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The Ultimate Fire Emblem Camus Archetype! (starts at post #4100)


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Joshua 4

Mia 10

Zihark 3

I don't think there really is a "correct" answer

Rutger and Shanan. The former has excellent availability and bases, a 30+ crit rate (as opposed to a 15+ crit rate) post-promotion, and can form a support triangle that allows him to not get hit by anything. Whereas the latter has a super-awesome 30 Mt Prf that gives him high Spd, high accuracy, and a high Astra activation rate.

...but out of these, if there is one, it ain't Zihark :3

Zihark helps out a lot in the DB chapters, though.
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Mia and Edward are both better, Zihark's availability is just awful. And by the time you get Zihark, you should have already made Edward competent.

Mia, yes. Edward, no. Mainly because Edward is growth-reliant, has a worse affinity, and is rendered obsolete by Zihark.

And what are you talking about? Zihark's availability is fine.

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Mia, yes. Edward, no. Mainly because Edward is growth-reliant, has a worse affinity, and is rendered obsolete by Zihark.

And what are you talking about? Zihark's availability is fine.

I actually hadn't considered the affinity.

Compared to other characters, not so much. You only get him for part of Part 1, not at all in Part 2, and only for like three chapters in Part 3 on Micaiah's team, more if you recruit him to Ike's but why would you do that when you have Mia?

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I'm liking this strike-text conversation. Have to agree with Fire Emblem Fan though.

There's nothing wrong with Zihark's availability, he does help a bit in the DB chapters but Edward should be better than him by the time you get him, and Jill carries whenever he's not around. Edward is a strange Myrmidon, reliant on high Str and with a horrible Luck. Zihark activates Adept more than Edward should be activating Wrath, and at a better advantage. However, Edward's pure power means that he'll be doubling and killing units a lot more often than Zihark, without the need for Adept or a high-Mt weapon (if you want those, Edward has his Prf Caladbolg over Zihark too). Mia pretty much beats them both.

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How available Zihark is doesn't change the fact he's better than Edward. How is anyone gonna have the resources to keep Edward competent even without considering the better options available? The fact that Zi's bases are roughly equal to a 20/01, come at no investment, and exist when Ed's at lvl 10 at the least, only hurts Ed in the long run. Especially on HM, where resources can get pretty thin. Besides, Caladbolg ain't actually all too special. A forge literally does the same job.

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I'm liking this strike-text conversation. Have to agree with Fire Emblem Fan though.

There's nothing wrong with Zihark's availability, he does help a bit in the DB chapters but Edward should be better than him by the time you get him, and Jill carries whenever he's not around. Edward is a strange Myrmidon, reliant on high Str and with a horrible Luck. Zihark activates Adept more than Edward should be activating Wrath, and at a better advantage. However, Edward's pure power means that he'll be doubling and killing units a lot more often than Zihark, without the need for Adept or a high-Mt weapon (if you want those, Edward has his Prf Caladbolg over Zihark too). Mia pretty much beats them both.

How so? I ain't seeing it, like, at all. Edward's power doesn't really mean much when odds are, he can only really apply it on one enemy, who's likely to injure him to the point of needing healing unless it's an axe user.

Mia and Edward are both better, Zihark's availability is just awful. And by the time you get Zihark, you should have already made Edward competent.

I fail to see how Edward's better when Edward doesn't really have much of anything going for him.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Calling it, Mia will win

I don't know why people don't seem to like Edward, out of all the Dawn Brigade there are only a few that are really viable for Endgame. Micaiah and Sothe out of necessity, but other than that the only other ones anyone might consider are Edward, Nolan, and Jill, you can argue for Zihark but if you want a Trueblade it really should be Mia or Stefan.

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Calling it, Mia will win

I don't know why people don't seem to like Edward, out of all the Dawn Brigade there are only a few that are really viable for Endgame. Micaiah and Sothe out of necessity, but other than that the only other ones anyone might consider are Edward, Nolan, and Jill, you can argue for Zihark but if you want a Trueblade it really should be Mia or Stefan.

For me, it's that for how much of a pain in the ass he is to raise, Edward just doesn't offer much that I couldn't get by just using Zihark instead.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Quoting is a pain since I'm not on my computer. I hope I did this right.

