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The Ultimate Fire Emblem Camus Archetype! (starts at post #4100)


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Putting this into a spoiler so I don't flood the page. I suggest you do the same.

I'm sorry, but I don't agree with you here. I think of opposition as like..."I'm going to fight you because I think you're wrong." I disagree entirely with this one.

Kurthnaga get the courage to stand up to your idiot family BEFORE the Endgame you dummy!

So you think Kurthnaga should've fought his father? ... Without the help of Ike's forces and Yune's blessings?

It's the same thing I've been saying. "Just because it happened to one person, does not mean it will happen to another." That was literally my answer. I'm sorry if that wasn't clear enough.

The logical thing to think is that "if that happened to someone else, that could happen to me." You have to take fear into factor if you step into these character's shoes. You would still gamble your life by running away, after seeing what happened to Almedha and Rajaion?

Running away has countless possibilities. But after seeing one as scary as that, most people wouldn't consider it.

Yes, no idea. Seriously, I did not see that at all. Don't ask me how, but I completely missed that part. And the answer is yes, I'd run away. I wouldn't go right away though, I'd wait and plan it out in complete secrecy, then get the flapjacks out of there.

So you completely ignored the bulk of my post. That's what I thought.

If you were Kurthnaga, how would you? Plan exactly where during the events of RD you would run away, and how that would be so much better for you. Maybe if you can do this and I can see a better position for Kurthnaga to be in, then I'd change my mind.

Yeah, I think he'd be safer. To say (or imply) that he'd *definitely* get captured, sold, killed, etc. is completely...I can't even think of a word for it. There is literally zero guarantee of this, and if he's smart (like he's supposed to be), then I believe there's a greater chance that that stuff wouldn't happen.

I don't think Dheginsea would get too worried. If he really cared about anyone, he wouldn't be fighting on the wrong side.

Because it's so easy for a Black Dragon to just go around unnoticed while all of this warring is going on. He'd be safer in unknown lands outside of his home territory. He'd be the only one of his people around. That's safer than staying in Goldoa with the protection of the Dragon King?

If you act all secretive and suspicious, then you're bound to run into trouble somewhere. And if he's smart "like he's supposed to be?" If he dresses up as a pilgrim Beorc? He still gets captured.

Yeah, Dheginsea wouldn't get worried for the future king of Goldoa at all. Especially if he's the last heir.

Since you've never answered my questions but still continue this argument, are you implying that you'd run away from your family and plunge headfirst into a war, with no combat experience?

These are my own words. I don't see how I'm twisting yours in any way.

At least I think you admitted making a mistake? I never twisted your words at all.

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So you think Kurthnaga should've fought his father? ... Without the help of Ike's forces and Yune's blessings?

That's not what I said at all. There's a big difference between "stand up to" and "fight" and you know it. There you go with twisting words again.

The logical thing to think is that "if that happened to someone else, that could happen to me." You have to take fear into factor if you step into these character's shoes. You would still gamble your life by running away, after seeing what happened to Almedha and Rajaion?

Running away has countless possibilities. But after seeing one as scary as that, most people wouldn't consider it.

Of course it has countless possibilities, that's why you plan for the worst and hope for the best. If your family is doing stuff as bad as conspiring to end the world, then whatever happens from running away is definitely better.

And remember, I said "stand up" before I said "run away." You just wanted another alternative to my answer, so I gave it. There's literally nothing else I can think of. Either stand up or run away. If you can think of a better option, then please share it! Either way, Kurthnaga was an idiot throughout the whole thing.

So you completely ignored the bulk of my post. That's what I thought.

If you were Kurthnaga, how would you? Plan exactly where during the events of RD you would run away, and how that would be so much better for you. Maybe if you can do this and I can see a better position for Kurthnaga to be in, then I'd change my mind.

No, I didn't ignore it. So screw you. I didn't see it.

The wording of your next sentence doesn't make sense to me. I don't understand what you're asking.

Because it's so easy for a Black Dragon to just go around unnoticed while all of this warring is going on. He'd be safer in unknown lands outside of his home territory. He'd be the only one of his people around. That's safer than staying in Goldoa with the protection of the Dragon King?

If you act all secretive and suspicious, then you're bound to run into trouble somewhere. And if he's smart "like he's supposed to be?" If he dresses up as a pilgrim Beorc? He still gets captured.

Yeah, Dheginsea wouldn't get worried for the future king of Goldoa at all. Especially if he's the last heir.

