I feed all the kills Robin can't have to Miriel, maybe she can be deployed to help out in other maps.

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Here's a fun story about tonight's first run: Robin had 11 Def after completing Pro. That's really good.

Here's a funner story: reclassing from Tactician to Dark Mage reduces Def by 1. We do that after Cht.4.

Funnest story yet: after Par.1 (done after Cht.4), Robin had less Def than she did after the Prologue. Guess how that might have happened.

FREDERICK is a huge boss, though.

Cht.5 DM Lv.9... Finally got more Def.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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The best part about it was probably that the C5 turtle worked better than the last run when Robin was basically a demi-god. The next best part is that said turtle also somehow managed to go smoother than both C4 and P1 combined. And the next best to that was despite being 3 points below average in both Mag and Def almost the entire run, it still pushed my record for deathless attempts to dying in C6. It's really a shame that Robin chose that moment to not dodge three 20.80% true hit attacks in a row.

I really need to highlight that C4. You know Chrom's lazy and everything's a disaster when a bandaid-Transfer Sully is the one who takes down "Marth". :P

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Yeah. I guess to be fair, I could have—and probably should have, finished her off by swapping to Fred instead, but I thought the run was gonna die soon, so I was starting to goof off a little. All I'd actually needed to make that strat work was a Dual Strike from Chrom, who was too lazy to provide one on either of Robin's hits. Fred's damage was gross overkill by comparison, because I'd originally hoped Chrom would land a single 5 damage hit, which would have lowered "Marth" HP just enough for Fred/Sully with his Silver Lance squeeze out a kill. Virion getting a freak Fred Dual Strike is significantly more dramatic (and hilarious), though. Not only is Fred Chrom's butler, he's also Chrom's combat butler, cleaning up all those missed Dual Strikes. :P

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Oops indeed. Thread raid initiated.

So anyway brief highlights/bloopers: Fred mysteriously dying in Cht.5, Kellam getting consequentially ignored and saving the turtle and countless lives, surviving Cht.6 with Emmeryn's door open, Libra surviving a Counter Soldier, forgetting to undeploy in Cht.23 and getting ~12 units flattened on EP 1, and Grima (so much hype). I tuned in mid-Cht.2 so there might have been something extremely special before that that I missed. Also run was with Yololi which is totally appropriate.

*Passes out from lack of sleep*

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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I can't get over how basically everyone got sacrificed accidentally at Dragon's Table. That's too appropriate, lmao.

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Yololi is not the saviour you think she is.

And you pretty much summed it up, Yoshi. Prologue and C1 were fairly run-of-the-mill, IIRC. I'd really like to do a deathless run sometime in the future, but I think I need a general break for a couple sessions, then to re-examine some of the strats. I'd like it to not be a 10.5 hour run again. Granted, a large part of that was probably me compensating for bad RNG and whatnot, since the first yolo kind of sailed through to C24 in 6ish hours.

Anyway, I plan to eventually highlight the victory, but that will have to be done when I don't feel like my head is floating away from my body. XP

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Yololi is not the saviour you think she is.

And you pretty much summed it up, Yoshi. Prologue and C1 were fairly run-of-the-mill, IIRC. I'd really like to do a deathless run sometime in the future, but I think I need a general break for a couple sessions, then to re-examine some of the strats. I'd like it to not be a 10.5 hour run again. Granted, a large part of that was probably me compensating for bad RNG and whatnot, since the first yolo kind of sailed through to C24 in 6ish hours.

Anyway, I plan to eventually highlight the victory, but that will have to be done when I don't feel like my head is floating away from my body. XP

Darn, I missed it live. Glad you're going to highlight it. I've been watching your vids and it's gotten me really pumped up to finally play the game. Great work man!

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First off, congratulations! I had stuff to do today, which is why I bowed out early.

Deathless would be interesting, indeed. Would it be full recruitment, as well?

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