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How I singlehandedly ruined a marriage today at work

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So, if my recent posts haven't been obvious enough, I work for Disney. My job is pretty simple, I'm a character attendant. I hang out with various characters and assist them throughout the day. Today, I was at Character Spot at EPCOT, which is Mickey, Minnie, and Goofy. I was with Mickey where overheard a little girl asking her parents why Mickey wasn't talking*.

*At Town Square Theatre in Magic Kingdom, Mickey talks with Guests.

I, being a wonderful Cast Member, struck up a conversation with this girl and her sister, who were becoming upset that Mickey wasn't talking. The remainder of the conversation is as follows:

Me: "Well, sweetheart. Mickey's saving up his voice because he has a big date with Minnie tonight. He has to tell her how much he loves her and how beautiful she is. I heard he's taking her out to dinner, then to a movie, and then he's taking her out on a sailboat!"

The girls naturally got very excited about this. However, their parents... not so much.

Mom, to Dad: "How come you never take me on a sailboat?:

Dad, to Mom: "Let's not get in a fight here."

While I'm not sure if they were being 100% serious, it's mildly concerning that this husband and wife are quite jealous of Mickey and Minnie's romantic life, and that their entire marriage is hinging on one sailboat trip.

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Some people can be very sarcastic with their loved ones, I'm one of them, you can always hope that is was a large amount of joshing.


And OMG you actually work at Disneyland/World. Epic...

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Working at Disneyland sounds like the worst job in the entire world, barring actual terrible jobs like scrubbing shit out of sewers. http://www.cracked.com/article_21011_6-things-nobody-tells-you-about-working-at-disney-world.html

I just read that article you linked, and OMGOODNESS. Terminally ill kids ask the fairy godmother to cure them? That's so... :sob: OH MAN I'd cry so much. That's so sad! I have no words to describe how I feel about that. That's heartbreaking on another level.

EDIT: also, I'm sure the husband and wife you ran into weren't serious. At least, I hope not.

Edited by mewyeon
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Working at Disneyland sounds like the worst job in the entire world, barring actual terrible jobs like scrubbing shit out of sewers. http://www.cracked.com/article_21011_6-things-nobody-tells-you-about-working-at-disney-world.html

wow you are a scrub. You thinks he works at Disneyland, but he works at Disney world. I know this because he mentioned the epcot center. I have never been to disney world but I know that much!

(I would actually kind of love it if I am wrong and I just completely rekt myself.)

Edit: anyway I also hope it wasn't serious, since you had good intentions.

Edited by Severlan
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Hmm, so she wants him to take her out on a sailboat? Well I hope she is willing to do the same for him as well in the future.

I am sure he would prefer a vessel with an outboard motor instead... >.>

Anyways, yep they are totally breaking up and its all your fault. (in all seriousness, not your fault in any way shape or form, even if they were serious)

...it is kinda hard to tell without hearing the tones these people were using from the dialogue your transcribed, honestly... Could go either way from playing to legit sniping at each other. :\

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Working at Disneyland sounds like the worst job in the entire world, barring actual terrible jobs like scrubbing shit out of sewers. http://www.cracked.com/article_21011_6-things-nobody-tells-you-about-working-at-disney-world.html

Well it sucks over at Disneyland because of Measles and shit, but I work at Disney World.

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Well it sucks over at Disneyland because of Measles and shit, but I work at Disney World.

World masterrace

I'm going there in June. Mebe ill bump into ya :3

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Working at Disneyland sounds like the worst job in the entire world, barring actual terrible jobs like scrubbing shit out of sewers. http://www.cracked.com/article_21011_6-things-nobody-tells-you-about-working-at-disney-world.html

I always have to raise an eyebrow every time I read a cracked article these days, but I get the gist of what you're saying.

Still, this whole story gave me a decent laugh, but the odds are it wasn't serious.

Also, would someone remind me which one of these is in Cali and which one isn't? I'm heading to San Diego in April.

Edited by SirBrickingtonCrushworthy
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Well it sucks over at Disneyland because of Measles and shit, but I work at Disney World.

World masterrace

I'm going there in June. Mebe ill bump into ya :3

If I go do I get an SF member discount?

Yoooo does this mean SF Disney World is go?

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