If he's in disguise and such, yeah. No one knew who he was at the beginning of the game, after all. And yeah, if the Dragon King is planning the end of the freakin' world...f*** yes it's safer.

Who said anything about acting suspicious? Planning and not telling anyone while still acting normal is completely plausible. And of course he's supposed to be smart, the game pushed that whole "the son is wiser than the father" thing the whole time...and failed miserably, by the way. I also love how you first say "running away has countless possibilities" and then immediately after say "he still gets captured" like it's a definite. Make up your mind.

Like I said, if he really cared about anything, he wouldn't be doing what he's doing. Justify it all you want, Dheginsea turned out to be a selfish b-tard who only wanted to save himself. "Oh but must save my people and oh this and that and blah blah" no he's a selfish sack of crap. If RD had a better narrative and such, then maybe I could buy that, but it doesn't.

These are my own words. I don't see how I'm twisting yours in any way.

At least I think you admitted making a mistake? I never twisted your words at all.

I've explained it twice already, and you're still not seeing it. I think you do see and are just ignoring it to keep up your "I'm the good guy he's arguing with MEEE!" persona here.

Of course I admitted it. If I see I'm making a mistake, I admit it, and apologize to the offended party. Like I said, I apologized and made up with Sophie. The only problem is, one never sees the mistake until *after* the fact.

But for this argument? I've done nothing but reply to you, because for whatever reason you just can't accept *MY* opinion of Kurthnaga and RD's narrative. Like I said before, literally everything I've said has been in response to your picking apart and dissection of my post.

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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That's not what I said at all. There's a big difference between "stand up to" and "fight" and you know it. There you go with twisting words again.

Explain to me your definition of "stand up to" then. I'd quote you again but that's just a pain and it never gets me anywhere.

Of course it has countless possibilities, that's why you plan for the worst and hope for the best. If your family is doing stuff as bad as conspiring to end the world, then whatever happens from running away is definitely better.

And here it shines, as bright as day, that you do not understand these characters.


"He constantly urges the Laguz not to fan the flames of war while the location of Lehran's Medallion is unknown: his top priority is to save the world from destruction. It is to this end that he maintains a policy of perfect neutrality; he also twisted the truth and labelled Yune a "Dark God" to prevent Ashera from passing her judgement."

From Dheginsea's page in the official Fire Emblem Wiki. He is not conspiring to end the world at all. If he were, why would he wait until Radiant Dawn to do it? In fact, why would he wait until Altina's and Soan's deaths to do it?

No, I didn't ignore it. So screw you. I didn't see it.

How mature. If you missed a whole two paragraphs of my post, then either you didn't try to read the whole thing or you just didn't read it. Knowing that we're talking back and forth, a wall of text either goes ignored or responded to. Is it even physically possible to not see it?

The wording of your next sentence doesn't make sense to me. I don't understand what you're asking.

If you were Kurthnaga, tell me exactly what you would do that would make him so much of a better character.

If he's in disguise and such, yeah. No one knew who he was at the beginning of the game, after all. And yeah, if the Dragon King is planning the end of the freakin' world...f*** yes it's safer.

If the Dragon King is planning to end the world? He isn't.


"He constantly urges the Laguz not to fan the flames of war while the location of Lehran's Medallion is unknown: his top priority is to save the world from destruction. It is to this end that he maintains a policy of perfect neutrality; he also twisted the truth and labelled Yune a "Dark God" to prevent Ashera from passing her judgement."

From Dheginsea's page in the official Fire Emblem Wiki. He is not planning to end the world at all. If he were, why would he wait until Radiant Dawn to do it? In fact, why would he wait until Altina's and Soan's deaths to do it?

Who said anything about acting suspicious? Planning and not telling anyone while still acting normal is completely plausible. And of course he's supposed to be smart, the game pushed that whole "the son is wiser than the father" thing the whole time...and failed miserably, by the way. I also love how you first say "running away has countless possibilities" and then immediately after say "he still gets captured" like it's a definite. Make up your mind.

If he intends to run away, then he'd have to keep his identity a secret. How can you do that without being suspicious? I mentioned the fact that he still gets captured because he actually does still get captured in Radiant Dawn. If Micaiah's group didn't save him, the people that captured him would've eventually found out who he was, and oh, what could happen after that.

