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Resetless Lunatic+ Run COMPLETED (Deathless) (With Complete Guide)

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Thanks! Can't really blame anyone for going to bed or leaving to do other stuff, since it's such a crazy long run.

And not exactly. Basically, I've been running on the policy of the Paralogues being optional, but if I do them, I have to recruit the characters involved (which is why I give up an Archer to Donnel and concocted a reliable plans to save both Anna and Morgan, but didn't even consider Tiki). In theory, my current strats are already laid out in way that, if things were to generally go right, I should be recruit and keep alive all the campaign characters, plus the aforementioned optionals. And the trouble actually usually isn't with new scrubs so much as those who are forced to participate in early combat. Fred, Virion and Lissa, in that order, tend to be the ones who get their faces ganked when things go wrong.

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*Wakes up*

First off, congratulations! I had stuff to do today, which is why I bowed out early.

Oh wait, that was you?

I was so tired I didn't even make the connection please forgive me I don't want to be banned.

10:26:22 is the final time of the run, from when the game prompts you to save before Pre to selecting your choice for killing Grima. It starts around 2:15-2:20 and runs all the way through the end of the vid. Sometime when I have a lot of time on my hands I'll make splits for fun.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Holy Cattle batman you actually got it?! Sorry I ducked out it was 5am and it would have gone to 10am by the sound of it. I think if I got out of bed I may have been able to catch the end but alas D:!
We might want to consider a way to break that in half for next time depending on when it starts. Going that long isn't going to be easy for anyone involved.
Regardless grats D: I knew Yololi would take herself to victory D:
Who even survived to the end?

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Almost nobody. There was an... Incident in Cht.23 (assuming you're talking about the units. As for viewers there was me, Knusperkeks, Irysa and maybe some others (already closed the chat log, sorry)).

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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I'm not sure about breaking it in half so much as I need to work on my consistency. The sample size is small, but this successful one was an ungodly 10.5 hours, yet, the last time I reached C24 and died, it was in about 6.5 hours. This is a huge gap disparity. I know some of it is because I blitzed some early chapters I probably shouldn't have and the first yolo that got that far had significantly better luck, but still. I should be able to scrape an hour or two off with more practice. I need to re-examine some of the strats and see if there's a faster way to do things without losing too much reliability.

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*Wakes up*

Oh wait, that was you?

I was so tired I didn't even make the connection please forgive me I don't want to be banned.

At least you said good night to me, so you're forgiven~! :P:

I remember the timer went wonky at about seven hours in. I wouldn't post the entire video as one blob, because that's just sadistic!

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Still it can't hurt to have a plan and never need it, no?

RIP Henry, the worst CAWsualty! I'll see myself out now.

That's true. What I might do is only do real attempts for about 90 mins before cut-off instead of 3 hours and then do routing and/or general practice with saves for a bit if the real attempts fail.

At least you said good night to me, so you're forgiven~! :P:

I remember the timer went wonky at about seven hours in. I wouldn't post the entire video as one blob, because that's just sadistic!

Yeah, that was my bad with forgetting to rebind my Livesplit buttons. I'd kept meaning to do it, but forgetting. For whatever reason, the program has raw numpad buttons as its default hotkeys. So when I went update the HP Tonic count on my spreadsheet, it ended up stopping and resetting the timer at the same time. :/ I've since fixed the bindings, so that shouldn't happen again.

As for the video, yeah, I've been considering slicing it into two or even three parts. While it requires more clicks to view the whole thing, I've started to notice that various features of the video player have issues when the video goes (not "games", oops) long enough.

Edited by Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
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It also makes it difficult to find exact moments when time moves so fast as you try to jump to a time- I think 3 hours is a good max for segments when uploading. Maybe separate it along Pre..Cht.3, Cht.4..Cht.7, Cht.8..Par.4, Cht.10..Cht.15, Cht.16..Cht.20, Cht.21..Endgame? 6 segments is a little less than 2 hours per segment so yu could go higher but those sections also fall in nicely with what's happening in the game at the time.

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That's true. What I might do is only do real attempts for about 90 mins before cut-off instead of 3 hours and then do routing and/or general practice with saves for a bit if the real attempts fail.

That's probably best-ish. Starting a successful run at midnight EST will still bring it to 8am if you can shave off a few hours. At that rate a coffee break would be better than a split. An hour and a half in though isn't to far to get a run going that everyone will be hurting by the end.

Can you imagine if this happened on tuesday, though? IF it goes into the People Have Left For Work AM it'll end up more than rough.

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Ten hours is a LONG time, and people with not-amazing connections will be in for a hell of a viewing.

