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Nintendo announces new console

Elibean Spaceman

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I'm going to repeat what I've heard else where. The "N" stands for Nintendo and the "X" is supposed to cross two things together, in this case consoles and handhelds. Nintendo already started this thing with the new Mario Versus Donkey Kong.

Crossing gaming and mobile, for the ultimate tech. Duh. Crossing handheld consoles and mobile technology

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Crossing gaming and mobile, for the ultimate tech. Duh. Crossing handheld consoles and mobile technology

How dare you speak such vile words. There shall be no hateful speech on this site. Handhelds must be separate from mobile.

The war has begun, everyone pick a side.

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How dare you speak such vile words. There shall be no hateful speech on this site. Handhelds must be separate from mobile.

The war has begun, everyone pick a side.

can everyone pick a side that isn't yours?

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No, Nintendo would not be wise to move to the mobile market. You overestimate how many people really play those dumb-looking phone games. Playing those games adds additional costs to having the phone plan, which is already a hefty fee. I should know, as doing so uses up data on our own plan, and if we go over the data plan, we get charged more money. People want to save money, not have to spend more than they already do. Nintendo is going to make people do just that if they go and add even more to the mobile phone market.

I'll be disappointed if I find that I can no longer buy new Nintendo consoles because they're making games for phones instead. I'd no longer be able to be a fan because I'd only want to play the older stuff, which will eventually no longer have any support. I have no interest in mobile gaming. At all.

"Dumb-looking phone games"? Speak for yourself, Plants vs Zombies 2 has excellent and very cute sprites and genuinely challenging gameplay. It's not a story-telling epic, but there is still a good degree of strategy involved. Not every mobile game is shovel-ware garbage.

Going into mobile gaming would be the smartest thing for Nintendo to do right now. Most people nowadays don't have time to sit before a console for hours on end, especially with college/school or work (or both). On long bus and train trips, and those rare moments of rest during breaks and between classes, those who don't have a 3DS will most likely play a mobile game to pass the time. Candy Crush, anyone? Mobile games easy pick-up-and-play nature with little emotional attachment are far more inviting. Plus, just about EVERYONE has a phone.

If NIntendo indeed goes into mobile gaming here, it'll be the best decision they made next to remaking Majora's Mask.

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Just because Nintendo announced that they are giving Dena rights to use their IPs in mobile games/apps doesn't mean they are abandoning games. They are simply expanding their market to make money where they think they can be profitable. Dena handles the development and Nintendo gets royalties and all the while gets the opportunity to expand where Microsoft and Sony have not. A pretty smart business move.

Also simply because Nintendo announced a new console essentially means nothing. It takes YEARS for these things to be made as soon as the Wii U was released (perhaps before) I can guarantee you that they started working on the next console. Its been that way for awhile now. Does that mean that they are canning the Wii U within the next 1-2 years? No. They would be stupid to. It would completely destroy what little consumer confidence is out there for the company and likely result in a rushed product. Nintendo is sitting on mounds of cash right now and has the flexibility to try new things and even fail (and by fail I mean Virtual Boy fail) a couple of generations so why would they rush anything out at the expense of their already "bad" image.

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I'm torn on the idea of Nintendo mobile games/NintendoPhone. For one, I'd love to play a round of a Nintendo game on my phone while say, waiting on a drink at Starbucks. I'd also love if Nintendo made like a lovechild between the current smartphones and a DS where you could flip open for dualscreen play and even have like a dpad/joystick/buttons. However, I would hope that Nintendo wouldn't go for the "free" to play model with microtransactions, which is unfortunately extremely prevalent in the mobile platform. Currently, the big N isn't giving me any hope that they wouldn't be influenced by that because of Pokemon Shuffle as the first example I can remember off the top of my head.

Also, when it comes to the idea of a NintendoPhone I'd be afraid that it would fail unless if they managed to break into the iPhone/Android competition with a successful bang. After all, iPhone and Android have pretty much sunk Blackberry into oblivion and I have no idea of the status on Windows Phones other than I know a total of two people who use one.

And I would also need a really good reason to switch to NintendoPhone since I <3 my iPhone.

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I kinda hope that they follow in Amazon's footsteps, and make a Nintendo Phone. That would pioneer the future of gaming, since even Microsoft and Sony haven't put together anything of that caliber.

Just imagine a phone that played 3DS/DS games (without the 3D, so like 2DS) that you could simultaneously text and upload/share scores with like Miiverse, but better On-The-Go application. New mobilestyle games and casual things like Animal crossing and Pokemon could have entirely new data sharing dynamics. Maybe Mini-USB ports which allow controller plugins via adapters idk

I can't imagine what it'd look like...

For the love of God, I hope this doesn't happen. I know the market's all wild about swiss-army knife gadgets that can do everything, but there are so many big risks, most of all, financially, when a company like Nintendo goes ahead and makes a foray into something like the phone / mobile market. They could potentially afford a failure, but most "on-the-go" type features that phones exhibit (calling, texting, etc.) aren't things Nintendo can provide by themselves, which is where I see the issues arising. Other companies have tried making innovations involving cell services, and so far, nothing has really stuck, and I believe that's reflective of their market, especially when you consider that the mobile market =/= the gaming market.

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For those worried Nintendo mobile games might fall into F2P territory:

According to Iwata, Nintendo will be developing the games themselves, with DeNA handling the parts that make a game "fitting" for mobile. This includes pricing, microtransactions, social integration, account system, online rankings, and that stuff. If you look at DeNA's catalog of mobile games, all of them are basically of the F2P model, so I'm expecting that the Nintendo games they handle are going to be just like that.

So yeah, expect to pay $0.99 to buy a single use Valkyrie Staff in Fire Emblem mobile.

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Ew. Just ew. They'll take the resetting out of Fire Emblem just so they can sell those Valkyrie Staves I bet >_> I'd hope they'd at the very least not do what the mobile port of Tales of Phantasia did which was crank the difficulty up so high and set exp gain to "everyone's a prepromote exp hog" levels.

I mean, I do see some places where Nintendo IPs could profit, like say giving Mario an endless runner, or a touch screen Mario Party-esque game. I could also see Pokemon benefitting in various ways like a system where you could trade via phones or have a Dream World type system where you send your pokemon to your phone and they benefit from travelling around the area. (Connect to various wifi networks and the "game" generates a berry or an item for your pokemon to pick up? As in each time you connect to a wifi network different from your last one the game gives that item, as to prevent abuse from just flipping your wifi off and on with the phone)

I can't really imagine what a FE, Zelda, or Metroid mobile game would look like short of it just being a pared down version of the full game. About the best I could imagine is them releasing app versions of older games like Blazing Sword, Minish Cap, or Super Metroid, except with ~microtransactions!!!!~ :dry:

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