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Terrible pairings in FE4


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I'm currently trying to figure out the worst possible pairings for FE4 generation 1. I don't care for Sylvia because her children aren't completely screwable [Dancer + Staffbot] so the worst she can do for your team is waste Levin's goodness on her kids. Here's what I have so far:

Aideen x Holyn -> no skill for either child, worst possible Lester without doing favors to Lana

Aira x Claude -> children will likely still be strong, Skasaha can use magic swords but still worse than any other pairing I could think of

Lachesis x Ardan -> Holyn is already taken and at least passes down better stats. Ardan!Delmud has 15% skl and 30% spd. Ardan and Holyn seem to be the only gen 1 units that make bad fathers for both Delmud and Nanna.

Fury x Alec -> in most pairings with Fury either Fee, Sety or both will be good. Alec and Fin are the only fathers where both children will likely end up as mediocre units. Fin at least passes down Prayer so he's slightly better here.

Tiltyu x Dew -> I'm pretty sure this is the worst possible pairing for Tiltyu that remains. It looks pretty bad in general.

Briggid x Azel -> Azel is the only male unit other than Claude who can produce a bad Faval to my knowledge. Maybe I should swap things around and have Aira x Azel and Briggid x Claude? I'm pretty sure the results will be disastrous either but this one is at least a bit easier to do.

Anything that could be done worse?

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Alec gives Fee nihil meaning she isn't affected by arrow bonus. Sety is still unfuckable.

But yeah, it's still shit.

Claude gives the swordkids actual res., meaning they could help bosskill?

AideenxHolyn is indeed shit.

TiltyuxDew is shit, but at least you get bargain. TiltyuxAlec would be worse.

BriggidxAzel gives you magic sword patty tho.

Oh and ArdanxTiltyu/Aideen would be horrible too.

Levinxanything not named Sylvia/Fury/Tilty is shit.

Lex!Sylvia is totally wasted. Same with Lex!Briggid.

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Claude!Faval (and or) Azel!Faval are preety equal in the amounts of shit they are

AzelXAira is much much worse then Claude!Aira

Edited by TTPK_Tal
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Faval probably doesn't give a shit due to the ridiculousness of Ichieval tho.

Faval is by far the most stable kid he has high bases and ichival and pursuit regardless of the father

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Lana and Aira's children are pretty much impossible to entirely mess up too.

TiltyuxDew is shit, but at least you get bargain. TiltyuxAlec would be worse.


Oh and ArdanxTiltyu/Aideen would be horrible too.

Levinxanything not named Sylvia/Fury/Tilty is shit.

Lex!Sylvia is totally wasted. Same with Lex!Briggid.

Tiltyu x Alec has Pursuit so it can't be worse than Tiltyu x Dew imo. Tiltyu x Ardan though is pretty legit on the other hand because it still has Ambush + Wrath crithax on Arthur and Tinny though the pairing is obviously strictly inferior to Tiltyu x Lex ... still, Tiltyu is one of the units that leads to solid results with Ardan as lover [Aira is another one].

Levin x anything is good. Continue, Critical, major Holsety ... his children will be good, period.

Lex!Sylvia is actually the preferred pairing in ranked runs afaik because it makes leveling up Leen and Corple a million times easier.

Edited by Yojinbo
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Ardan and Sylvia. Corpul has a 25% speed growth. Leen gets a pass I guess, since her speed growth is crappy to begin with.

Also pairing Ferry with anybody that isn't a magic user gives Ced a 10% or 5% magic growth. Other than Dew, who gives him a 15% magic growth.

Yep. Ced can have a 5% magic growth.

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boohoo you didn't mention the majesty that is ardan!fury.

Because Ardan!Fury is actually good for Fee, and Sety is still a boss with just Lightning

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The thing with Sety is that he starts at a high level with good bases and has secured Pursuit. If you pair Fury with a physical Husband, Sety will have bad magic growths (as bad as 5% with Jamke or Beowolf), but he'll get good skill combos and stats good enough to get him through the game. Pair Fury with a magic unit and Sety is a killing machine.

So yeah, you can't really make Sety an all-around terrible unit. Some Setys are better than others, obviously, but he'll always be at least usable.

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Dew!Fee has better growth rates than Alec!Fee or Fin!Fee in everything except HP [less] and Skill [tie]. Bargain is a good skill for staff users in general so it helps Sety considerably more than Awareness does.

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Dew passes down good growths, which is very good for a lot of the kids. Claude!Swordtwins are good for Magic Sword use. Azel!Swordtwins are also decent for Magic Sword use, but I think Claude!Swordtwins turn out better overall.

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Lex!Sylvia is totally wasted. Same with Lex!Briggid.

Actually Lex/Sylvia provided a sturdy Leen who could hit back and a Corple who leveled up fast and could take a hit. Not bad for a dancer and a staffbot.

Finn/Sylvia OTOH gets my vote for most spectacular waste of time imaginable. It doesn't even look good on paper.

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Lex!Briggid's Elite & Def growth is possibly the only way to get a promoted Patty. Ambush helps her Sleep Sword especially in the arena

Holyn!Patty is also a good way to get her promoted since it allows for her to use the Hero Sword.

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Lex!Briggid's Elite & Def growth is possibly the only way to get a promoted Patty. Ambush helps her Sleep Sword especially in the arena

I've promoted patty in all three of my playthroughs (jamka, holyn, and dew) holyn was the only easy one (because of the hero sword and luna on patty), but she gets most of the way through each arena with the sleep sword, even without anything else (plus she has decent mag and can use a magic sword for chip), so it's never nearly as hard as promoting dew was. honestly, brigid's kids are pretty unscrewable. I'd say claude is probably worst, but even then, they don't really end up bad. That being said, Lex!brigid is probably in the top 50% of her pairings, because it does make patty vastly easier to use, and isn't too bad for paval (it has everything he wants except for skl and possibly a multihit skill) (i havn't actualy tried it though).

Edited by sirmola
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I know you said you didn't care about her, but In terms of bad pairings, Fin x Sylvia is pretty high on the terrible rankings, since Corple eats Fin's items and they've already got Prayer to begin with.

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Finn/Sylvia is indeed a bad pairing. Probably the one pairing in the game you don't want to do.

Lester also hates having magic dads. It just completely kills his potential.

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I'm just wondering, if you use hacking and set a female to be a lover with a child character (IE Fury marrying Levin!Corple), what happens?

Finn Sylvia is actually pretty bad. But it's a Sylvia pairing sooooooo...

What about Azel/Claud Briggid? So bad that Faval can't one shot Ishtar with Ichival!

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