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Apotheosis secret path ~ no DLC/Rally/3 Vengeance users ~ completed

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Wait, where is the 30 for WTA coming from? A rank axes make Anna lose 15 Hit, then negating Anna's A rank gets rid of another 5 Hit (and 2 Attack). So shouldn't that be 20 from WTA? Granted, 225 Avoid still brings the displayed hit down to 7, which is 1.05% true hit. Adding the babysitter brings that down to 2, which is 0.10% true hit. Between that and Dual Guard, Anna's chances of landing a blow are extremely unlikely.

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Also, since consistency isn't really your selling point, why does Anna's hit rate have to be 0% in the first place? You're willing to gamble all the way to the final wave only to mathematically craft something consistent? It's just a little ironic to me.

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It's just that you should be perfectly fine with low% hit rate instead of 0%. And saying you want to have unique, individual runs is somewhat different from what you're doing.

You're going to do certain things the exact same way. Every time you play, you are going to be fighting Anna with Severa. There is no exception from this setup. You are on the fence, which makes your statements very ambiguous. It's like saying you want to believe in fate and free will. There is no "well, there's a little bit of both." Pick one or the other. Your tactics aren't really adjusting at all from game to game. Your input methodology is going to be the same regarding these specific KOs. Just own up to a decision (and there isn't a right or a wrong decision). There's a difference between finding different ways to KO bosses and finding consistency in the map. You can easily Longbow her to death--especially with DS% incorporated. That's a simple, random, and turn efficient way of clearing her with no setup at all. And if you fail the first DS%, then you can easily just throw another one or dance for it.

But what's the difference between a random% chance of fighting Anna with Severa vs a random% DS from a Sniper? Those interact the same way, but they're both completely separate from V/Ving her in a truly consistent desire.

You don't want every single move calculated. But you also want to calculate every single move regarding specific targets. You're just prancing around the consistency line when you just don't really care for it in the first place.

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I'd assume it has to do with the worst outcome in the case of a missed DS against a mook being a failed KO an required EP/Rescue use, whereas the worst case against Anna is that she dies.

Of course, this requires that Anna lands two non-DG 1.05% hits, one of which being Luna from Aether, resulting in a KO (note that Hero's base 40 Def should be enough to get Severa out of non-Luna 2HKO range after Tonic, pairup, and optional Helswath if Hit permits).

Victorious situations for Anna are pretty slim (though I don't care to do a full odds of victory calculation, it's probably less than 0.01%).

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I almost thing Slow Burn not working after turn 15 is accidental. They probably based it on the same code as Quick Burn (cut off at turn 15 to prevent it from giving negative boosts), forgot to remove the turn 15 part, and never tested it (because honestly it's not the kind of thing you would figure out unless you were specifically needing that extra Avo from SB for whatever reason, and I don't think the Devs tested many thresholds beyond Lunatic earlygame enemy stats).

Still, unless you need that Barracks Boost to avoid being doubled, I'd advise dropping it. They're still a pain to get, even with Tables' manipulation.

Also have you tried using an Assassin with an Underdog Bow (or even Yewfelle) instead of a Hero?

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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I believe the behaviour is to do that, since the AI would see the damage output as higher. However, Anna also only has a piddly 5 Move, so you can easily keep her at arm's length if you so wish. If you're willing to give up the counterattack, you could still use the bow tanking methods against her while being in range of her melee. This would give you the flexibility you want from everyone else, as well as allowing Severa a free PP attack (that also avoids Counter damage).

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Actually I was thinking it would let you skip Barracks and either not do them or give them to someone else (even with Tables' method, getting a boost for two characters at once is still really hard).

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I'm training for Apotheosis. Here's the team I planned out:


·Robin (Male MU)




·Ricken (Yes, I actually use him. He's actually very powerful as a Dark Knight, so don't judge)!
















My planned team: (Not exactly done yet)!

Chrom (Great Lord): Aether, Rightful King, Limit Breaker, Dual Guard+, Aegis

Male MU (Grandmaster): Ignis, Limit Breaker, Vengeance, Pass, Luna

Walhart (Conqueror): Conquest, Limit Breaker, Luna, Quick Burn, Swordbreaker

Ricken (Dark Knight): Luna, Limit Breaker, Lifetaker, Tomefaire, Bowbreaker

Morgan (Grandmaster): Limit Breaker, Aether, Vengeance, Galeforce, Pass

Nowi (Manakete): Wyrmsbane, Limit Breaker, Lancebreaker, Swordbreaker, Lifetaker

Nah (Manakete): Bowbreaker, Limit Breaker, Sol, Galeforce, Renewal

Lucina (Great Lord): Aether, Limit Breaker, Renewal, Galeforce, Bowbreaker

Frederick (Paladin): Limit Breaker, Luna, Lancebreaker, Swordbreaker, Dual Guard+

Libra (War Monk): Renewal, Limit Breaker, Lifetaker, Tomebreaker, Miracle

Owain (Dread Fighter): Agressor, Limit Breaker, Lifetaker, Resistance +10, Vantage

Inigo (Hero): Galeforce, Bowbreaker, Astra, Sol, Limit Breaker

Laurent (Dark Knight): Tomebreaker, Limit Breaker, Luna, Lifetaker, Dual Guard+

Cynthia (Dark Flier): Galeforce, Lifetaker, Aether, Luna, Bowbreaker

Kjelle (General): Limit Breaker, Luna, Renewal, Aegis, Pavise

Lon'qu (Swordmaster): Vantage, Limit Breaker, Astra, Pass, Lancebreaker

Cordelia (Falcon Knight): Galeforce, Limit Breaker, Bowbreaker, Sol, Lifetaker

Donnel (Hero): Limit Breaker, Sol, Armsthrift, Bowbreaker, Axebreaker

Anna (Trickster): Limit Breaker, Acrobat, Lifetaker, Bowbreaker, Pass

Aversa (Dark Flier): Shadowgift, Limit Breaker, Vengeance, Galeforce, Tomebreaker

My Marriages:


Chrom and Sumia

Kellam and Sully

Libra and Tharja

Donnel and Nowi

Ricken and Lissa

Vaike and Olivia

Henry and Panne

Frederick and Maribelle

Stahl and Miriel

Virion and Cherche

Lon'qu and Cordelia

Between Generations:

Robin (My avatar) and Lucina


Owain and Cynthia

Inigo and Morgan

Yarne and Nah

Brady and Severa

Gerome and Noire

Laurent and Kjelle

MODEDIT: yo don't triplepost

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If you're looking for something to try next, you may want to mess around with N.Apo for a while. It doesn't get much attention due to not being as hard as Secret, but lacks a couple of key things that in turn make it more receptive to certain challenges: namely, there are no turn limits and no anti-tanking skills (Counter/Luna+). You'll have to use more exotic restrictions than just banning various major stat boosters, though.

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