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The Ultimate Fire Emblem Camus Archetype! (starts at post #4100)


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1. As I said in my last post, this all goes back to my own issues with the narrative. I just don't think they were smart about it.

2. I didn't blame anything on the wiki? I said the members of this site have no consistency concerning it. And no, I will not admit that, because I do understand, I just. Don't. Like it.

3. That's not at all what I said. I meant that it's silly to expect me to go back through every post and find the one that's buried beneath everything else.

4. I've already said why. I think the story handles him poorly, therefore hampering my liking of the character, therefore making me dislike him. That's all. Is that not clear?

5. This is just speculation, you can speculate that Dheginsea would accept his fate...but I speculate that when it comes down to it, he'd say "mercy, please."

6. Never said you claimed that. Just said you're getting mad at me for "ignoring" posts and then saying "jeez do I have to reply to everything?" Do you realize how that sounds?

7. I literally said "I'm offended" right after the statement I was offended by. Right after. Yet you said nothing. Would it have been so hard to say "sorry, that wasn't meant as an insult." This is what led to the whole thing. You just letting it go without saying "hey, that wasn't an insult, sorry" and by the time you did finally say something...how many posts had gone by? And when you did finally say something...it was sarcasm and ridicule. This is on you.

I'm not "claiming" to have not seen the question, I really didn't see it. I thought I had been clear about that. I'm seriously asking here, not being rude or sarcastic: was I not clear?

People want me to admit my mistakes (which I've already proven I do), yet they refuse to admit theirs. This is a massive problem.

2. Alright, who? Give me names. The Wiki has been accurate in providing information for everything I've seen of it thus far.


I am going to go through the trouble of quoting the entire conversation for you to see.

You completely ignored everything past my first two sentences. They weren't even the main focus of my post.

Edit: God damn it, the rest of my post was lost... Should I remake it?

5. You speculate based on your understanding of the character. Your understanding is wrong. Therefore, your speculation is wrong. Dheginsea only sided with Ashera because he had already accepted his fate. If he believed the current world and himself had any hope left, maybe he wouldn't have sided with her.

6. And I never said you claimed to claim that. Again with the imagination. I asked you if you had ignored my post, and you said yes. But later I ask the same question, and you say "No, I didn't ignore it. So screw you. I didn't see it." At least when I ignore things, I make sure that I actually read them (correctly), unlike you, who had claimed to both ignore and not see my post at the same time. You directly contradict yourself, and I even showed you and told you how.

7. No. Because see above.

Edited by Tragonight
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2. Alright, who? Give me names. The Wiki has been accurate in providing information for everything I've seen of it thus far.


2. Names for what? What are you saying?

3. There were only two sentences past those first two sentences in what you were talking about there, and they *immediately* followed what I took as an insult. I've said this at least three times now, I ignored the things immediately following what I took as an insult. The other question that I missed was not immediately after a non-insult, that simply just got lost in the text and I missed it. That's all. For the millionth time.

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I finished partially recreating my other post. Go read that.

2. Names for what? What are you saying?

3. There were only two sentences past those first two sentences in what you were talking about there, and they *immediately* followed what I took as an insult. I've said this at least three times now, I ignored the things immediately following what I took as an insult. The other question that I missed was not immediately after a non-insult, that simply just got lost in the text and I missed it. That's all. For the millionth time.

For "literally every single member on the site that has told you not to use the Wiki."

Almedha's an example of why Kurthnaga shouldn't take such dangerous risks. If a close relative of yours runs away from your family, and ends up being brutally tortured to death, would you still run away? Especially if you're of noble birth, and have never experienced combat before? Would you leave alone? Without telling anybody, without knowing where you'd go, without knowing if it were safe or not?

Keep in mind that when Kurthnaga helped Ike, he wasn't supposed to. Goldoan Dragons aren't supposed to intervene with human affairs. But he had the sympathy to help Ike, and he saw him in trouble, so he did. That doesn't automatically make Ike a friend. Ike could've turned around and stabbed Kurthnaga to death right then and there if he wanted to, because Kurthnaga doesn't know how to defend himself. If Ike was Micaiah, Kurthnaga would've done the same thing. Ike and Micaiah are on opposite sides for the most part of RD, so whatever Kurthnaga does without his family's consent takes a toll on him and the Goldoans as a whole.

Does this look like two sentences to you? Also, it's convenient that both questions are located in the same post.
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5. You speculate based on your understanding of the character. Your understanding is wrong. Therefore, your speculation is wrong. Dheginsea only sided with Ashera because he had already accepted his fate. If he believed the current world and himself had any hope left, maybe he wouldn't have sided with her.