I can imagine. Even though I've got a pretty decent down (my ISP gives me a nice, big 20Mbps, but it's kinda flaky on the stability end when I start utilizing the majority of it), I've noticed that large videos will still just seize up for a bit, as though the video player is getting ready to crash (and sometimes it does >.>).

It also makes it difficult to find exact moments when time moves so fast as you try to jump to a time- I think 3 hours is a good max for segments when uploading. Maybe separate it along Pre..Cht.3, Cht.4..Cht.7, Cht.8..Par.4, Cht.10..Cht.15, Cht.16..Cht.20, Cht.21..Endgame? 6 segments is a little less than 2 hours per segment so yu could go higher but those sections also fall in nicely with what's happening in the game at the time.

Yeah, I've run afoul of that while just even editing to create my highlights. Hmmm, 6 almost seems a little excessive, but I'll keep it in mind when I go through and edit it today.

That's probably best-ish. Starting a successful run at midnight EST will still bring it to 8am if you can shave off a few hours. At that rate a coffee break would be better than a split. An hour and a half in though isn't to far to get a run going that everyone will be hurting by the end.

Can you imagine if this happened on tuesday, though? IF it goes into the People Have Left For Work AM it'll end up more than rough.

Yeah, that would have caused problems for me too considering when I ended is when I'm normally at work. This run keeps surprising me with how wild the times can get every time I get a run past that early hump zone and that's concerning. I'm really unsure what to even think of a 4-hour variance like that. >.>

Another thing I'm considering is rescheduling everything so that I just don't run it Tuesday. I'm thinking something like Tuesday would just be dedicated break game/routing/practice with saves, Friday would then have a short 90-120 minute initial attempt window, then Sunday I'd start attempts really, really early such that I can get something like a solid 4 hours of attempts in before having to call it. This way I can play it better safe than sorry until I can both get more practice under belt, as well as a better read on actual average run length.

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Thanks for dividing it into parts!

I was able to watch most of the recording yesterday (I did some skipping around). After goofing around some in chapter 5 myself, it seems that unless the Mages are packing really-not-scary skills, it's very easy for Fred to die when trying to unweave the mess of enemies... I'm not sure what the solution is here. It'd be really nice for Fred to not just drop dead in chapter 5 because of his lolres. I'll watch the footage and play around more and see if I can come up with anything.

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The biggest issue is if a Barb or Myrm with Luna+ decide to target him and succeed in hitting, because then the mages will see him low on HP and all home in on him. That's why I do my best to try to manipulate the enemies I want to face at the start. Of course, whatever sneaks in behind the other guys is a bit random, so that still might put some Luna+ next to Fred. Of course, if Robin's Def is wimpy enough, the enemies will ignore Fred and go after her instead. Unfortunately, I had the threshold of making them prefer Fred. :I

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Of course, if Robin's Def is wimpy enough, the enemies will ignore Fred and go after her instead. Unfortunately, I had the threshold of making them prefer Fred. :I

Yeah, I hardly run into this issue since I frequently go +Spd/-Def. I'm usually training Miriel at this point and I just have her snipe enemies in front of Fred until a wimpy guy winds up in front of him (better yet, targeting Robin and missing if he doesn't have Hawkeye). Unfortunately for this type of run there isn't much room for training her. Hmm. If only Res Tonics were available at this point in the game (not that it would help a WHOLE lot, but Fred's Res is so wimpy at this point that Mag+2 is terrifying).

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So I wonder if it's worth revisiting +Mag? Sure, it would make the earlygame much less consistent (both not doubling stuff and less shots on the Pro dudes), but by this point those runs are a dime a dozen. Nobody cares about them. Stuff that makes it to the point where Spd stops being vital (still useful, just not vital) are the runs we really care about (both completion and time) and I've got a feeling that Mag may help more there: missing OHKO thresholds is a huge time waster because of the amount of stuff you have to do to make up. It would have the downside of less exp for Chrom as well, but might still be worth it (or at least worth looking into).

Alternately, it might be worth looking into changing the class path up a bit (totally experimentally). If there was a way to get through Myrm, you could go Tact -> Myrm -> Assassin -> Sorc -> DF -> whatever. Losing Tomes would really hurt, but in exchange you'd get Vantage (makes lategame VV possible), Pass (ultimate skill for turtles), and you go through Sorc late enough that you'd have Nos access, allowing a blitz of a few more chapters. Avo+10 is also really nice and you'd have it early. It's probably not worth it because of Myrmidon Swordlock alone (and thus no way to deal with Counter) but there are enough pros that it could merit investigation.