Like I said, if he really cared about anything, he wouldn't be doing what he's doing. Justify it all you want, Dheginsea turned out to be a selfish b-tard who only wanted to save himself. "Oh but must save my people and oh this and that and blah blah" no he's a selfish sack of crap. If RD had a better narrative and such, then maybe I could buy that, but it doesn't.

So you call him selfish, and say that he only wants to save himself. Then you go on and say that he wants to save his people. Those are two different things. Not to mention he doesn't have the intentions of either of them.

I've explained it twice already, and you're still not seeing it. I think you do see and are just ignoring it

That's how I feel about this whole thing.

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Explain to me your definition of "stand up to" then. I'd quote you again but that's just a pain and it never gets me anywhere.

And here it shines, as bright as day, that you do not understand these characters.


"He constantly urges the Laguz not to fan the flames of war while the location of Lehran's Medallion is unknown: his top priority is to save the world from destruction. It is to this end that he maintains a policy of perfect neutrality; he also twisted the truth and labelled Yune a "Dark God" to prevent Ashera from passing her judgement."

From Dheginsea's page in the official Fire Emblem Wiki. He is not conspiring to end the world at all. If he were, why would he wait until Radiant Dawn to do it? In fact, why would he wait until Altina's and Soan's deaths to do it?

How mature. If you missed a whole two paragraphs of my post, then either you didn't try to read the whole thing or you just didn't read it. Knowing that we're talking back and forth, a wall of text either goes ignored or responded to. Is it even physically possible to not see it?

If you were Kurthnaga, tell me exactly what you would do that would make him so much of a better character.

If the Dragon King is planning to end the world? He isn't.


"He constantly urges the Laguz not to fan the flames of war while the location of Lehran's Medallion is unknown: his top priority is to save the world from destruction. It is to this end that he maintains a policy of perfect neutrality; he also twisted the truth and labelled Yune a "Dark God" to prevent Ashera from passing her judgement."

From Dheginsea's page in the official Fire Emblem Wiki. He is not planning to end the world at all. If he were, why would he wait until Radiant Dawn to do it? In fact, why would he wait until Altina's and Soan's deaths to do it?

If he intends to run away, then he'd have to keep his identity a secret. How can you do that without being suspicious? I mentioned the fact that he still gets captured because he actually does still get captured in Radiant Dawn. If Micaiah's group didn't save him, the people that captured him would've eventually found out who he was, and oh, what could happen after that.

So you call him selfish, and say that he only wants to save himself. Then you go on and say that he wants to save his people. Those are two different things. Not to mention he doesn't have the intentions of either of them.

That's how I feel about this whole thing.

I'm not going to yell at this whole post, and I'm not doing spoilers. I've tried explaining myself, but you're continuing to be a jerk, at least that's how it's been seeming to me. So here:

First point: "Stand up" does not mean "punch you in the face" like you seem to think, or like you seem to be trying to force my statement to mean. "Stand up" is simply saying "I think you're wrong, I don't agree with this, I'm not going along with it." One can easily stand up to another without being violent about it.

Second point: I understand the characters just fine. Seriously, stop being a jerk about this. I. Get. It. As I've said at least three times: I just don't like 'em. RD's narrative is bad, it handles it all poorly, the roles they want these characters to fulfill is rarely executed well. I understand it, I just think it's p**s poor.

Literally every member of this site I've ever spoken about things like this has said to NOT use the wiki, I have ALWAYS been told "the wiki is wrong about everything.

So Dheginsea siding with Ashera isn't conspiring to end the world? I think it is. He's trying to help her end everything. As to why he waits until Radiant Dawn? Well, like I've said a million times...bad narrative. A "character twist" (as it were) that makes NO sense with everything else they try to get across with Dheginsea. "Oh hey here's this king who wants to stop the end of the world...oh by the way, he's siding with the chick who's trying to end the world." Even if it took forever...I find that to be conspiring of some degree. Why the heck would he not side with Ike? Ike has proven how many times that he just might have a chance at stopping it? Dheginsea, what is wrong with you? The justifications and/or reasoning they try to give for Dheginsea is just bad, I don't like it, it seems selfish to me and in a sense conspiring in some way (although I will fully admit, "conspiring" is not the right word).

Third point: Once again, stop being a jerk with this. Yes, I missed it. I did not see it. I've acknowledged this mistake at least three times. If I had just ignored your question, then why the f**k would I have claimed "you never hinted at this question"? I. Didn't. See it. It's very possible for someone to miss it, especially for someone like me who has a reading disability (yes, that's right...jerk). I find it much harder to see everything in a big wall of text than I do in a smaller wall. Again, I've acknowledged this mistake, and I've said I'm sorry for missing it more than once. Sorry. Again.