6. And I never said you claimed to claim that. Again with the imagination. I asked you if you had ignored my post, and you said yes. But later I ask the same question, and you say "No, I didn't ignore it. So screw you. I didn't see it." At least when I ignore things, I make sure that I actually read them (correctly), unlike you, who had claimed to both ignore and not see my post at the same time. You directly contradict yourself, and I even showed you and told you how.

7. No. Because see above.


6. See, here we go again. Rather than just saying "hey sorry that wasn't an insult" (and yes I realize that this time there is no insult) you just say "UGH IMAGINATION!" I said "YES" that I ignored the stuff right after the insult (or what I took as an insult). I said "NO" I did not ignore that particular question, that one I just didn't see. How many times have I said this now?

And as I'm going back and reading everything (which you seem to be set on me doing), I see that I actually DID respond to that question, you either just didn't see the answer or ignored it (although if you ignored it I don't know why you persisted that I had ignored it or hadn't answered it), and then since you said I ignored it I thought you were talking about something else and thought I missed it. Either way...another mistake that isn't mine, but I know you'll get on my back for this too, 'cause why not.

I finished partially recreating my other post. Go read that.

For "literally every single member on the site that has told you not to use the Wiki."

Does this look like two sentences to you? Also, it's convenient that both questions are located in the same post.

I did not say literally every single member. I said every member I have spoken to about the wiki. So how 'bout that twist of words?

Yes, you're right. "sentences" were not the correct word. The correct word was "statements." Either way, what I said still stands.

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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Based on the nature of living creatures, he wouldn't have sided with Ashera. But he did.

6. See, here we go again. Rather than just saying "hey sorry that wasn't an insult" (and yes I realize that this time there is no insult) you just say "UGH IMAGINATION!" I said "YES" that I ignored the stuff right after the insult (or what I took as an insult). I said "NO" I did not ignore that particular question, that one I just didn't see. How many times have I said this now?

And as I'm going back and reading everything (which you seem to be set on me doing), I see that I actually DID respond to that question, you either just didn't see the answer or ignored it (although if you ignored it I don't know why you persisted that I had ignored it or hadn't answered it), and then since you said I ignored it I thought you were talking about something else and thought I missed it. Either way...another mistake that isn't mine, but I know you'll get on my back for this too, 'cause why not.

That particular question was part of the stuff that you ignored. You ignored it. It's not that you missed it. Maybe you missed it because you ignored it? Hmm. We seem to have come to a discrepancy on the word "ignore." When I ignore something, I don't respond to it. That doesn't mean I didn't read it. When you ignore something, it seems that you don't even look at it. Is this correct?

If I had seen the answer to the question then I would never have said that you didn't answer it.

I did not say literally every single member. I said every member I have spoken to about the wiki. So how 'bout that twist of words?

So you're getting mad that I'm asking for the name of every single member on the site (that you have spoken to about the Wiki) that has told you not to use the Wiki?

I did not twist anything. All I did was take out "that you have spoken to about the Wiki" because I didn't feel like typing that out, that's implied. Does that suddenly change the question or portray rudeness?

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Here. I'm going through this whole f**king thing to make this as clear as I possibly can.

You said:

"I literally gave you an example of why he shouldn't run away. Do you not remember the events of RD or something?

Almedha's an example of why Kurthnaga shouldn't take such dangerous risks. If a close relative of yours runs away from your family, and ends up being brutally tortured to death, would you still run away? Especially if you're of noble birth, and have never experienced combat before? Would you leave alone? Without telling anybody, without knowing where you'd go, without knowing if it were safe or not?

Keep in mind that when Kurthnaga helped Ike, he wasn't supposed to. Goldoan Dragons aren't supposed to intervene with human affairs. But he had the sympathy to help Ike, and he saw him in trouble, so he did. That doesn't automatically make Ike a friend. Ike could've turned around and stabbed Kurthnaga to death right then and there if he wanted to, because Kurthnaga doesn't know how to defend himself. If Ike was Micaiah, Kurthnaga would've done the same thing. Ike and Micaiah are on opposite sides for the most part of RD, so whatever Kurthnaga does without his family's consent takes a toll on him and the Goldoans as a whole."

See that big bolded thing there? That is what I took as an insult. The way that's worded does not come off as a question at all. The way that's worded comes off as condescending and insulting.

Here's what my reply was:

"I remember RD...thanks a lot."