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+Mag might be worth investigating, but I'm really not sure if it would help. +Spd helps hit a lot of early thresholds that helps makes many of those early enemies less dangerous (it especially potentially takes a lot of RNG teeth out of the C1 boss, as well as the C2 and 3 Soldiers). I'd be pretty worried about not making those thresholds and being stuck with an even more impotent offense. I mean, I went to +Spd from +Def because it wasn't meeting thresholds, so I have doubts that +Mag would do much better. I mean, don't get me wrong, missing OHKO thresholds is bad, but lacking in early game doubling is even worse.

And as much as I'd love to have Vantage, Myrm is probably not particularly feasible. I mean, technically, I would potentially have early game 2-range with the Renown Levin Sword. Problem is, it wouldn't last me until C8 (aside from the potential financial problems I'd have for having 800 less gold). There's also the issue of not having Hex and Anathema, which keep Chrom from being a flake on Grima.

I've been entertaining the route that goes Assassin->Sniper after Dark Flier, but considering how much safer Sol and Axebreaker make the run, I'm really iffy on whether or not it's even worth trying.

Did you check whether delaying flight has any downsides?

There's also this. Dark Flier kind of just laughs at C10, 12, 13, 14 and 15 (it would actually laugh at 16 and potentially 18 too, if I didn't want to get through Hero so badly). Delaying Galeforce is also a big problem. Granted, Pass would provide some level of cushioning, but still.

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Me and Potato are yelling obvious facts at eachother, when suddenly...

  • Anunculturedlittlepotato: WAIT WHAT
  • Anunculturedlittlepotato: How did you know that
  • Anunculturedlittlepotato: How in blazes do you know my name starts with an A?

(Potato's name IRL starts with an A)

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Yoshi confirmed psychic.

Anyway, I've been reconsidering my route and how there's actually a big blackhole of EXP midgame where Robin is basically using it to gain about 5 stat points. I pondered trying to funnel it into Chrom, but aside from trying harder to give him kills in C13 (actually not too hard a task), it's not really feasible to do it in tightly-packed maps like C14 and C15. However, this did make me reconsider using Lucina and Morgan. For those who have seen the strat, once the enemy Pegs are cleared out, a flier can bait out all the 2-range enemies and then pummel the helpless melee enemies. So instead of feeding the melee (and easy 2-rangers) to Robin, I could give them to someone else. Chrom doesn't have flying classes, but Robin!Lucina does. Now, the reason I rejected doing more training before is because I wouldn't have a secondary tank or particularly trained staff support to keep Lucina and Morgan out of trouble for that brief period of time where they're vulnerable. However, this method allows me to not have to worry about it at all. I might have to try to feed Chrom pointman kills here and there to make up for the EXP loss on his part, but having a strong Lucy/Morgan pair should make that trivial.

So I theorycrafted a redistribution of how I allocated my seals:


Renown - Dark Mage Robin

C8(v) - Dark Flier Robin

C12 - Pegasus Knight Lucina (plus Arms Scroll)

P12(ch) - Fighter Morgan

C14(ch) - Cavalier Chrom

C15(v) - Hero Robin

C16 (pur) - Dark Knight Robin, Warrior Morgan, Hero Lucina (or maybe Bow Knight?)


C8(v) - Sorcerer Robin

C10 - Paladin Chrom

C11 - Falcon Knight Cordelia

C12 - Dark Flier Lucina

C14 - Hero Morgan

Robin's class route doesn't change much, other than now she's going to get less Hero EXP in C15. This is fine because she'll still likely be able to reclass to Dark Knight in C18. C19 is where she really wants to have the class, anyway. Chrom's class route doesn't change either, other than also being delayed. He'll gain a few more tier 1 levels in Lord and probably a bit less in Cavalier.

In order to take advantage of C14 for tons of cheap EXP, Lucina's gonna get the C12 Second Seal, plus the P4 Arms Scroll. I'm debating whether or not to do P12 before C14 now, though, so that Morgan can be recruited and pick up DS EXP from Lucy's rampage. In any event, class routes are going to look something like this:

Lucy (Veteran, Aether) — Lord -> Pegasus Knight -> Dark Flier -> Hero/Bow Knight

Morgan (Galeforce, Rightful King) — Tactician -> Fighter -> Hero -> Warrior

I'm a little unsure on what I want Lucy's end class to be because after a bit, Morgan is going to be the one taking the lead while she jumps to the back. Hero gives Spd and Def and Axebreaker allows her to use Parallel Falchion against Swordbreaker Wyvs (and she /should/ reach it, though it will be a bit late). On the other hand, Hero and Warrior both have pretty good Def, all things considered, so she could also go Bow Knight for Spd and Mov bonuses. She could still use Parallel on most targets and Bows would give her coverage against Wyvs without having to worry about Axebreaker (not to mention just dodging WTD, in general).

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