Fourth point: Get a better narrative, for one. That'd help make everyone a better character. Without changing story or narrative? I don't know. That's honestly a bad question. It's just my opinion that the story and narrative was handled poorly, and it effected Kurthnaga and made him a poor character. That's all. I don't know what I'd change, how much I'd change it, or anything else. I just know I'd do something different. I thought you wanted an immediate answer, so I gave it in the form of "stand up" or "run away." How to execute it? F**k me, I dunno. This is why I'm not a game designer.

Fifth point: Yes, I did say he's selfish and wants to save himself. No, I did not say he wants to save his people. I thought the quotation marks I put in that part made it clear that I was trying to get across what RD was saying part of his motivation was. Not me. But even so, his sudden twist of "I'm with Ashera, by the way" comes off as awful to me. First it's all "I want to stop the end of the world!" and then suddenly "I'm on Ashera's side!" and that comes across as selfish and 'save-your-own-neck'-ish to me. And it just furthers my point that he really doesn't care about Kurthnaga. "Oh by the way son, I'm gonna help Ashera kill you now, but I love you!" Yeah, no.

Sixth point: You keep saying "you're ignoring me" and then go on to ignore some of my post. Please, don't be hypocritical like that.

Seventh point: Yes, I'm being immature. I said at least two times that I was offended by a couple of your statements...and you made no effort to correct me. You didn't say "oh hey, that wasn't meant as an insult, sorry", you just let me go on thinking you were intentionally insulting me. How long was it before you finally said "you're seeing these insults with your imagination"? Why the flapjacks would you just go on letting me think you're purposefully insulting me? And then you start saying things like "how mature of you" (which is clearly sarcasm, or am I wrong?) and other crap like that? Yeah, I'm gonna get mad. This is why I'm getting mad.

Final point: I really have no idea what you want me to say or what you're expecting me to say. The very best answer I can give is this: I have issues with RD's narrative, I think the story is poorly handled and I think the majority of circumstances of most of the characters are hurt because of it, Kurthnaga being one of them. I would have done it differently. I have no idea how, my immediate answers are simply "stand up" and/or "run away." Is this satisfactory?

I'm sorry if I've been coming off as an a-hole, but I'm getting frustrated because I have no idea what you're wanting from me, I don't understand some of your reasoning, and you just kept on letting me think the non-insult was an actual insult and then went and put things like 'how mature of you' in your posts thus furthering what I've been thinking are insults.

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Spoilers are so we don't become an eyesore to ourselves, and more importantly to other members that are simply playing the game.

But whatever you wish. I'm going to keep doing it, if not for my own benefit, but the benefit of others.

I'm not going to yell at this whole post, and I'm not doing spoilers. I've tried explaining myself, but you're continuing to be a jerk, at least that's how it's been seeming to me. So here:

First point: "Stand up" does not mean "punch you in the face" like you seem to think, or like you seem to be trying to force my statement to mean. "Stand up" is simply saying "I think you're wrong, I don't agree with this, I'm not going along with it." One can easily stand up to another without being violent about it.

Second point: I understand the characters just fine. Seriously, stop being a jerk about this. I. Get. It. As I've said at least three times: I just don't like 'em. RD's narrative is bad, it handles it all poorly, the roles they want these characters to fulfill is rarely executed well. I understand it, I just think it's p**s poor.
Literally every member of this site I've ever spoken about things like this has said to NOT use the wiki, I have ALWAYS been told "the wiki is wrong about everything.
So Dheginsea siding with Ashera isn't conspiring to end the world? I think it is. He's trying to help her end everything. As to why he waits until Radiant Dawn? Well, like I've said a million times...bad narrative. A "character twist" (as it were) that makes NO sense with everything else they try to get across with Dheginsea. "Oh hey here's this king who wants to stop the end of the world...oh by the way, he's siding with the chick who's trying to end the world." Even if it took forever...I find that to be conspiring of some degree. Why the heck would he not side with Ike? Ike has proven how many times that he just might have a chance at stopping it? Dheginsea, what is wrong with you? The justifications and/or reasoning they try to give for Dheginsea is just bad, I don't like it, it seems selfish to me and in a sense conspiring in some way (although I will fully admit, "conspiring" is not the right word).

