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Shaved vs. Bearmode

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Humans should either be basically hairless (Eyebrows and hair on the head excepted) or literally furry, like an anthromorph.

The commonplace weird middleground where hairless creatures have hair but not enough to actually make them furry is just... eugh. It's like the uncanny valley. And since humans aren't exactly about to turn into fuzzballs that means GET RID OF IT.

besides that, the concept of "manliness" is dumb anyway. What are you, a bunch of brigands and vikings?

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Humans should either be basically hairless (Eyebrows and hair on the head excepted) or literally furry, like an anthromorph.

The commonplace weird middleground where hairless creatures have hair but not enough to actually make them furry is just... eugh. It's like the uncanny valley. And since humans aren't exactly about to turn into fuzzballs that means GET RID OF IT.

besides that, the concept of "manliness" is dumb anyway. What are you, a bunch of brigands and vikings?


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Humans should either be basically hairless (Eyebrows and hair on the head excepted) or literally furry, like an anthromorph.

The commonplace weird middleground where hairless creatures have hair but not enough to actually make them furry is just... eugh. It's like the uncanny valley. And since humans aren't exactly about to turn into fuzzballs that means GET RID OF IT.

besides that, the concept of "manliness" is dumb anyway. What are you, a bunch of brigands and vikings?

Fuck yes, we are.

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Humans should either be basically hairless (Eyebrows and hair on the head excepted) or literally furry, like an anthromorph.

The commonplace weird middleground where hairless creatures have hair but not enough to actually make them furry is just... eugh. It's like the uncanny valley. And since humans aren't exactly about to turn into fuzzballs that means GET RID OF IT.

besides that, the concept of "manliness" is dumb anyway. What are you, a bunch of brigands and vikings?

Also, just in reply to your high expectations of man: If you're gonna enforce this onto any future/current boyfriend of yours, make sure you go for the people who already wax and shave every inch of themselves, because nobody's going to change that part of themselves and go through all that effort for another person, unless they are literally so desperate and will do anything.

This, or look for a gorilla-man. Either way, both of these kinds of people are not easy to find. It's probably best that you start to accept people for what they are sooner than later.

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The commonplace weird middleground where hairless creatures have hair but not enough to actually make them furry is just... eugh. It's like the uncanny valley. And since humans aren't exactly about to turn into fuzzballs that means GET RID OF IT.

you're talking about the literal normal average human being (inasmuch as "average human" exists) here and calling that "weird" and "like the uncanny valley" lmao

topic: hell, shave the body hair if it works for you, there's plenty of reasons to.

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Humans should either be basically hairless (Eyebrows and hair on the head excepted) or literally furry, like an anthromorph.

The commonplace weird middleground where hairless creatures have hair but not enough to actually make them furry is just... eugh. It's like the uncanny valley. And since humans aren't exactly about to turn into fuzzballs that means GET RID OF IT.

besides that, the concept of "manliness" is dumb anyway. What are you, a bunch of brigands and vikings?

My ancestors were, that's why I'm here now :D

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you're talking about the literal normal average human being (inasmuch as "average human" exists) here and calling that "weird" and "like the uncanny valley" lmao

topic: hell, shave the body hair if it works for you, there's plenty of reasons to.

I dunno about you, but I genuinely feel like there's a generational gap on this sort of stuff, then again, I could be wrong.

I know my Dad once saw a commercial when we were watching TV and it was for some shaving product (one of those light-whatever shaving things) and this dude came out talking about how he gets hair off of his chest with it, and he was like, "Is that dude supposed to be gay, or something?", like this whole idea of men shaving body hair is a new idea and has nothing to do with cleanliness, hygiene, or stuff like that. Conversely, it seems to be relatively well-accepted, at least in my social circles if nothing else, that men should at least shave off their chest hair.

Personally, I take it a step further and try to shave off as much as I can, because it just seems and feels better when I cut it, because it has a more groomed look to it. That's the way I feel about it, and that's my main motivator for doing so.

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Guess it can be a social/cultural thing... In a number of circles I experienced/saw growing up, it was thought of as very odd for Men to shave their body hair.

...I dunno, personally, people need to chill a bit if they get all grossed out/disgusted by hair on either men or women...

There are people that go way too far one way or the other... But come on. :\

I guess I vote more Bearmode than Shaved as I think facial hair is cool... We talking that too? Or is this more about body grooming? :|

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if you don't like it-- shave it

if you like it-- keep it

that's how it should be imo

Nothin' "gay" or whatever about not wanting body hair. It can be irritating sometimes; I would know.

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I dunno about you, but I genuinely feel like there's a generational gap on this sort of stuff, then again, I could be wrong.

there is

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Guess it can be a social/cultural thing... In a number of circles I experienced/saw growing up, it was thought of as very odd for Men to shave their body hair.

...I dunno, personally, people need to chill a bit if they get all grossed out/disgusted by hair on either men or women...

There are people that go way too far one way or the other... But come on. :\

I guess I vote more Bearmode than Shaved as I think facial hair is cool... We talking that too? Or is this more about body grooming? :|

Because body hair, for whatever reason (though I think folks can guess), is talked about a whole lot less, I'm mostly talking about that. Facial hair is more of something that you either can or can't grow well, from what I can tell. I personally believe either groomed facial hair or shaved is better, but part of that is again, my personal experience, and what I'm used to.

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I would say something I would say for the girls too; "let it fly in the open wind, if it get too bushy you can trim!!"

Okay, okay, actually Amanda Palmer & the Young Punx said that.

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Shaving always made me feel better about myself, but I've wondered if it's just because I thought "hair on body = caveman = unattractive," that being underweight and hairy was a gross contradiction which had to be resolved (and it probably wasn't going to be by gaining weight), or just because my dad having been the only guy I knew as a kid with a substantial amount of body hair (and at the same time in his fifties) made me a bit insecure about growing up to look like him. But then I had trouble seeing anything (physically) attractive in masculinity and in some ways tried to actively distance myself from it for a bunch of years (and in some ways maybe still do), so I probably don't have the authority to say anything more about what is or should be normal for boys/men than to add to the answers of "just stick with what feels good"

Edited by Rehab
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I hair up fast so consistently shaving body hair for aesthetic purposes is too much trouble for me on a regular basis

more comfortable with it anyway

only extenuating circumstances are

if im running/swimming regularly, and thats mostly for leg hair

if im in a relationship and i expect my woman to go hairless in places, because then

im obligated to respect what she wants outta me

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I have to keep it up every so often to stay good, so it's often times a work in progress for me. Luckily for me, nobody's seeing my bare legs right now, so I can take my time by starting the arms and chest, and having to do the legs too in one time consuming session isn't needed. That's the only way I can shave my body at all, because I've got quite a bit of hair otherwise.

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I don't bother shaving, but I don't have very much body hair anyway, so shaving would be a waste of time for me. If I did though, I still wouldn't shave.

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