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Chances of these Games Coming to Virtual Console


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Not including FE1 and 3, since those were remade. Of course, they'd have to translate all of those games in order to bring them to the West and PAL regions. So, what are the chances of Nintendo and IS bringing the retro FE series to Virtual Console? I'd say low, though if they actually did by some miracle, then I wouldn't mind playing Gaiden, Genealogy, and Thracia 776 without an emulator for once :3

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True, though I want to say there's some hope because of the localization changes in Awakening, but that was probably for DLC purposes. One can only hope that it piqued enough interest in the fans to the point that IS will consider it. I have a lot of wishful thinking though...

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I whish it would happen but I don't think it will because Nintendo seems to hate making money off anything other then Mario and Zelda when it comes to releasing games outside of Japan.

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Pretty much zero. That's my best guess, because, to be honest, I doubt they'd try something like that.

I whish it would happen but I don't think it will because Nintendo seems to hate making money off anything other then Mario and Zelda when it comes to releasing games outside of Japan.

I seriously doubt it'd be a very profitable move anyway.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Each FE is different, and with the new fans of the series coming in, I'd think it would be great for them to try a little variety. Of course, it'd be hit and miss with some of the older ones. There was a reason they didn't bring back the "fatigue" function from FE5 :/

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Each FE is different, and with the new fans of the series coming in, I'd think it would be great for them to try a little variety. Of course, it'd be hit and miss with some of the older ones. There was a reason they didn't bring back the "fatigue" function from FE5 :/

Perhaps. Either way, even if something like this did happen, I doubt it's the newcomers that would bite - only the hardcore fans.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Y'all realized this is the same IS that flat out REFUSED to release FE3Book2 for the DS outside Japan right? Genealogy didn't have Thracia's "fatigue" or "staves heal missing", but nooooo...

Don't get why Japanese videogame companies do this, imagine if Rockstar North release GTA, RDR, & Max Payne 3 only in Scotland

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It's not japanese video game companies, it has to do entirely with the market overseas and whether or not sales outweighs labor. As it stood, they probably didn't have much faith in it.

I really have no theories as to why FE never made it overseas in the 90s, though FE4 was probably because they'd have to censor it a ton and FE5 came out... in like 1999.

Edited by Lord Raven
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Y'all realized this is the same IS that flat out REFUSED to release FE3Book2 for the DS outside Japan right? Genealogy didn't have Thracia's "fatigue" or "staves heal missing", but nooooo...

Don't get why Japanese videogame companies do this, imagine if Rockstar North release GTA, RDR, & Max Payne 3 only in Scotland

It probably had more to do with the DS's rampant piracy and end of life issues, not to mention that Shadow Dragon is also one of the weakest games in the series. I suppose they judged the (vastly improved) sequel wouldn't be profitable.

Either way, I can't see any of the older games being translated and released overseas unless they're remade - and even then, maybe.

There was a reason they didn't bring back the "fatigue" function from FE5 :/

In fact, I could argue that Shadow Dragon's blood sacrifice paralogue system follow the exact opposite logic of that.
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Yeah I dont think Nintendo will ever release VC translation for fire emblem i mean look at mother 3 that's been requested way more and still never got one so the FE chances are very very very low.

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consider that in order to release these games in the west, Nintendo would have to take time away from their already busy translation schedule to translate these games. I doubt they'd be willing to do that for games that likely wouldn't be that profitable.

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