Third point: Once again, stop being a jerk with this. Yes, I missed it. I did not see it. I've acknowledged this mistake at least three times. If I had just ignored your question, then why the f**k would I have claimed "you never hinted at this question"? I. Didn't. See it. It's very possible for someone to miss it, especially for someone like me who has a reading disability (yes, that's right...jerk). I find it much harder to see everything in a big wall of text than I do in a smaller wall. Again, I've acknowledged this mistake, and I've said I'm sorry for missing it more than once. Sorry. Again.

Fourth point: Get a better narrative, for one. That'd help make everyone a better character. Without changing story or narrative? I don't know. That's honestly a bad question. It's just my opinion that the story and narrative was handled poorly, and it effected Kurthnaga and made him a poor character. That's all. I don't know what I'd change, how much I'd change it, or anything else. I just know I'd do something different. I thought you wanted an immediate answer, so I gave it in the form of "stand up" or "run away." How to execute it? F**k me, I dunno. This is why I'm not a game designer.

Fifth point: Yes, I did say he's selfish and wants to save himself. No, I did not say he wants to save his people. I thought the quotation marks I put in that part made it clear that I was trying to get across what RD was saying part of his motivation was. Not me. But even so, his sudden twist of "I'm with Ashera, by the way" comes off as awful to me. First it's all "I want to stop the end of the world!" and then suddenly "I'm on Ashera's side!" and that comes across as selfish and 'save-your-own-neck'-ish to me. And it just furthers my point that he really doesn't care about Kurthnaga. "Oh by the way son, I'm gonna help Ashera kill you now, but I love you!" Yeah, no.

Sixth point: You keep saying "you're ignoring me" and then go on to ignore some of my post. Please, don't be hypocritical like that.

Seventh point: Yes, I'm being immature. I said at least two times that I was offended by a couple of your statements...and you made no effort to correct me. You didn't say "oh hey, that wasn't meant as an insult, sorry", you just let me go on thinking you were intentionally insulting me. How long was it before you finally said "you're seeing these insults with your imagination"? Why the flapjacks would you just go on letting me think you're purposefully insulting me? And then you start saying things like "how mature of you" (which is clearly sarcasm, or am I wrong?) and other crap like that? Yeah, I'm gonna get mad. This is why I'm getting mad.

Final point: I really have no idea what you want me to say or what you're expecting me to say. The very best answer I can give is this: I have issues with RD's narrative, I think the story is poorly handled and I think the majority of circumstances of most of the characters are hurt because of it, Kurthnaga being one of them. I would have done it differently. I have no idea how, my immediate answers are simply "stand up" and/or "run away." Is this satisfactory?

I'm sorry if I've been coming off as an a-hole, but I'm getting frustrated because I have no idea what you're wanting from me, I don't understand some of your reasoning, and you just kept on letting me think the non-insult was an actual insult and then went and put things like 'how mature of you' in your posts thus furthering what I've been thinking are insults.


1. Goldoa is neutral. Dheginsea wants to remain neutral. "Standing up" to him would be saying something like "we have to do something about this war," right? Dheginsea has a good reason to remain neutral. He doesn't want to wake Ashera. That is his top priority. The Laguz Alliance, civil wars in Crimea, and Begnion senator problems? He doesn't consider those worthy of action for. Kurthnaga probably did, and simply standing up to his father (saying that it's wrong) wouldn't make him budge. The only way for Kurthnaga to actually stand up to his father is openly disobeying him, which would include running away and fighting him. Both of which are bad options that would put Kurthnaga in a bad position. If not only Kurthnaga, then the Dragon Tribe as a whole. If not the Dragon Tribe, then the entire world.

2. The Wiki's pretty damn accurate for what I've seen of it. I interpreted Dheginsea the same way that the Wiki did, and I've played through Radiant Dawn without touching the Wiki. If it can derive accurate information that can be confirmed by me, then I trust it. Sometimes it theorizes, yes, but this is not one of those times. I thought Radiant Dawn made it blatantly obvious what Dheginsea wanted. He wanted to live without breaking the covenant and waking Ashera early. That includes not involving the continent in a massive war, so he tried his best to do that. How? By making Goldoa a neutral state.

