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FE4 Gen1+Gen2 Tier Lists

Moishe Oofnik

Best Gen 2 Unit?  

73 members have voted

  1. 1. Best Gen 2 unit?

    • Leif
    • Aless
    • Celice
    • Shanan
    • Levin!Sety
    • Levin!Arthur
    • Leen/Laylea
    • Roddlebad

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Azel!Aideen isn't that bad? Yeah you only get the rescue staff for two extra chapters (at this rate of play they'll be paired by the beginning of chapter four if you keep them together, which shouldn't be hard with 5 move), but I feel that two chapters of rescue staff is more than a good Lester will ever contribute. Of course we aren't assuming any pairings in this tier list, but I feel it should be a small point in her favor (I happen to like her current placement on the tier list.)

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Lachesis is still your only mounted staff user (besides lol 8 move C staves Fury), you know...not to mention Master Knight being a generally great class.

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Huh, this might be a noob question, but I thought that we decided that Azel was never promoting. Since Lachesis joins two chapters later than him at about the same level, how is she promoting if he's not?

Edited by Dozla of the Steady Axe
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I think it's a bit of a stretch to assume that Azel won't be promoting at all fwiw. Idk he may be a bit underrated right now and could be a better unit than Claude or Briggid are, all things considered. Promoted Azel will probably do a good bit more than they do and it's not that hard to have him ready for promotion by Ch.4. It doesn't even take a whole lot of resources [if any at all] to get him there, he's just a whack unit as long as he doesn't have a horse, which is like 75% of generation 1.

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Azel can promote by chapter 4 if you try hard enough.

He's among your best units if he does too. Better than Lex/Alec/Noish/Midir and co anyway.

Edited by General Horace
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Azel can definitely promote by chapter 5, the problem is that his mobility means he doesn't really see action. He'd also like to get a decent tome before like chapter 2.

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I'm having serious issues seeing Cuan under Levin.

OK, so Cuan is around for 3.5 chapters (Prologue is half) and Levin is around for... 3.5 chapters also! Same availability. The only difference is that Cuan exists when your only other good units are Lex and Sigurd while Levin is pretty good but surrounded by a much better cast. Availability? Cuan gets the nod for being good when essentially nobody else is.

Mobility wise, Cuan crushes Levin. Aside from the bandits in the central area, Levin doesn't see combat until the start of chapter 3. Cuan has no reason not to see combat at any point of his career. Prologue is Cuan taking out what Sigurd can't, Chapter 1 is more of the same, Chapter 2 has the pair running north-west and then north-east. And Chapter 3? Cuan gets the Gae Bolg and crushes. Sure, it's at the tail end of the chapter but he's still amazing.

Levin, in the meantime, is OK. He's a very good combat unit but has no Pursuit and no mount. Limited fighting in Chapter 2, same amount of fighting as Cuan in Chapter 3 and then he's got a problem. Chances are that Levin won't be getting to Thove before mounts, even considering the forest so he sees minimal combat and then needs to be Returned back home only after Sigurd. He'll pick up Holsety and be awesome with it but he still has no mount. Chapter 5 is a rush to the end and even with the desert in the way, Levin still lags behind a bit and probably won't fight Reptor unless you're holding Sylvia back too or keeping your mounts from moving all the way.

As for kids, Levin!Arthur requires Tiltyu (yuck), Levin!Corple is crap even with Holsety and Levin!Sety doesn't show up until Chapter 8 and we're talking deep. Leaf exists for almost the entirety of Gen 2 (minus Chapter 6), gets a horse on promotion (only Levin!Arthur has that) and is just plain awesome. Never mind Altenna. Oh and as for the daughters, Levin!Tinny is still pretty terrible, Leen is a dancer and Fee is going to be good no matter who her father is.

Long story short, Cuan > Levin.

EDIT: Also, Altenna for Upper Mid Gen 2 tier. I'm tempted to say the top of it considering that Upper Mid is comprised of really good combat units that require some time and effort in order to be monsters (Altenna is immediately usable, has the Gae Bolg and flies) but Altenna only exists from Chapter 9 onwards while the others have been around since Chapter 6. Let's put her under Amid for right now.

