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Apotheosis secret path ~ no DLC/Rally/3 Vengeance users ~ completed

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I understand that you won't want to manipulate Vengeance at all, so I'll try to keep that to a minimum. It's worth noting, however, that low HP Vengeance (teen health) is pretty easy to walk into without any knowledge (but this might fall under the "Don't want a turn by turn." So don't worry about it. Substitute the possible damage from Vengeance into lesser proc damage (let's say Luna) + damage from DS%. But I definitely agree with Czar when he says don't look forward to support damage (excluding the fact it comes from %). The best understanding of damage is that you need more power to deal with the PavGis+ against you and Dragonskin (you don't need help KOing the things you don't already do "full" damage to). This nullifies hard stat leads, which is why having a large AT Mod lead doesn't really mean much--and it also means why mods are pretty much worthless when determining characters when you do consider rallies 8). Dividing damage by 4 works in your favor just as much as it works against you if you look at it that way.

You might want to consider Rescue Bots no longer performing that strict function--it might be wise to give plenty of staff users some form of healing.

I also think it would be in your best benefit to tell us more info on your team instead of just a hard support Yarne.

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Astra's damage is entirely dependent on how much you're already doing. Since you're doing very little before procs, it'll give you a very small boost and might be worth testing whether it improves your output at all (since it has priority over Luna, it might actually lower it).

You're leaving Faires off lots of units in favor of Defender. Don't do that unless you've ran calcs and know that that +1 Spd/Def/whatever is vital for some important threshold- odds are it's not worth losing 4 leading and 5 supporting Atk (when you're so low already, you need as much as you can get).

If you want a crit Laurent/Nah, either go in lightly enough that failure won't get you killed (use it for chipping, not for Vantage) or go all out. I've got a crit build somewhere back in the Pairing Thread I made when AC was doing his run (so it's no DLC/Rally compliant) that can get 100% crit and 27 base damage (*3 is 81, OHKO) on every 55 Lck non-Aegis+ enemy in S.Apo with double perfect Barracks and 1HP VV- I don't recommend using it but it's what you should aim for if you want a crit sweeper.

Anyway, choosing your pairings and then playing to those children's strengths might not cut it here. Donnel!Kjelle and Gaius!Noire in No Holds Barred are second rate GF leads compared to the likes of Lucina, Cynthia and Severa. Here, without anything amazing they can do, that performance gap will be much greater. I strongly advise giving Gaius to Kjelle (with a +5 Spd mod, she's got a decent chance to be a Thronie chipper, and can at least hold her own with the big three) and finding something else to do with Noire: she's got native Sniper/Vengeance, make use of it poking stuff. Poking doesn't need GF, so consider someone other than Donnel.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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To set up shop for Vengeance users, don't pair them when they're hit (and look for enemies with 100% displayed hit against you, or just look for hawkeye).

Also, it might be in your best interest to not field faced units. Dedicated rescue (or staff to include healing if we're opting out of mainly Vengeance worlds) are much more valuable than just another attacker. Being able to warp saves turns in time crunched areas. So if there is a child where you think "well, he is just not up to par" don't be afraid to use a Spotpass unit. You sacrifice some pair up bonuses (including, but not only DS%) for all classes and Avatar selectable mods.

And you don't need to have a spouse with Anathema per say, you just need Anathema active. What's stopping you from tacking Anathema on a staff bot?

I also think that pitching Morgan to being Anna dodger doesn't seem like the best decision. That role isn't very difficult to do, so I wouldn't use the best character at your disposal for that.

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^Yeah all of that is solid advice.

Unpairing for setting up Vengeance is great at mitigating RNG, but is also pretty unintuitive and requires either planning two turns in advance or having a free Rescue, so you might want to practice it a few times on regular runs first if you're going to do it here.

Also for Anna, it you could always fodder a Spotpass unit on her- it doesn't matter in the long run if they die. Not very pretty, but there's no way for RNG to stab you in the back if you're planning on it.

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Do remember that GF only does something if you get a KO, and without max Vengence you're very likely to need some assistance ORKOing many things. You could put it on everyone and hope it comes in handy, but odds are you'll be getting at least a few units per turn who are on softening duty and as such don't need it.

Of course, you should make sure you'll have the offense to clear out Wave 4 on time, but odds are you'll be taking it slow for the most part and trying to kill ~5 enemies per turn (since they do spawn in groups of five most of the time...).

Killing off units for Barracks boosts isn't needed- once you've got the boost sitting in the Barracks and waiting to be picked up, it's possible to control who gets it. You should PM Tables about this if you're curious since he discovered it and probably knows more about it than I do, but the basic idea of it is that events are assigned to positions in your roster rather than units themselves, so if you save, check the events, reset, enter battle, move around the units in your roster by selecting/deselecting, exit battle and go back to the Barracks, you can give events to whoever you want. This is also incredibly useful for securing semi-reliable support for things like early Chrom x Sumia S in Lunatic(+).

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Is the whole of apotheosis considered "outdoor" or is the building block in the north-western corner considered indoor, does it have a roof?

Thinking about outdoor fighter right now.

iono. I DO know Outdoor Fighter's terrain dependent, however.

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Right now Berserkers are your only remotely fast classes. You're going to have to invest more into Spd if you want to hit 60- it's not as easy as 75 in NHB. Try going for Assassin on Severa and Kjelle and seeing where it gets them (53/54 base + mods + tonic can reach 60 with a +2 pairup, which is pretty easy to come by).

GL Sumia!Lucina is also a candidate for 60.

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Spd+2 shouldn't even be necessary with the right pairup.

GL has different stats for M and F. F has 3 more Spd so Lucina will actually be at 49- she'll need Spd+2, tonic and a +2 pairup (or Defender and a +3 pairup) but she can do it.

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Defender isn't too hot if you have to sacrifice a weapon faire for it, but it's not a bad skill by any means.

Oh, wait, is this without DL- that's a stupid question.

Well. I suppose it seems legit in this instance, then.

Edited by ~Silver
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