There's no character twist. You can actually come to expect what'll happen before the fight if you know Dheginsea's character well. I'm not saying that you don't, I'm saying that maybe I did. DO NOT take this as another insult, I swear... Take in mind that Dheginsea never really sided with anyone during the war. It took great persuasion just for him to let Ike and co. pass through Goldoa from coming out of the caves. Once Ashera was awakened, Dheginsea basically lost all hope in humanity (same deal as Sephiran, except Sephiran actually wanted to wake Ashera because of how horrible the current world they lived in was). So Dheginsea, knowing that he tried his best to stop it from happening, and tried to warn others to stop it from happening, decided to accept his fate. He, in person, swore a covenant with Ashunera. And he broke it.., The people all broke it. But he's the only one willing to take the punishment alone. He chose to accept the punishment dealt by Ashera, because they broke the covenant. He took the blame on himself, and instead of still trying to oppose Ashera, like everybody has been doing, he submits to her will.

Why didn't he side with Ike? The same reason Goldoa doesn't side with anyone. If they had avoided warring in the first place, nothing would've came to this. Disrupting Ashera in the Medallion is precisely why he didn't choose to side against his goddess. He made a promise, and he tried to stick to that promise. He reminded the people of it, but they ignored him. Everyone continued ravaging at each other's throats until the goddess finally intervened, and at that point, Dheginsea knew it wasn't her fault for casting her judgment. It's true that Dheginsea did not want to stop the end of the world. He accepted that the world he lived in was flawed, and that Ashunera's creations were flawed. He is not as optimistic as our heroes are. Dheginsea believes that Ashera has the right to remake the world as she desires, if she does not like the current one.

3. You acknowledge the fact that you saw the wall of text. Why didn't you read it?

You completely ignored everything past my first two sentences. They weren't even the main focus of my post.

Yes, I did. Because: I gave you answers until you said something that I took as an insult (your exact words were "I literally gave you an example of why he shouldn't run away. Do you not remember the events of RD or something?" and that came off as insulting to me, it did not come off as a question at all)

No, I didn't ignore it. So screw you. I didn't see it.

what the fuck is this

If you really didn't see any of it, wouldn't it make sense to go back and actually read it?


4. This is just you hating on RD. I don't have anything to respond to here, so don't create one.

5. He sided with Ashera because he wanted her to make a better world. How does he try to save his own neck? He's cutting his own throat. With the new world that Ashera would create, he well knows that he is not going to be a part of it. He has no intention of being a part of it either.

6. God, do I have to respond to every word you say? I don't respond to things that I have no response to, simple as that. But for you to ignore what I've said, only makes it go down the line, repeat itself, and get worse as it goes... For the portion of your post that I ignored, there was no argument. In mine, there was. And it was a crucial part, at that.

7. If you had read anything past this "insult" that I never made, then maybe you wouldn't have thought of it as an insult.

Edited by Tragonight
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1. Goldoa is neutral. Dheginsea wants to remain neutral. "Standing up" to him would be saying something like "we have to do something about this war," right? Dheginsea has a good reason to remain neutral. He doesn't want to wake Ashera. That is his top priority. The Laguz Alliance, civil wars in Crimea, and Begnion senator problems? He doesn't consider those worthy of action for. Kurthnaga probably did, and simply standing up to his father (saying that it's wrong) wouldn't make him budge. The only way for Kurthnaga to actually stand up to his father is openly disobeying him, which would include running away and fighting him. Both of which are bad options that would put Kurthnaga in a bad position. If not only Kurthnaga, then the Dragon Tribe as a whole. If not the Dragon Tribe, then the entire world.

2. The Wiki's pretty damn accurate for what I've seen of it. I interpreted Dheginsea the same way that the Wiki did, and I've played through Radiant Dawn without touching the Wiki. If it can derive accurate information that can be confirmed by me, then I trust it. Sometimes it theorizes, yes, but this is not one of those times. I thought Radiant Dawn made it blatantly obvious what Dheginsea wanted. He wanted to live without breaking the covenant and waking Ashera early. That includes not involving the continent in a massive war, so he tried his best to do that. How? By making Goldoa a neutral state.

