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I hate it when they draw big breasts on female characters


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I don't have any reference images on hand, but the problem is just as often the posing on, like, covers and film posters. That's how the Hawkeye Initiative started.

how did you not post examples wtf

[spoiler=not porn or nudity or anything but you might want to be careful of people looking over your shoulder]neA15Wh.jpg

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please most male heroes are nowhere sexualised to the degree or amount that female heroes ever were, like have you seen real male fanservice they do not look like how male superheroes are actually drawn, all that muscle is not actually attractive to most women and DEFINITELY not attractive when it's Rob Liefeld drawing them

Most female heroes redesigns are still full of full body-covering spandex (movies aside, but the men don't exactly wear full body spandex in the movies either), just drawn by artists that know spandex's tightness doesn't automatically mean that every crease of your body gets shown; spandex itself is not impractical for high movement-required exercise-you see a lot of athletes wear them, after all. A lot of male heroes have also been redesigned to have less fully spandexy-abs everywhere outfits, depending on the artist.

While I don't personally think showing skin is necessarily a bad thing and skin = bad design (for example I'm perfectly happy with wonder woman wearing a skirt iff it's done the greek-roman style with the armor bits because that's related her heritage), and some of my own designs actually show a great deal of skin, it's important to note how it's presented and how it actually functions, as well as considering the character in question. And it would be really nice if it actually stays on without using tape or glue. That's a pretty big deal.

The problem isn't necessarily about sexiness, but rather objectification. Women don't want to be drawn like pieces of meat to be oogled at; It's definitely possible to make a character sexy and have sex appeal without making her look like a piece of meat. That was the problem with a lot of designs, failing to do that. Hell, if we want to go back to Jojo, Jolyne shows a LOT of skin, but she isn't objectified in doing so. So literally nobody has an issue with that. It just needs to make sense. There's a very big difference between sexy and objectification.

And please Ike's biceps were yelled at to be sexist because oh no how dare he update to his RD look even though he's perfectly clothed so uh

Edited by Thor Odinson
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please most male heroes are nowhere sexualised to the degree or amount that female heroes ever were, like have you seen real male fanservice they do not look like how male superheroes are actually drawn, all that muscle is not actually attractive to most women and DEFINITELY not attractive when it's Rob Liefeld drawing them

speaking as the final determinant of sexual attractiveness, what physical characteristic is attractive in a male to most women?

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Generally, as far as women who are actually attracted to men goes, a build that goes for dexterity rather than raw power tends to be more attractive for more women. Muscle definition is good, but should be more toned and leaner rather than 300% extra bulky like how most superheroes are drawn. Also face. You know, having a nice face helps a lot

Of course, this isn't a rule, my personal preferences lean on the bulkier side (but that's more or less just because I like muscle regardless of gender and I also like looking at really muscular women too, my personal preferences tend to be more unorthodox haha), but the more dexterous build is a far more common preferences and far more apparent when you look at works that actually are made to appeal to women.

Hell, a lot of people won't even try Jojo because of all the muscle. Their loss, but eh~

Take the same guy, Hugh Jackman. Pretty nice looking dude, I'd say. Now let's see the difference of the same dude appearing on magazines marketed towards men vs women.


Marketted towards dudes


Marketted towards women

Note that the super bulked up Hugh Jackman is on the cover of something that has a male target audience, while the one with the female target audience has him looking more or less like a normal dude who will cook for you

Edited by Thor Odinson
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there's a comic about that, actually


also probably a boob window here and a butt window there or something too, with 3000% more close up crotch shots

male chests are sexy too, mate

for the low low price of $30/hr I will draw sexy manservice superheroes as well

actually there is something i've drawn mostly as a joke to FE7x co-creator Myke (he wanted us to draw him some Uthers), not quite superheroes but more like fantasy armor, this was back when I was significantly worse at anatomy but eh~

http://cuniculosus.tumblr.com/post/52516276567/so-like-im-friends-with-the-creators-of-fe7x-and [may be mildly nsfw, it doesn't show anything terrible but i'd advise against clicking this link in public]

[insert advertisement for 7x here]

Oh in my artist comments in that post links to an example of how male superheroes would actually look too, inspirations!

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Since that's what he is in 7x, that's how I drew him as.

'twas a gift for Myke after all~

the anatomy is awful though i'm ashamed of me 2013 self having drawn such terrible anatomy

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Since that's what he is in 7x, that's how I drew him as.

'twas a gift for Myke after all~

the anatomy is awful though i'm ashamed of me 2013 self having drawn such terrible anatomy

I'm pretty sure Uther doesn't even appear in Lyn's mode?

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I'm pretty sure Uther doesn't even appear in Lyn's mode?

FE7x is a Fire Emblem fangame made on the XNA engine on events preceeding the events of Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword, Starring Uther and other people

[insert advertisement for 7x here]

I guess I'm putting in an actual advertisement now


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I'd be surprised if anyone found that Batman physically attractive

it's kind of a poor comparison

I think the 'Stupid Sexy Flanders' scene from the Simpsons is more accurate

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that steroid-ass superheroes just aren't attractive

there have been pictures of very muscled men in gay threads on this forum that people posted saying they are attractive

The fact she's a girl...?

So if I say none of those pictures of superheroines are attractive to most men is that written law?

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what are you basing this on?

Experiences of other women? The fact that I actually talk to women like real human beings? The fact that, as a character designer, I have to actually know target demographics? Looking at things that many other female artists draw? Looking at things actually cater to women that men thinks it's ~oh so girly~ and won't go near with a 100 foot pole? Ryan Gosling?

Also, yaoi vs actual gay comics--one is drawn by women to appeal to women, and the other is catering to actual gay men. The styles look completely different and anyone who has working eyes should be able to tell the difference.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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