Did I ignore the stuff after the bolded statement of yours? Yes. And I openly admitted that.

Your reply:

"Is that sarcasm?"

My response:

"In a sense. I'm honestly pretty offended. I question Kurthnaga's decisions, or lack thereof. I don't understand why you'd think I don't remember RD? I just don't like him and think he could have done something different?"

Do you see the bolded? That was meant as my response to the ignored statements. You've already said that I wasn't being clear. That's my mistake (which I have also been openly admitting this whole time).

And, also. THIS is where you should have said "oh hey sorry, that wasn't meant as an insult." But you didn't.

Your reply:

"So why would you still give him the option of running away? He clearly doesn't have that option, and even if he did, he wouldn't take it."

which was followed by:

"I don't think you guys fully understand the personalities of these characters and the roles they were meant to fulfill..."

Bolded? I was again offended, it came off as the same way as the first thing I took as an insult.

My response:

"Everyone has an option, and I think he could have had that option."

which was followed by:

"Um...yes, I do. I understand just fine. I just don't like them. I am once again offended."

Gee wiz, another perfect time to say "hey that wasn't meant as an insult"!

Your reply:

"Since you've never answered my questions but still continue this argument, are you implying that you'd run away from your family and plunge headfirst into a war, with no combat experience?"

"We'll see about that depending on how you respond to what I said above."

Look at that bold. That only furthered my thinking of "is he insulting me? this is insulting!" And that's not simply a "oh golly gee, stop with your imagination!" This is the third time you should have said "hey, not an insult, sorry."

My response:

"Secondly, you're twisting my words (in the argument YOU persist on continuing). I never said nor implied "run away and plunge into war!"

"Thirdly, of course I'm ignoring your questions. You've insulted me to my face twice now. I'm not answering anything if you're just going to insult me. "Don't you remember RD? You obviously don't know these characters and roles!" I remember RD, and I understand perfectly well what roles the characters are supposed to play, I just don't like them. I find many of it narratively flawed in multiple ways, Kurthnaga being one example."

First bold: This was again meant as a reply to your question.

Second bold: Me saying I had ignored them.

Third bold: Once again, meant as a reply to the questions I had initially ignored.

Your reply:

"I ask questions, and you respond without answering them. Is that not called continuing? We are talking around in circles. If I ask a question, I expect an answer. If you ignore it, it could mean many things. Do you not know how to answer? Do you choose not to answer? If so, why? The questions I asked were purely related to your opinion on Kurthnaga. I've basically been saying the same thing this whole time, if you were in his position, what would you have done? Now think about that. Does it relate to what you think Kurthnaga should've done? What if he did do that?"

Bolded: You say I didn't answer, but I thought I had which brings confusion to my mind.

My response:

"You ask questions, I responded and answered them. I genuinely have no idea what you're thinking I didn't answer? Seriously, I am very genuinely confused here. I gave you answers until you said something that I took as an insult (your exact words were "I literally gave you an example of why he shouldn't run away. Do you not remember the events of RD or something?" and that came off as insulting to me, it did not come off as a question at all). I have no idea what you're expecting? I answered, you just didn't seem to like my answers? You cited events in RD, I've said I find it narratively questionable, I find Kurthnaga's decisions questionable, I find the motives behind it questionable, I find it all just questionable and flawed. You never once even hinted at the question "what would YOU do?" you just tried justifying Kurthnaga's decisions and basically said "well what do you expect?"

I am seriously, genuinely confused, I have absolutely no idea what you're expecting."

First bold: Basically what I've been saying this whole time. You insulted (or so I thought), I ignored.

Second bold: Me telling you I had then answered the ignored questions.

Third bold: I state it right there. I got seriously, genuinely confused. I thought I had given answers. I thought you must have meant another post. This brings confusion to me, which I stated.

Your reply:

"You completely ignored everything past my first two sentences. They weren't even the main focus of my post."

"Go back and count how many questions I've asked that you didn't answer."

"I never even hinted at the question "what would YOU do?" Really?"

First bold: Yes, I did. This was once again openly admitted by me.

Second bold: I couldn't count any. As I've pointed out in my previous responses, I thought I had answered. (As you said, I wasn't clear. This is my mistake [OHEMGEE GUYZ HE'S ADMITTING HIS MISTAKE AGAIN JUST LIKE HE'S DONE LITERALLY EVERY F**KING TIME!)

Third bold: Back to my confusion. I thought I gave answers, so I thought you must be talking about something else I missed.