There's no character twist. You can actually come to expect what'll happen before the fight if you know Dheginsea's character well. I'm not saying that you don't, I'm saying that maybe I did. DO NOT take this as another insult, I swear... Take in mind that Dheginsea never really sided with anyone during the war. It took great persuasion just for him to let Ike and co. pass through Goldoa from coming out of the caves. Once Ashera was awakened, Dheginsea basically lost all hope in humanity (same deal as Sephiran, except Sephiran actually wanted to wake Ashera because of how horrible the current world they lived in was). So Dheginsea, knowing that he tried his best to stop it from happening, and tried to warn others to stop it from happening, decided to accept his fate. He, in person, swore a covenant with Ashunera. And he broke it.., The people all broke it. But he's the only one willing to take the punishment alone. He chose to accept the punishment dealt by Ashera, because they broke the covenant. He took the blame on himself, and instead of still trying to oppose Ashera, like everybody has been doing, he submits to her will.

Why didn't he side with Ike? The same reason Goldoa doesn't side with anyone. If they had avoided warring in the first place, nothing would've came to this. Disrupting Ashera in the Medallion is precisely why he didn't choose to side against his goddess. He made a promise, and he tried to stick to that promise. He reminded the people of it, but they ignored him. Everyone continued ravaging at each other's throats until the goddess finally intervened, and at that point, Dheginsea knew it wasn't her fault for casting her judgment. It's true that Dheginsea did not want to stop the end of the world. He accepted that the world he lived in was flawed, and that Ashunera's creations were flawed. He is not as optimistic as our heroes are. Dheginsea believes that Ashera has the right to remake the world as she desires, if she does not like the current one.

3. You acknowledge the fact that you saw the wall of text. Why didn't you read it?

what the fuck is this

If you really didn't see any of it, wouldn't it make sense to go back and actually read it?


4. This is just you hating on RD. I don't have anything to respond to here, so don't create one.

5. He sided with Ashera because he wanted her to make a better world. How does he try to save his own neck? He's cutting his own throat. With the new world that Ashera would create, he well knows that he is not going to be a part of it. He has no intention of being a part of it either.

6. God, do I have to respond to every word you say? I don't respond to things that I have no response to, simple as that. But for you to ignore what I've said, only makes it go down the line, repeat itself, and get worse as it goes... For the portion of your post that I ignored, there was no argument. In mine, there was. And it was a crucial part, at that.

7. If you had read anything past this "insult" that I never made, then maybe you wouldn't have thought of it as an insult.

1. If you see wars brewing, and you have the power to possibly stop it or lessen the effects, then you should. Goldoa had that power. Yet didn't do anything. "Hey we could possibly stop Ashera's awakening, thereby keeping out promise! Oh uh...let's not. Oh yeah but when she's awake, let's side with her!" Makes sense. I really just disagree with the whole line of reasoning Dheginsea has, this really just goes back to my own issues with the narrative.

2. Well that's your opinion then. Wish there was some consistency on this site about the wiki.

3. I ignored the posts I saw as insulting. I didn't see the post with the question. Is it really that hard to understand? And you think I didn't try going back to look? Really? There's a lot there, that's a very unreasonable expectation of you. And, again, if you had actually been a decent person and not let me go on thinking they were insults, well...


5. Yes because he's really going to side with her and not try to say "oh hey, yeah, I helped you...mercy, maybe?"

6. You say this then get on my back for "ignoring" your posts? Wow. Just wow. (And before you say "You ignored the rest of point 6!" look up at the bolded all caps italic in point 4 right up there^)

7. Like I said, the way you worded it came of as insulting. If it wasn't an insult, you should have just said so rather than just go on letting me think it was. This is YOUR mistake, not mine.

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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1. If you see wars brewing, and you have the power to possibly stop it or lessen the effects, then you should. Goldoa had that power. Yet didn't do anything. "Hey we could possibly stop Ashera's awakening! Oh uh...let's not. Oh yeah but when she's awake, let's side with her!" Makes sense.

2. Well that's your opinion then. Wish there was some consistency on this site about the wiki.

3. I ignored the posts I saw as insulting. I didn't see the post with the question. Is it really that hard to understand? And you think I didn't try going back to look? Really? There's a lot there, that's a very unreasonable expectation of you. And, again, if you had actually been a decent person and not let me go on thinking they were insults, well...


5. Yes because he's really going to side with her and not try to say "oh hey, yeah, I helped you...mercy, maybe?"

6. You say this then get on my back for "ignoring" your posts? Wow. Just wow.

7. Like I said, the way you worded it came of as insulting. If it wasn't an insult, you should have just said so rather than just go on letting me think it was. This is YOUR mistake, not mine.