Joshua 3

Mia 11

Zihark 0

How available Zihark is doesn't change the fact he's better than Edward. How is anyone gonna have the resources to keep Edward competent even without considering the better options available? The fact that Zi's bases are roughly equal to a 20/01, come at no investment, and exist when Ed's at lvl 10 at the least, only hurts Ed in the long run. Especially on HM, where resources can get pretty thin. Besides, Caladbolg ain't actually all too special. A forge literally does the same job.

Like I said, Edward should be better or at least equal to Zihark by the time you get him. Otherwise, yes, Zihark would obviously beat him. They both function differently. For me, Edward's high Strength growth sets him apart from every other Myrmidon in Fire Emblem. He can kill things without having to crit them. Zihark needs Adept to, and that can be annoying to activate because you risk weapon durability.

I'll admit it, Edward doesn't have the Avoid or Skill that Zihark has. He comes close in Speed and takes hits better though, and low HP can be a boon to him rather than a bane. Edward will be using less weapon durability than Zihark because of his high Str and Wrath. He deals more straight-up damage, and can preserve weapons better than Zihark.

How so? I ain't seeing it, like, at all. Edward's power doesn't really mean much when odds are, he can only really apply it on one enemy, who's likely to injure him to the point of needing healing unless it's an axe user.

Bringing him into Wrath range? And then continuing to double the enemy, or if not, switch to Killing Edge and finishing it off?

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Are you stating a situation in which the last enemy standing, the boss, hurts Edward? Or are you talking about any generic enemy being able to injure him?

I don't know why people don't seem to like Edward, out of all the Dawn Brigade there are only a few that are really viable for Endgame. Micaiah and Sothe out of necessity, but other than that the only other ones anyone might consider are Edward, Nolan, and Jill, you can argue for Zihark but if you want a Trueblade it really should be Mia or Stefan.

I'm going to disagree with you there. Mia, Edward, and Zihark are all a lot better than Stefan IMO. Get Stefan for his Vague Katti (great for Endgame along with Alondite, even though I didn't personally use it myself in Endgame), then ditch him along with Lucia. The Greil Mercenaries outclass the Dawn Brigade, but if you want a Wyvern, bring Haar, not Jill. Jill can turn out better eventually, but Haar comes with great stats that don't need any training to survive.
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Like I said, Edward should be better or at least equal to Zihark by the time you get him. Otherwise, yes, Zihark would obviously beat him. They both function differently. For me, Edward's high Strength growth sets him apart from every other Myrmidon in Fire Emblem. He can kill things without having to crit them. Zihark needs Adept to, and that can be annoying to activate because you risk weapon durability.

I'll admit it, Edward doesn't have the Avoid or Skill that Zihark has. He comes close in Speed and takes hits better though, and low HP can be a boon to him rather than a bane. Edward will be using less weapon durability than Zihark because of his high Str and Wrath. He deals more straight-up damage, and can preserve weapons better than Zihark.

Bringing him into Wrath range? And then continuing to double the enemy, or if not, switch to Killing Edge and finishing it off?

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Are you stating a situation in which the last enemy standing, the boss, hurts Edward? Or are you talking about any generic enemy being able to injure him?

I think you're overestimating Edward if you're saying that by the time Zihark joins, Edward would be par on with him... Also, I'm not exactly seeing Wrath as a boon for him since that means leaving him 1 attack away from causing a reset, which I'd honestly rather do with someone who doesn't have to put their neck on the chopping block most every time they attack.

Basically, Edward's dodging can't be relied on except against axe users, and maybe not even then since he dies in 2 hits, like, forever. If I'm going to be using a fragile unit, I'd rather it not be a fragile melee unit, and ESPECIALLY not a fragile melee unit who doesn't offer much of anything his competition doesn't offer me.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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If you use Edward enough, he can compare well enough to Zihark. Support him with Nolan, they make a great duo.

Also, if we're doing Thieves/Rogues/Assassins/Tricksters next, would this be the list?





















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If you use Edward enough, he can compare well enough to Zihark. Support him with Nolan, they make a great duo.

Also, if we're doing Thieves/Rogues/Assassins/Tricksters next, would this be the list?





















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