My response:

"Yes, really. Seriously. I have no idea where that was hinted in any of your statements. I cannot see it anywhere. I do not understand."

Confusion, again. I thought I answered. I thought you must be talking about something else I missed.

Your reply:

*Begins with quoting a post, followed by:

"No idea, huh..."

Back to my confusion. Since I thought I had answered, I thought the quote you posted was something I missed. Did I go back to check? No. This was again my mistake (HEY LOOK MORE ADMITTANCE!)

My response:

"Yes, no idea. Seriously, I did not see that at all. Don't ask me how, but I completely missed that part. And the answer is yes, I'd run away. I wouldn't go right away though, I'd wait and plan it out in complete secrecy, then get the flapjacks out of there."

Thinking your quoted post was something I had missed (when it actually wasn't and I had actually answered, although the answers hadn't been clear enough), I attempted an answer.

Your reply:

"So you completely ignored the bulk of my post. That's what I thought."

Angers me again, I thought I hadn't ignored it. I thought I had missed it. Comes off as another insult.

My response:

"No, I didn't ignore it. So screw you. I didn't see it."

Once again, since I thought your quoted post was something I had missed, I thought I just hadn't seen it. Added "screw you" because of statement coming off as insult.

Your reply:

"How mature. If you missed a whole two paragraphs of my post, then either you didn't try to read the whole thing or you just didn't read it. Knowing that we're talking back and forth, a wall of text either goes ignored or responded to. Is it even physically possible to not see it?"

Bolded: Once again comes off as insulting. Coupling with the other things you said (which I have pointed all of them out) that came off as insulting (yet you still took basically an eternity to say "it's your imagination" which was not the right thing to say), this comes off as even more insulting.

The rest: I thought I had read it all, because once again I thought I'd given answers (which, again, were apparently not clear which is my mistake), so I really thought I missed it.

My response:

"Once again, stop being a jerk with this. Yes, I missed it. I did not see it. I've acknowledged this mistake at least three times. If I had just ignored your question, then why the f**k would I have claimed "you never hinted at this question"? I. Didn't. See it. It's very possible for someone to miss it, especially for someone like me who has a reading disability (yes, that's right...jerk). I find it much harder to see everything in a big wall of text than I do in a smaller wall. Again, I've acknowledged this mistake, and I've said I'm sorry for missing it more than once. Sorry. Again."

First bold: Again, I thought I had missed it.

Second bold: Do you see this?

Your reply:

"You acknowledge the fact that you saw the wall of text. Why didn't you read it?"

*quotes posts*

"what the fuck is this

If you really didn't see any of it, wouldn't it make sense to go back and actually read it?"

First bold: I did acknowledge it. I did read it, openly admitted I had initially ignored the questions, then went and answered those questions.

Second bold: Since my answers were apparently not clear, I thought what you were quoting was something I had missed. Did I go back to check? No (and I still believe it's silly to expect people to go through a massive Great Wall of China-sized number of posts), and that was my mistake (<--- LOOKY HERE).

My response:

"I ignored the posts I saw as insulting. I didn't see the post with the question. Is it really that hard to understand? And you think I didn't try going back to look? Really? There's a lot there, that's a very unreasonable expectation of you. And, again, if you had actually been a decent person and not let me go on thinking they were insults, well..."

Again, admitting I ignored the posts I saw as insulting. Again, thinking I had gone back and answered the ignored posts, thereby bringing confusion to my mind and thinking the other thing was something I had completely missed (which, again, is my mistake for not going back and checking, but even so I believe it's totally understandable since I had answered and thought my answers had been clear).

Your reply:

"It's unreasonable for me to expect you to read? What do you think I'm doing? I read every word of what you say. Why would I say something if I thought it was unreasonable that you would read it?"

My response:

"That's not at all what I said. I meant that it's silly to expect me to go back through every post and find the one that's buried beneath everything else."

And the rest of the responses are literally in our three most recent responses on this very page.

The point:

I ignored the questions, but then went and answered them. My answers were apparently not clear. You quoted yourself, saying I had not answered. Thinking I had answered, I thought the quote must have been something I missed. I did not go back to check (which was, again, my mistake) and coupled with what I thought were insults, it angered me, because I thought it was really something I had missed.

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It took me an hour and a half to write that massive wall of text, so now that I'm seeing this response for the first time...

Based on the nature of living creatures, he wouldn't have sided with Ashera. But he did.

Exactly, therein lies my disliking of the whole thing. He was a dumb-dumb. Side with Ike, fight the injustice of Ashera!

