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What do you think is the most underrated Fire Emblem?


Which Fire Emblem game do you think is the most underrated?  

107 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the main 13 games do you think is the most underrated?

    • Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
    • Gaiden
    • Mystery of the Emblem
    • Genealogy of the Holy War
    • Thracia 776
    • Binding Blade
    • Fire Emblem
    • Sacred Stones
    • Path of Radiance
    • Radiant Dawn
    • Shadow Dragon
    • New Mystery of the Emblem
    • Awakening

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FE1 is what started the series and brought the permanent death. It was a pretty good game for it's time too, giving the player more of a connection with the characters as you didn't have extra lives every level. FE1 was actually my third game to play and I enjoyed it. FE1 defined the SRPG genre. Please do not judge it based off of how it holds up today, instead of what it did for it's time.

Even for its time it wasnt really revolutionary or anything (also it didnt define the SRPG genre FE3 is a best seller and a very popular game in japan for a reason) Gaiden is essentialy brought most the things used in modern FEs compared to its sequal and the other nes entry its preety below average even by retro nes terms

also how is gaiden zelda 2

it keeps alot of the same core mechanics added one of the most if not the most influental mechanic in FE which is promotions

Edited by TTPK_Tal
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it keeps alot of the same core mechanics added one of the most if not the most influental mechanic in FE which is promotions

FE1 had promotions too

unless you specifically mean promotions for the main Lord.

Edited by #RR. shinpichu
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FE1 had promotions too

unless you specifically mean promotions for the main Lord.

in promotions I mean that cavs can promote to paladins

for example a unit that comes an armor stays an armor (IDK I didnt play fe1 for alot of time) and cant further promote to general

apart from like draco knight

Edited by TTPK_Tal
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in promotions I mean that cavs can promote to paladins

for example a unit that comes an armor stays an armor (IDK I didnt play fe1 for alot of time) and cant further promote to general

apart from like draco knight

You mean all units being able to promote then.

FYI, Mercenaries, Cavalier, Mages, Pegasus Knights, and Archers can all promote in FE1. Priests can too, but given how tough it is to level them up they may as well not.

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'Remade as lazily as possible' doesn't really hold much ground when it's very apparent you haven't played much of either game; when you claim that FE11 improved nothing about the original other than the graphics - like you did in a topic prior to this - it goes to show how little context you actually have to compare the game in.

There are legitimate complaints to be made about Shadow Dragon, for sure, but this 'it changed nothing from FE1' is a flagrant accusation without a basis in reality.

That's right: it's half-baked. If you want to design a game, you give it all the time and attention it needs until it becomes a product worthy of the consumer's time. Shadow Dragon is a $2 oven-bake pizza, thrown in with low quality meat (crap dodge mechanics and weapon hitrates), barely passable crust (gameplay) and tasteless cheese (characters) that come in all sorts of different varieties you can choose from (reclassing) that doesn't change the fact it all still looks and tastes like crap.

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The dodge mechanics and weapon hit rates are fine lmao. Just because they aren't like what you're used doesn't make them worse. I actually like that axe users can reasonably hit sword users.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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That's right: it's half-baked. If you want to design a game, you give it all the time and attention it needs until it becomes a product worthy of the consumer's time. Shadow Dragon is a $2 oven-bake pizza, thrown in with low quality meat (crap dodge mechanics and weapon hitrates), barely passable crust (gameplay) and tasteless cheese (characters) that come in all sorts of different varieties you can choose from (reclassing) that doesn't change the fact it all still looks and tastes like crap.

It's really amazing how butthurt you get over the fact that avoid was reworked in DSFE to specifically not be something to rely on without support/terrain stacking. Everytime the topic comes up you fall back on the argument that the weapon triangle stops mattering without dodging being considered but that's simply not true, the main bonus is simply different. Removing enemy weapon rank bonuses is a pretty big deal if you play on higher difficulties because for Swordies that's a difference of 4 MT, which turns a lot of 2HKO's into 3HKOs. The difference of 3 for Lance users is again, not negligble and enemy axe wielders, contrary to your belief are actually still somewhat inaccurate when you leverage Swordmaster avo boost and remove their A Rank accuracy bonuses. Addtionally, for a game where effective weaponry is so important, weapon triangle advantage/disadvantage can make the difference between oneshotting an enemy and eating a nasty counterattack.

