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Claude!Nanna @Rescue Staff in Ch.7?


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FE4 LTC kind of seems to be the flavor of the month right now and since I took part in a little conversation about it in a different thread I started to look into the subject a bit more myself. The key item of a LTC run of course is the Rescue staff so I thought about good ways to pass it down into the 2nd generation to make full use of it. One thing I stumbled across is a Lachesis x Claude pairing that gives Nanna minor Blaggi and allows her to directly inherit the Rescue Staff from her mother. Given the position she starts off in Ch.7 I've started to wonder if it's possible for her to rescue units over the yellow swordfighters that block off the choke points betweel Melgen and Alster. Has anybody tried it out before? Is it possible to rescue Celice over the yellow units and seize Alster without conquering Darna and Melgen first? If it is possible, what happens when you do it? Will Aless and Leen/Laylea be skipped alongside the two castles?

Edited by Yojinbo
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Claude Lana is your only way of getting Rescue super early. I suppose if you wanted to you could do Azel Lana and then Claude Fury and Sety could inherit the Rescue staff in Chapter 8, but Claude Lana is the quickest way of getting it.

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The point isn't to get the Rescue Staff early but specifically have Nanna inherit it so she can use it in Ch.7 to skip over the yellow units between Melgen and Alster.

But since Nanna can't actually inherit the Rescue Staff to begin with this thread is done for.

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Actually, Rescue!Leaf has the potential to save a lot of turns. If Nanna could do it from the get go, you've got like an extra two chapters of rescue to work with.

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The problem lies in the fact that if you are to make Claud!Nanna, you would have to hold back Lachesis from doing her rescue crap in ch 4 so she can stick with Claud. Unless she wants to waste charges on him. This would waste many turns, although rescue in ch 8 would be pretty OP.

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Yeah I wasn't actually considering Claude x Lachesis as an option for LTC purposes. I just happened to stumble accross it when I thought about passing down the rescue staff and falsely assumed that Nanna can inherit it. I'm aware that pairing up Claude with Lachesis and skipping Leen/Laylea would cost way too many turns to be viable. I just wanted to know if it allows you to skip the two castles in Ch.7. But it doesn't matter because Nanna cannot inherit the Rescue Staff in the first place. I also forgot that Alster can't be approached before you seize Darna so even if Nanna could use Rescue, it wouldn't allow you to skip anything.

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