That particular question was part of the stuff that you ignored. You ignored it. It's not that you missed it. Maybe you missed it because you ignored it? Hmm. We seem to have come to a discrepancy on the word "ignore." When I ignore something, I don't respond to it. That doesn't mean I didn't read it. When you ignore something, it seems that you don't even look at it. Is this correct?

If I had seen the answer to the question then I would never have said that you didn't answer it.

Please read massive wall of text above (in my last post).

So you're getting mad that I'm asking for the name of every single member on the site (that you have spoken to about the Wiki) that has told you not to use the Wiki?

I did not twist anything. All I did was take out "that you have spoken to about the Wiki" because I didn't feel like typing that out, that's implied. Does that suddenly change the question or portray rudeness?

What? No. Here: taking that out does change the meaning of the question, there is a difference between "every member I've spoken to" and "every member." That's kind of a twist, which does annoy me a bit yes.

For your answer: the mods, for one. When I first joined the site, I quoted something on the wiki (I think it was on the GBA section, can't remember exactly), and I was immediately told "the wiki is wrong" then a couple other members jumped in and said "yes the wiki is bad, it's inaccurate and biased to some things and..." I can't go back and find that topic, it was way too long ago, but that's what I was told. Can I remember the names of the other members that jumped in? No, once again it was too long ago.

That's just one example. There was another more recent one, but I really don't want to go dig it up (and seeing my last post, please understand why...) I think it had something to do with Harken's recruitment VS. Karel's though, and if I remember right it was Red Fox who said the wiki was wrong.

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The point:

I ignored the questions, but then went and answered them. My answers were apparently not clear. You quoted yourself, saying I had not answered. Thinking I had answered, I thought the quote must have been something I missed. I did not go back to check (which was, again, my mistake) and coupled with what I thought were insults, it angered me, because I thought it was really something I had missed.

There you go. Then this whole thing is a misunderstanding. I apologize for my part in it. I have no intention of continuing it now, so let's stop and forget that that ever happened.

Exactly, therein lies my disliking of the whole thing. He was a dumb-dumb. Side with Ike, fight the injustice of Ashera!

Ashera is justice. Her class is Order Incarnate. The people swore a covenant not to wage war and to let her sleep soundly in the Medallion. But they broke that promise. She warned them that if she woke to a warring world, she would cast her judgment and recreate everything into perfection. Dheginsea believes that she is right in that she should punish them for breaking the promise. He knows of the covenant, and he took the blame on himself. He doesn't want to break the promise and then kill the person he made it with. He's not that type of character.

What? No. Here: taking that out does change the meaning of the question, there is a difference between "every member I've spoken to" and "every member." That's kind of a twist, which does annoy me a bit yes.

Is there a difference between "every member that has told you not to" and "every member that you've spoken to that has told you not to?" Other than the text that I bolded? Those are my exact words. What would I even want with "every member?"

For your answer:

That is sufficient enough. Maybe not as specific as exact posts, but I won't ask for that.

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There you go. Then this whole thing is a misunderstanding. I apologize for my part in it. I have no intention of continuing it now, so let's stop and forget that that ever happened.

Yes, right. Friends?

Ashera is justice. Her class is Order Incarnate. The people swore a covenant not to wage war and to let her sleep soundly in the Medallion. But they broke that promise. She warned them that if she woke to a warring world, she would cast her judgment and recreate everything into perfection. Dheginsea believes that she is right in that she should punish them for breaking the promise. He knows of the covenant, and he took the blame on himself. He doesn't want to break the promise and then kill the person he made it with. He's not that type of character.

I don't really know what else to say about it. This really just goes back to my own issues with the narrative.

Is there a difference between "every member that has told you not to" and "every member that you've spoken to that has told you not to?" Other than the text that I bolded? Those are my exact words. What would I even want with "every member?"

This was just a misread on my own part, sorry.

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Yes, right. Friends?


I don't really know what else to say about it. This really just goes back to my own issues with the narrative.

Do you at least now understand Dheginsea and his true motives? I've tried my best to explain it, and there's still the Wiki to refer to if you want.

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Lethe 10
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Caineghis 8
Reyson 10
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Ulki 15
Nasir 7
Tibarn 25
Naesala 14

You already voted earlier today. So these would be the current standings:

Tiki 23
Myrrh 9
Lethe 13
Mordecai 9
Caineghis 5
Reyson 8
Janaff 12
Ulki 15
Nasir 9
Tibarn 25
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