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Resetless Lunatic+ Run COMPLETED (Deathless) (With Complete Guide)

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Robin was fine, it's Morgan I'm worried about.

How much Str, exactly, did Chrom have on the successful run?

He needs 93 Atk to get an unassisted 5HKO in Grima. Falchion is 48, and he gets +6 more from Tonic/Rally, so he should need 39 Str to do the deed. How rare is that?

Actually if Morgan caps Str as a Warrior and quads with a +5 Brave Bow and Paladin support, he could be doing 52 damage on his own. Even if Chrom does nothing, Morgan being danced and attacking 8 times might be a guaranteed 2RKO. So I don't think Chrom even matters on Grima.

Ah. Well, Morgan's got Anna to bail him out if I have to go for something ballsy, so he should be fine in the end.

39 Str is his expected Str at LV18 Paladin. I'm okay with 33 Str, though, because 6 out of 8 leaves room for 2 strikes of error. 31-32 Str works too, so long as Robin takes a hit and Vengeances 3 damage.

That's an interesting point with Morgan too. Add in pocket!Lucina (who, if she were to reclass to Paladin and fight Grima right this moment with the test run stats, would be doing 10.5 damage per swing), Chrom still getting some lumps in with Robin and some very strange things could happen and the run would still complete. I'm definitely considering throwing her into Paladin instead of Hero or Bow Knight now, though.

Although, even if Chrom doesn't matter as much for Grima now, he still needs to keep up to help Robin get kills.

But Kuroi what happens when a fighter support doesn't give Luci the kill? What do we do if +6 str isn't enough? (4 with fighter and 2 with tonic, right?)

These are kid units, so it's possible. Improbable, yes but plausible none the less.

Well, Lucy hopefully wouldn't be more than a gain or two off of making it. Morgan still really needs to get rolling, though, especially with how his importance is rising as we do more brainstorming. I guess I'd just have to roll with it and try to get them as much EXP as possible, despite the deficit.

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Oh, one other thing I wanted to mention: if you're trying to hold a choke (say, like the one in Cht.14) but there are enemies with Pass, it's actually possible to use this to your advantage. All the Pass foes will head on through to get at Robin's exposed side, but the non-Pass ones can't. So if you put Morgan back there to train, he'll still get mobbed, but he'll both be up against much fewer enemies than normal (only the Pass ones), and since one of their Lunatic+ skills is guaranteed to be Pass they'll be much less threatening in combat, with no chance of a Luna+/Hawkeye combo, lower Counter distribution, etc. I've abused making Pass-only filters many times during past runs to feed low-level units more safely, and this could be a good place to work one in.

And, of course, once you fish out and slay all the Pass enemies, you can hold the choke just like normal and fire over Robin's head for kills.

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I can fire over Robin's head with no fear of Pass already on the right side boat. There's that long 1-tile-wide alcove that only has one facing that Robin can stand in front of. Of course, I'll still need some melee kills in order to get Morgan enough WEXP to use Hand Axes to do that. Chrom will need to do similar, but with only half as much work, thanks to Discipline.

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And of course chapter 19 is now trivial with Morgan and Luci. Slapping them and robin/chrom on a fort pair make that chapter a joke now~
Still curious if you could ek out a chrom/Morgan B and luci/robin A. More support bonuses really can't hurt if it can be done safely and would swapping chrom/luci be that bad?

Events so far:
Haiku's about little tiny hot dogs being small but strong
Chapter 19 is a joke now
Lucina Paladin
Cities: Skylines
Finally finding a downside to morgan/luci being not having life taker.
Morgan naturally doubling the swardmaster in chapter 22 and one shotting Aversa
Morgan being able to 2RKO grima, like the absolute boss he is.

Edited by AnUnculturedLittlePotato
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Testing Morgan vs Grima. Lucina is unequipped (equipped with a Log), and we're trying to see if Morgan really does have a 100% guaranteed 2RKO with a dance because Warriors are OP. He also has 1% crit. I called it. He crit. Go me.

  • Czar_yoshi: Now watch the 1% crits coming in
  • Anunculturedlittlepotato: CRIT
  • Czar_yoshi: NAILED IT
  • Czar_yoshi: I SO CALLED THAT
  • Anunculturedlittlepotato: 1% CERIT
  • Czar_yoshi: WHOMP WHOMP WHOMP
  • Anunculturedlittlepotato: CRIT*
  • Cat1803: 1% CRIT!!!!
  • Czar_yoshi: I CALLED THAT SO HARD

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Yo. Did you actually redo your other resetless L+ videos, or is it just me?

Nope. I just added them to my sig, but the Highlights versions (the one cut into 4 parts, as opposed to the VoD that was eventually deleted) have stayed the same. Something out-of-place?


Seriously though we might not even need to feed chrom any levels if Morgan can just 2RKO with dance and rally.