1. If Goldoa entered the war, then it would have to choose a side. It can simply run in and burn everything down, but that would wake Ashera faster. The only non-violent thing Goldoa can do is not get involved and warn others. That's exactly what they did.

2. No, don't blame it on the Wiki. I had that understanding of Dheginsea before I even went to it. Can you please just admit that you don't understand Dheginsea and why he did what he did?

3. It's unreasonable for me to expect you to read? What do you think I'm doing? I read every word of what you say. Why would I say something if I thought it was unreasonable that you would read it?

4. Then don't hate the characters. Hate the story. I'm perfectly fine with that. You led me to believe that you hated Kurthnaga because of his decisions. I tried to justify his decisions. You tried to give me better decisions he could've made. I tried to explain how they wouldn't have been better decisions. You hate the plot. Now I'm not even entirely sure why you dislike Kurthnaga so.

5. The game implies that he won't do that. After everyone else is dead, Dheginsea will tell Ashera to kill him too. She is making the world anew. That would mean wiping out everything that existed in the old world, including her followers. She wouldn't spare him even if he asked, and he knew that.

6. I'm not the one that claimed to ignore the post, and then later claimed to not have seen it. I'm well aware of what I'm ignoring and the relevance it has here, other than fueling your anger.

7. I wouldn't have had to explain that that was a simple question if you had actually read anything past it, which you didn't.

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1. If Goldoa entered the war, then it would have to choose a side. It can simply run in and burn everything down, but that would wake Ashera faster. The only non-violent thing Goldoa can do is not get involved and warn others. That's exactly what they did.

2. No, don't blame it on the Wiki. I had that understanding of Dheginsea before I even went to it. Can you please just admit that you don't understand Dheginsea and why he did what he did?

3. It's unreasonable for me to expect you to read? What do you think I'm doing? I read every word of what you say. Why would I say something if I thought it was unreasonable that you would read it?

4. Then don't hate the characters. Hate the story. I'm perfectly fine with that. You led me to believe that you hated Kurthnaga because of his decisions. I tried to justify his decisions. You tried to give me better decisions he could've made. I tried to explain how they wouldn't have been better decisions. You hate the plot. Now I'm not even entirely sure why you dislike Kurthnaga so.

5. The game implies that he won't do that. After everyone else is dead, Dheginsea will tell Ashera to kill him too. She is making the world anew. That would mean wiping out everything that existed in the old world, including her followers. She wouldn't spare him even if he asked, and he knew that.

6. I'm not the one that claimed to ignore the post, and then later claimed to not have seen it. I'm well aware of what I'm ignoring and the relevance it has here, other than fueling your anger.

7. I wouldn't have had to explain that that was a simple question if you had actually read anything past it, which you didn't.

1. As I said in my last post, this all goes back to my own issues with the narrative. I just don't think they were smart about it.

2. I didn't blame anything on the wiki? I said the members of this site have no consistency concerning it. And no, I will not admit that, because I do understand, I just. Don't. Like it.

3. That's not at all what I said. I meant that it's silly to expect me to go back through every post and find the one that's buried beneath everything else.

4. I've already said why. I think the story handles him poorly, therefore hampering my liking of the character, therefore making me dislike him. That's all. Is that not clear?

5. This is just speculation, you can speculate that Dheginsea would accept his fate...but I speculate that when it comes down to it, he'd say "mercy, please."

6. Never said you claimed that. Just said you're getting mad at me for "ignoring" posts and then saying "jeez do I have to reply to everything?" Do you realize how that sounds?

7. I literally said "I'm offended" right after the statement I was offended by. Right after. Yet you said nothing. Would it have been so hard to say "sorry, that wasn't meant as an insult." This is what led to the whole thing. You just letting it go without saying "hey, that wasn't an insult, sorry" and by the time you did finally say something...how many posts had gone by? And when you did finally say something...it was sarcasm and ridicule. This is on you.

I'm not "claiming" to have not seen the question, I really didn't see it. I thought I had been clear about that. I'm seriously asking here, not being rude or sarcastic: was I not clear?

People want me to admit my mistakes (which I've already proven I do), yet they refuse to admit theirs. This is a massive problem.

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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I'm starting to run out of characters that I know.

Tiki 24

Myrrh 8

Lethe 17

Mordecai 10

Caineghis 5

Reyson 12

Janaff 11

Ulki 14 <- Your name sounds funny, so I'll be downvoting you now.

Nasir 13

Tibarn 24

Naesala 16

Kurthnaga 0

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