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FE4 Gen1+Gen2 Tier Lists

Moishe Oofnik

Best Gen 2 Unit?  

73 members have voted

  1. 1. Best Gen 2 unit?

    • Leif
    • Aless
    • Celice
    • Shanan
    • Levin!Sety
    • Levin!Arthur
    • Leen/Laylea
    • Roddlebad

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roddelbad and badney are the worst non armoured characters in the game, they're only better than Hannibal in gen 2.

I dunno, I think there are more opportunities where they can actually contribute to the team than assaello, sharlow or pretty much every iteration of corple can. It's probably grasping at straws but a promoted Radney can like actually do stuff in combat in Ch.7 and 9 ... I don't think Corple/Sharow/Assaello actually get to do anything?

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i actually forgot about DA HITMAN but I guess they're better than him, he's really bad.

Sharlow/Corple can still warp people places, and Sharlow is technically a julius killer too.

Radney isn't ever promoting in chapter 7 though. I think even promoting her by chapter 9 is pretty tough, she starts with no money and is a foot unit.

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eh this is kind of just my opinion and likely no one will agree, but i think you should really only rate subs against subs, maybe laylea and sharlow in the normal gen 2 list

basically there's never a situation where you'd really want subs, except like over idk jamka tilityu, so you might as well just have the gen 2 list be separated into the list of stuff we actually want and the list of wow we're bored let's do a sub only run

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Radney isn't ever promoting in chapter 7 though. I think even promoting her by chapter 9 is pretty tough, she starts with no money and is a foot unit.

I didn't mean to suggest that she'll be promoted in Ch.7. Just saying that she can actually contribute in that chapter as well as Ch.9 and that she can actually fight once promoted. Imo that's more than Sharlow/Corple will ever do unless you count the Berserk Staff as a 'contribution' for Sharlow in which case he should be ranked higher.

Corple/Sharlow 'can' use Warp in Ch.10 and Endgame but you have such an abundance of units who can do that ... I honestly wouldn't count it for much at that point anymore. Lana/Mana, Leaf, promoted Tinny/Linda, Hawk/Sety and Claude!Fee can all do it and if that is the only thing that Corple/Sharlow will actually do I'd definitely wouldn't count that for anything. It's just straight-up superfluous. Just to put it into perspective: In my LTC run I'll have neither Hawk, nor Claude!Fee, nor will Leaf ever actually use the Warp staff and I still won't use Sharlow because Lana and promoted Linda can take care of all Warp/Restore shenangians that need to be taken care of. Everything beyond that doesn't help at all.

Sub run tier list would imo be something like this:









And since Gen 1 and Gen 2 are seperated we might as well have a tier list for subs I really don't care too much about it.

Edited by Yojinbo
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I meant Sharlow can like, actually use the berserk staff with existant magic, not that he just gets it. Although Hawk has enough magic at base + his conversation + Magic ring to berserk the dude too.

But I think using Restore/Libro/whatever else is more than Radney or Roddelbad will ever do. Even if they reach enemies, they don't kill them.

Your list above looks good, although i'd maybe move Tristan up to the Hawk/Altenna tier, he's better than everyone else in his current tier given resources by a decent amount.

Edited by General Horace
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At the same time, he's better than Oifaye once he promotes.

Altenna's also only around for Chapter 10 and Final, where she's just a unit that can kill things, which is exactly the same thing as what tristan does. Her stats are just better. Hawk definately is quite a lot better though.

Edited by General Horace
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I think it's OK to have Tristan in the same tier as Hawk and Altenna.

Edit: In a sub only run Altenna is actually the only unit other than Aless and Celice that can take on Alvis head-on. I think that's definitely a noteworthy contribution.

Edited by Yojinbo
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Hawk can fight Alvis pretty well. A level 30 Hawk (not unreasonable, considering how much better he is compared to the rest of the subs and staff access) has ~47HP 28 Magic, and 21 Res. With a magic ring and a Barrier ring, he reaches the 70 combined HP/Res threshold needed to fight him, and has 52 attack with Lightning, for a potential 48 damage if he procs continue twice off his very high speed.

Lightning has WTA too.

Not taking anything away from Altenna though, she still does a ridiculous amount of damage to Alvis.

Tristan can tank a hit and do 8 damage a swing with the Silver Blade

Edited by General Horace
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Corple/Sharlow give her +5 res right before you fight Alvis, and she gets +3HP from Fin/Hannibal earlier. If you give her a barrier ring too she should be fine

Edited by General Horace
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Alvis doesn't OHKO Altenna? Are you sure?

There's a convo with Corple/Sharlow that gives her +5 res. With a Barrier Ring and her insane HP growth she can survive an attack without too much trouble [Celice is the only unit in sub-only that has higher HP growth].

Aless is still better at dealing with Alvis but he can't ORKO him and Celice will likely be busy getting the Tyrfing so Power Ring!Aless followed by Power Ring!Altenna is the best way to deal with him. It's the only way to kill him in one turn without Celice's help. Though I hadn't considered the idea that Hawk could actually fight him too.

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Levin!Sety could technically fight him as well, since the 10 skill negates WTD, but he has to actually get there, and he'll have to eat a 70 might attack and Levin doesn't exactly provide the best defenses...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd put Faval right below the Swordtwins. Ichival is nice combat and while he's a pain to recruit, he's got a lot of uses in 8 and 9 by sniping Dracoknights. I wouldn't split any of them up because they're all around the same.

Lex!Tinny and Azel!Tinny may be able to hold their own in Low Mid because they at least can be salvaged. Others may be in Low right above or below Sharlow. If we're not separating any of the Tinnys, either Low Mid or right above Sharlow in Low.

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I don't know where exactly I'd rank Faval but he's pretty much Briggid 2.0 aka a powerful combat unit who can overkill mooks but doesn't actually do anything. I can't think of a single scenario where I'd say "Yeah, it's definitely good to have Faval around, he totally makes things easier or more reliable!". He doesn't really do any of that. He's kinda just there.

Tinny is OK and shouldn't be compared to the likes of Sharlow. Lex!Tinny has good enough magic to crithax dudes at a time where Lex!Arthur has to resort to using swords. Levin!Tinny and Azel!Tinny are decent enough combat units and Claude!Tinny gets A-Staves upon promotion. If we split up children and substitute units into two different tier lists then Tinny would be on the lower end of the children tier list [so would probably be Faval] but she's by no means bad.

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Holyn x Briggid is mainly done for Patty's sake because Holyn!Patty can use the Hero Sword. Holyn!Faval gets a loooooot of HP and skill which is good I guess but he also only gets Pursuit which kinda sucks for an unmounted unit. Holyn x Briggid is a pretty good and balanced pairing overall but that doesn't mean that only Holyn!Faval should be considered. Noish!Faval and Jamka!Faval both have ridiculous skillsets and the former pairing also allows Patty to inherit a couple of Swords. Dew x Briggid is also something that should always be considered.

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for the purposes of this list I think HolynxBriggid is bad because it involves giving Patty a hero sword which is never a good thing. Might as well do a pairing that gives you a better Faval.

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