Heh, yeah, you got me. I mean, they're far from necessary, but since I don't really need Axebreaker and Rightful King, I might bring both for the luls. With 16%, then 21% listed crit (or 21% the whole time if Robin/Morgan A happens at some point), one's quite likely to show up to add some extra flair to the finish.

Chrom will still need levels in order to help Robin secure mid-late game kills, but he definitely doesn't need to get to particularly high levels. Even a Str-screwed LV9 Paladin Chrom was sufficient.

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Heh, yeah, you got me. I mean, they're far from necessary, but since I don't really need Axebreaker and Rightful King, I might bring both for the luls. With 16%, then 21% listed crit (or 21% the whole time if Robin/Morgan A happens at some point), one's quite likely to show up to add some extra flair to the finish.

Even better is it'll be a 26% crit listed crit with Olivia, right?

Or do I still not quite get support bonuses?

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The 16-> is if Olivia adds her single point or Robin/Morgan is A instead of B, adding a single point. 8 points is where the +15 crit threshold sits. Morgan/Lucina A is worth 4 points, while Robin/Mogan B is worth 3 (A pushes that to 4). To get to +20 crit, I'd need to hit 12 support points, which just ain't happening with this run.

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I mean technically a morgan A with Chrom would work, right?
Edit: If you separate Robin and chrom of course
Edit Edit: I can't spell or think at 5 am more news at 11
Edit Edit Edit: One thing that may be of some concern is skill density on chapter 19. High hawkeye/HawkeLuna+ might pose a problem to morgan/robin.

Edited by AnUnculturedLittlePotato
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Nope. I just added them to my sig, but the Highlights versions (the one cut into 4 parts, as opposed to the VoD that was eventually deleted) have stayed the same. Something out-of-place?

I was hoping to finish watching your first successful run, actually - I had been watching it for about a week or so.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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I mean technically a morgan A with Chrom would work, right?

Edit: If you separate Robin and chrom of course

Edit Edit: I can't spell or think at 5 am more news at 11

Edit Edit Edit: One thing that may be of some concern is skill density on chapter 19. High hawkeye/HawkeLuna+ might pose a problem to morgan/robin.

It could, but doing that in the middle of the Grima fight would be highly impractical, though.

There is that possibility, but each of them will only have three facings and enough Def that said vanilla Hawkeye hits are looking at 10-15 damage on average (as high as 22 with axe guys) against Morgan, around 10-12 less against Robin. Hawkeye/Luna+ will do more, but that's only a 2.8% chance per unit. They should be able to pick the Hawkeye guys off and heal with items on their second turn if it gets really bad.

I was hoping to finish watching your first successful run, actually - I had been watching it for about a week or so.

You still can. It's divided into 4 parts on its own in my sig. I might have misunderstood your wording, since I made that version a few days after that cast and assumed you were watching them and thought you were asking if I changed them. Anyway, they're still there and much more navigable than that 13-hour monstrosity of a VoD to boot.

Edited by Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
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Unnecessary optimization to replace another unnecessary optimimization: with all the +Hit skills and stuff flying around, Morgan should be well over 100 Hit—by something like 15 or more. This makes either Hex or my forging +15 Hit to the Brave Bow unnecessary. Since Robin doesn't have another skill she'd rather have there, I could instead move the bow's hit bonus to crit, bringing the actual displayed Crit to 25% (7 support points) or 30% (8+ support points). Because nothing says, "Stop possessing my bad alternative future mother, you jerk!" like gross overkill. >.>

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Might as well go all the way and just give Morgan Cht.9's Killer Bow for the first round. Two crits will still ORKO Grima, and even if both fail she's still guaranteed to die to four Brave Bow shots after Olivia.

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Wait, how is it a ORKO? Even if both Killer Bow shots crit, that's only 39 x2. Or are you counting two Lucina Dual Strikes in there too?

Also, unless I'm mathing wrong, the Brave Bow would still have the better odds of landing the double crit. The most stylish finish, though, would be a triple crit (preferably all in a row, but I wouldn't be too disappointed by a 2-1-1 or a 1-1-2).

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I dunno though, Dusky hasn't had a good run ever. I feel like sticking with Vanilla!Robin, Goombella!Robin and Yololi might be best. the superstitious MTG player in me tells me it is so!
I guess it could be worse though. If chapter 1 and 2 fail horribly it's better then chapter 24 failing horribly, no?

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I dunno though, Dusky hasn't had a good run ever. I feel like sticking with Vanilla!Robin, Goombella!Robin and Yololi might be best. the superstitious MTG player in me tells me it is so!

I guess it could be worse though. If chapter 1 and 2 fail horribly it's better then chapter 24 failing horribly, no?

At that point, I don't think KTT will screw up a run, so it's not even an option.

I know that tall build Robin likes to be really strong and fast, but lacks defense and magic. This happened on multiple occasions. I might turn superstitious too.

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