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It's really amazing how butthurt you get over the fact that avoid was reworked in DSFE to specifically not be something to rely on without support/terrain stacking. Everytime the topic comes up you fall back on the argument that the weapon triangle stops mattering without dodging being considered but that's simply not true, the main bonus is simply different. Removing enemy weapon rank bonuses is a pretty big deal if you play on higher difficulties because for Swordies that's a difference of 4 MT, which turns a lot of 2HKO's into 3HKOs. The difference of 3 for Lance users is again, not negligble and enemy axe wielders, contrary to your belief are actually still somewhat inaccurate when you leverage Swordmaster avo boost and remove their A Rank accuracy bonuses. Addtionally, for a game where effective weaponry is so important, weapon triangle advantage/disadvantage can make the difference between oneshotting an enemy and eating a nasty counterattack.

Did Swordmasters even get an avoid boost in that game? I don't disagree with your post as a whole, but I'm not sure about that part I'm asking about, at least as far as SD's concerned.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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And remember, Shadow Dragon was trying to give the feel of the original game where the weapon triangle didn't even exist. Shadow Dragon was meant to be very difficult on the higher difficulties. Your units aren't meant to dodge every attack.

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Did Swordmasters even get an avoid boost in that game? I don't disagree with your post as a whole, but I'm not sure about that part I'm asking about, at least as far as SD's concerned.

Snipers get +5 accuracy and crit, Swordmasters get +10 avo. Berserkers get +10 crit.

Edited by Irysa
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Snipers get +5 accuracy and crit, Swordmasters get +10 avo. Berserkers get +10 crit.

I knew about the other two, but not about Swordmasters' avoid boost.

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According to the SF site, Swordmasters get accuracy in 11 and I'm 100% sure they get +10 avoid in 12. Still, with a sword equipped when sitting on a fort, you can save yourself a lot of pain on the axe-happy early maps because stuff like Jagen or Cain face around 50 disp hit only on a fort. on chapter 9, it's even lower because lolSteels and reclassed myrms have about 10 avoid more by themselves at that point. brave weapons and ballistae in mid or lategame can also be rigged dodges against, but still yield a significant hit rate so you can't just say yolo and dodge all of them. to me, the FE11 dodging formula is actually okay.

Edited by Gradivus.
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All this talk about underrated titles and yet no mention of Tear Ring Saga? For shame...

(but seriously I'd throw in my vote for Gaiden)

Gaiden is not that overrated. It gets a good amount of attention for being different than other FE games.

Even for its time it wasnt really revolutionary or anything (also it didnt define the SRPG genre FE3 is a best seller and a very popular game in japan for a reason) Gaiden is essentialy brought most the things used in modern FEs compared to its sequal and the other nes entry its preety below average even by retro nes terms

also how is gaiden zelda 2

it keeps alot of the same core mechanics added one of the most if not the most influental mechanic in FE which is promotions

My apologies good sir, a better way to say it would be that it was one of the games that started the SRPG genre, if there were any others besides Famicon Wars(which I'm not that familiar with). Very different from normal RPGs like Final Fantasy.

Gaidens map designs sucked, FE1 had better maps.

And I see how you're still comparing it to a game that came out on a much more powerful system.

I understand it doesn't hold up as well today, but FE1 is basically what the series is, more influential for the series than Gaiden, as all first entries are.

Oh, I forgot that this is not what this thread is about. My point is that FE1 is only ever given hate when rarely mentioned. At least Gaiden is praised for its overworld map, but no one does so for FE1.

Edited by Rabbattack
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I think FE5 is probably the most underrated because it's often handwaved away by its bad rap given over time by people that suck at the game [/elitism]

also FE11 is overrated because to me, remakes are put on a pedestal and it failed expectations to provide something better than the original, and in my humble opinion I can play FE3 book 1 instead and not feel like I'm missing out on anything important in FE11

Edited by Lamia
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