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What's so bad about product placement, anyway?

blah the Prussian

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So remember when Man of Steel came out, and everyone was going nuts about Superman fighting Zod in front of a Sears? Or when everyone was pissed that Peter Parker was using Bing? I never got that. Product placement was always a non issue for me. Can anyone tell me what's so bad about it, so long as it doesn't disrupt the plot?

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So remember when Man of Steel came out, and everyone was going nuts about Superman fighting Zod in front of a Sears? Or when everyone was pissed that Peter Parker was using Bing? I never got that. Product placement was always a non issue for me. Can anyone tell me what's so bad about it, so long as it doesn't disrupt the plot?

its ok as long as its subtle which it is not in Man of steel

Man of steel is a disaster of a movie anyway

Edited by TTPK_Tal
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its ok as long as its subtle which it is not in Man of steel

Man of steel is a disaster of a movie anyway

Regardless of Man of Steel's quality, in what way did the product placement obstruct the plot?

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I think it's because these companies have to pay to be featured and people don't like seeing advertisments when they're watching movies. Other than that idk.

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I'd say product placement is more of an issue when its inclusion seems to go against the core theme of the movie, like what happened with the Lorax. I do think that obtrusive and in-your-face excessive product placement can make a movie feel more like a prolonged sales pitch more than a story, but Man of Steel was no such offender. Tbh I didn't even know it was an issue in that movie.

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I guess it's just the fact that advertisements are usually seen as annoying. (Nobody actually watches the ads before the movie) Having to see the ads during the movie kind of distracts from the movie sometimes if it's not done subtly enough.

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So remember when Man of Steel came out, and everyone was going nuts about Superman fighting Zod in front of a Sears? Or when everyone was pissed that Peter Parker was using Bing? I never got that. Product placement was always a non issue for me. Can anyone tell me what's so bad about it, so long as it doesn't disrupt the plot?

it breaks immersion greatly. also ads are intrusive whether they try to place it within the movie or no. that's pretty much it. they're good reasons.

Edited by fuccboi
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I'd say product placement is more of an issue when its inclusion seems to go against the core theme of the movie, like what happened with the Lorax. I do think that obtrusive and in-your-face excessive product placement can make a movie feel more like a prolonged sales pitch more than a story, but Man of Steel was no such offender. Tbh I didn't even know it was an issue in that movie.

Remind me what product placement The Lorax had?

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Remind me what product placement The Lorax had?

Tbch I don't remember all of it, just that there was a big deal made about it and that it seemed odd for the movie's eco-friendly and, uh, anti-consumerism(?) message. I think Mazda was a big part of it? I did a quick search to check and that's what was being brought up the most.

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The Lorax was a shitty movie for other reasons, though. I generally,agree that it's fine as long as it can be ignored (eg it doesn't have an effect on the plot), which is the case in most movies. I honestly think people use product placement as an excuse to hate movies that they really have no reason to hate, like The Amazing Spider Man.

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Especially the part where the original's core message was diluted, whether it was through the product placement or the bad decisions made in the film. While it's true that people will exaggerate product placement to further criticize a movie/show they hate, it's not always unfounded. fuccboi's post sums up why. If it doesn't affect you, though, then more power to you, but for other people I can definitely understand why it's an issue. I think it varies from person to person, really.

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There's a difference between "CLIMACTIC FIGHT IN FRONT OF WESTFIELD", "PROTAGONIST USES A MAC" or "ANTAGONIST DRIVES A CORVETTE", and the fact that the US House of Cards literally had a five-minute conversation between two prominent politicians about the 3DS.

It's like shirt sponsorships. It's annoying, it's probably contributing to the death of football, but if people are going to throw millions at you for a small section of your kit (or film), it's understandable people are going to take it.

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There's a difference between "CLIMACTIC FIGHT IN FRONT OF WESTFIELD", "PROTAGONIST USES A MAC" or "ANTAGONIST DRIVES A CORVETTE", and the fact that the US House of Cards literally had a five-minute conversation between two prominent politicians about the 3DS.

It's like shirt sponsorships. It's annoying, it's probably contributing to the death of football, but if people are going to throw millions at you for a small section of your kit (or film), it's understandable people are going to take it.

Wait what. That actually happened? Holy shit, that's product placement that actually would annoy me.

it breaks immersion greatly. also ads are intrusive whether they try to place it within the movie or no. that's pretty much it. they're good reasons.

But how exactly did the Man of Steel or Amazing Spider Man examples break immersion? They weren't intrusive to me. I only noticed them when I read about it online.

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Wait what. That actually happened? Holy shit, that's product placement that actually would annoy me.

But how exactly did the Man of Steel or Amazing Spider Man examples break immersion? They weren't intrusive to me. I only noticed them when I read about it online.

Yeah, it was either the 3DS or the Blackberry. And there was another point at which a guy walked up to a politician and was like "I thought you were on a diet!"

And the guy hams it the fuck up to deliver; "I was but this goddamn pizza is just too good!!" Scrolls to behind him, where the pizza box is clearly open and branded Pizza Hut.

That was just sort of so overdone it was kind of funny though tbh.

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Yeah, it was either the 3DS or the Blackberry. And there was another point at which a guy walked up to a politician and was like "I thought you were on a diet!"

And the guy hams it the fuck up to deliver; "I was but this goddamn pizza is just too good!!" Scrolls to behind him, where the pizza box is clearly open and branded Pizza Hut.

That was just sort of so overdone it was kind of funny though tbh.

Yeah, as stated before, it's at that point when product placement becomes annoying for me.

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Product placement never bugged me much

The only times I do ever care for it are when it's used for parody

Like that scene from Wayne's World were the main characters go off on how the won't sell out to any sponsor while smiling for the camera with a box of Pizza Hut, having a whole uniform of nike merchandise while saying its sad that people only do things for getting paid and the like

Edited by Shockmaster
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So remember when Man of Steel came out, and everyone was going nuts about Superman fighting Zod in front of a Sears? Or when everyone was pissed that Peter Parker was using Bing? I never got that. Product placement was always a non issue for me. Can anyone tell me what's so bad about it, so long as it doesn't disrupt the plot?

Peter Parker using Bing is OOC.

Couldn't care less about the MOS ad. Transformers is one huge GM ad and no one seems to care.

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Peter Parker using Bing is OOC.

Couldn't care less about the MOS ad. Transformers is one huge GM ad and no one seems to care.

Why is it OOC for Peter Parker to use Bing? And more importantly, is it OOC enough to make any difference whatsoever?

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For me product placement needs to be plausible for the situation, and not be in your face. Feature a montage of a college student cramming for an exam? Fine, he can have Maruchan noodles in a cup and be working on a mac. Same kid goes to a wild party after said exam? Okay, Bud or Nattie Light and of course beer pong featuring Solo Cups. Mario driving a Mercedes? Aw hell no. He doesn't even fit in the car! Also the rumor I heard that there are going to be Coleman brand products in Final Fantasy 15 to me seems a bit immersion breaking. Unless if they explain that they're actually on Earth (which I don't know yet because I haven't paid much attention to what the game's plot is about yet) I'd be rather annoyed.

Also if they're adapting from a book series please for the love of God if the book series uses product placement somehow at least get the product placement in the adaptation of it right too.

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Mario driving a Mercedes? Aw hell no. He doesn't even fit in the car!

As someone who uses the Mercedes DLC a lot, I can confirm that Mario does indeed fit in the car.

Anyway, I'm fine with product placement as long as it isn't too blatant or contrived.

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