Edited by Man Bun
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Cuan gets the Gae Bolg in time to take on a super easy castle that's probably being taken out by some foot unit you left at Madino anyways, and before that he relies on Continue procs to kill things, which is the same as Levin except Levin has way better activation rates. Cuan may be better than Levin anyways but his combat isn't that good; he's pretty much just got 8 MOV and tankiness.

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Cuan gets the Gae Bolg in time to take on a super easy castle that's probably being taken out by some foot unit you left at Madino anyways, and before that he relies on Continue procs to kill things, which is the same as Levin except Levin has way better activation rates. Cuan may be better than Levin anyways but his combat isn't that good; he's pretty much just got 8 MOV and tankiness.

Cuan's combat is really good considering everyone that's with him. Lex needs the Hero Axe to kill, Noishe/Fin/Alec are doing minor chip, Azel/Holyn/Ayra/Jamka aren't reaching combat most of the time and Ethlin is healing. That's pretty much everyone that joins before Chapter 2 starts. So yes, Cuan nuking shit from the word go is worth it.

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Lex needs the Hero Axe to kill, but once he gets it he kills most things whereas Cuan is still relying on Continue procs for all but the last castle of his existence, so I wouldn't exactly call it nuking? Fin can also ORKO with Cuan's Steel Lance and has Prayer for durability, and since enemies don't take it into account, they like suiciding onto him en masse. And then he gets the Hero Lance in Chapter 2 and is really good.

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Cuan's among the best unit on your team for the prologue, chapter 1, and chapter 2.

Levin's among your best units in uh, maybe chapter 5? People don't get credit for stuff their kids do on the list either. I think that should speak for itself.

Levin can totally kill Reptor though. Just warp him to Phinora and have him attack Reptor from over the cliff.

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The +20 skill boost from Thorhammer counteracts the 20 speed boost of Holsety, so Reptor should have hit rates. That said, I also believe Cuan should be higher. Levin is still a foot unit, and even though he kills more easily, Cuan is useful for heavy chip damage.

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I think most people agree that Cuan > Levin, the OP just hasn't been updated in a while. The way I see it the consensus is something like Sigurd > Sylvia > Ethlin > Fin > Lex/Cuan right now followed by Dew/Lachesis I think? I kinda doubt that Levin ends up contributing more to a run than like Midir does too.

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I could see Ethlin above Sylvia honestly. Gen 1 isn't like Gen 2 where we can go full break neck pace with our Master Knight having Rescue. We still have to wait on pairings and things like that, and just as Levin isn't seeing combat, Sylvia isn't really getting out of the woods in chapter 2 unless we wait a lot of turns. So that's like 3 chapters with her, whereas Ethlin's healing and ability to keep up with Sigured and Cuan are essential while she's on the team.

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She's mostly essential in the Prologue and in Ch.2. Both chapters would be terrible if it weren't for her but Ch.1 is actually OK - everything after Marpha castle is more or less Sigurd/Cuan doing everything and before that you can use the arena at Genoa castle or a church to heal along the way. She's also not doing a whole lot in Ch.3 other than returning Sigurd/Cuan/Sylvia on the way to Madino castle. I think it's fair to say that Sylvia is a better unit overall. Dancing doesn't just save turns, it also improves your offensive options on player phase by letting up to 4 of your strongest move again and it increases the amount of healing that can be done as well.

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You have to realize that until chapter 2 and some parts of 3, Cuan and Finn are under weapon triangle disadvantage. Not to mention lances weight is huge, meaning Cuan will get hurt. A lot. As a high level prepromote, he'll hardly get levels on his good growths, and he still has continue which isn't great.

Finn has the advantage of Prayer and no cost access to the brave lance, as well as a mini buff from Cuan in chapter two. As stated before, Finn is more than capable of killing enemies with a steel lance.

she can clear the arena with prayer sword abuse.

Prayer doesnt activate when using the arena on 1 hp. The only skill that comes in handy for dying combatants is Wrath, and only Tailto has it.

Levin has the powerful elwind that weighs almost nothing, and high speed and skill means he'll activate continue and critical often. He has access to Holsety which helps greatly endgame, and comes in chapter 2, which isnt bad for availablity. He'll still see most of the game out.

In a sense, I agree that Cuan and Finn are on equal terms, but Levin is better than both.

Midir is awesome, Azel can become great with enough patience, Dew sucks. Good luck stealing gold when you can't kill anything.

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