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Do you have a weird/interesting habit?


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When I'm about to make a post on a forum, I occasionally get out of my seat and walk a few steps then sit down and make the post. Like I did just a few moments ago. I also have a habit of twirling a pen or pencil back and forth when I'm thinking.
I also twirl a pen or pencil back and forth while thinking (or spacing out).
I fall asleep. Even if I'm not tired, if I'm just not doing anything, I'll get tired.
I did not experience quite the same thing, but I used to be incessantly tired while in school. I'd promise myself that I'd take a nap once school was finished, but I would be wide awake by the time I had got back home.
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I crack my knuckles with my thumbs unless my hands are in my pockets.

...This really is getting creepy. :mellow:

I tend to space out a lot when something interesting is on my mind...

Same here.

I also tend to let my tongue hang loose at times, or just move it around when I'm bored. And I always sit on the chair with my legs off the ground, either straightened on the table or bunched up, and sometimes I even squat on the chair (lol L) or sit as if I'm on the ground. There are also some weird ways I like to sit that can't quite be described. I guess the best way to say it is that I sit in a very "compact" way.

I probably have ten thousand other weird/interesting habits.

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I tend to space out a lot when something interesting is on my mind...

OMG I do that all the time even during test I do and I loose track of time lol

And I bite my nails

OH another one is when I'm near a pretty girl I find my self adjusting my position alot idk why

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I do. Whenever I'm bored or thinking I put my index finger on the tip of my canine tooth...

Yeah... Do any of you have a weird/interesting habit?

I scrolled past your post and it looked like "cocaine" at the end of the first line

:lol: ... not really.

I tend to space out really easily. Like during lectures, if I'm bored, I'll imagine a anime/game situation happening, like a giant robot crashes into the lecture hall and I have to use a sword/hammer/scythe/etc to destroy it. I really need to stop living in my own world...

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I beatbox when I'm bored. I also have this strange tendecy to talk in a British accent, especially after marching in band for a while. I also like to mess with my hair, hopefully not in a feminine way.

Edited by Kintenbo
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I scrolled past your post and it looked like "cocaine" at the end of the first line

:lol: ... not really.

I tend to space out really easily. Like during lectures, if I'm bored, I'll imagine a anime/game situation happening, like a giant robot crashes into the lecture hall and I have to use a sword/hammer/scythe/etc to destroy it. I really need to stop living in my own world...


Also, I sing whatever is in my head. Even if it's something I am not particularly fond of; if I'm bored and it's in my head, I will sing or hum it without even thinking.

Also- I'm such a nerd- when I'm walking and am either bored or antsy or whatever about something, I look at the floor tiles (if there are any, like on sidewalks or school halls) and move around FE style :'D

Also I play with my hair so much I think the hair on the left side of my hair is damaged. It's usually the left side, anyway.

And a few others probably said here or probably not, I dunno olo

I'm a weird habit-type person

-Washes hands a lot-

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I have several of them, however I'd have to say that my strangest would be people telling me I sit like L from Death Note...


Well I'm jittery like a mother fucker when I present anything.

Also I have the mind like a computer sometimes because I'm a bit more likely to analize things.

I chew on pencils

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Well I'm jittery like a mother fucker when I present anything.

Also I have the mind like a computer sometimes because I'm a bit more likely to analize things.

I chew on pencils

Yeah, that would be me sort of. People say I work things like I'm an android and that I lack what they consider life.

It's a better choice though, at least it makes one think before acting.

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Yeah, that would be me sort of. People say I work things like I'm an android and that I lack what they consider life.

It's a better choice though, at least it makes one think before acting.

Agreeded, though I think most people here don't have a life

Also I have some wierd laugh styles.

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Yeah, he has a really funny high pitched giggle type laugh.

I have some weird habits, like playing with my hair in th emiddle of class

making random noises at inopportune times

making weird faces

Also, I tend to chew on anything I can get a hold of...

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It's ironic after I mention I sit like L, someone named Kira shows up.

Ahem, anyways, another one I have would be I gnaw on the end of my pen/pencil when I'm thinking, sort of appears as if I'm smoking the pen/pencil, but I don't hold it there with my hands. Just my teeth.

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It's ironic after I mention I sit like L, someone named Kira shows up.

Ahem, anyways, another one I have would be I gnaw on the end of my pen/pencil when I'm thinking, sort of appears as if I'm smoking the pen/pencil, but I don't hold it there with my hands. Just my teeth.

Scary enough I do this sometimes as well

Another funny thing is that Kira is my friend IRL

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