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Zelda Wii U Not Likely to Release This Year


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I love PH (Third favorite Zelda) and even I can admit competing with it isn't a huge challenge. People rat on that game an awful lot for being a huge step down from The Wind Waker, as well as its repetition and timed dungeon (even though I myself like those things. TotOK is fun.)

Though that's not so much an issue before release.

Edited by Glaceon Armamentalist
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I still doubt we'll see anything FEif-related, but I can only hope for SMT x FE and that Smash DLC if it includes Dixie Kong and/or Vaati... Otherwise, I have no interest in anything else at this point, except for maybe the Amiibo figures (I don't want any cards, I think they're an awful idea. I might get the Ike one just for his picture, but otherwise, no thank you).

Edited by Anacybele
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I have a lot more hope for FEif info than SMTxFE info at E3 this year. SMTxFE seems to be on its way to vaporware with only a trailer of characters already shown in their respective series while FEif had its reveal trailer involving cutscenes and gameplay already. SMTxFE came off to me as a proof of concept trailer, while we can be somewhat confident that FEif's trailer's contents will appear in some form in the final game.

After all, the reveal trailer posted earlier in this thread for FE:RD had almost 100% of its elements carry over into the final product.

If we did get SMTxFE info this E3 I wouldn't mind though. I've kinda given up hope on hearing anything more about it, so new info is good info. Or we could get told the project's been scrapped which would be kinda sad but not surprising. (At least, to me.)

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Can't say I'm suprised literally every console Zelda game since Ocarina of Time was delayed by a year...and they all turned out great.

Ocarina of Time was delayed because of the 64DD. When Nintendo realized the 64DD was taking too much time and they needed another big game on the market, they toned it down for the plain N64.

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Considering nearly every console Zelda to date has been delayed, I'm really not surprised.

He wasn't trying to tell you off, just stating his own opinion. Really now.

Considering the sheer amount of bullshit the Zelda fandom is flinging around right now, i felt nothing but sympathy for Ana's remark, thanks. Seriously, people are being assholes about this. And even flinging feces at those of us who simply dont care. I be all "yeah ok" and i get met with "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! STOP BEING A FANBOY OMG NINTENDO ARE GOING UNDER AND YOU SUCK GODDAMMIT!"

I hate the Zelda fandom sometimes. This is one of those times.

I actually give no craps about E3. However, i feel like something will be shown this year. Probably a screenshot. Some sort of hint. But a showcase? nope.

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Considering the sheer amount of bullshit the Zelda fandom is flinging around right now, i felt nothing but sympathy for Ana's remark, thanks. Seriously, people are being assholes about this. And even flinging feces at those of us who simply dont care. I be all "yeah ok" and i get met with "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! STOP BEING A FANBOY OMG NINTENDO ARE GOING UNDER AND YOU SUCK GODDAMMIT!"

I can't tell whether or not you're mad about my response specifically (and if you are, I don't know why). I'm not one of those people "flinging feces," if you must know.
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I can't tell whether or not you're mad about my response specifically (and if you are, I don't know why). I'm not one of those people "flinging feces," if you must know.

no. im just pointing out the crap ive had to deal with in the last 24 hours. Its maddening. At first, it was funny. It stopped being funny. ;/ So Ana being all "yeah thats what i said" i read it in a very tired camp counselor's voice.

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Not too upset about Zelda Wii U getting delayed. I was expecting this. Not showing anything about it at E3 is a bit odd, though.

I don't think we can say that FE If won't be shown at E3, though. I mean, previous Fire Emblem games were almost never shown there, but you have to remember that, before Awakening's release, Fire Emblem was a very niche series outside of Japan, so showing it off at the US-based E3 probably wouldn't be a worthwhile thing to do. You simply can't look at previous attitudes towards the series at E3 and use that to predict what Nintendo will do now that Awakening is one of the most-acclaimed 3DS titles worldwide.

As for other games that might get shown, I think Star Fox Wii U is likely of the ones we know about. FE x SMT would be nice, but I'm starting to think the next thing we're going to hear about that game is a cancellation, if it even gets an official announcement of one. Beyond that, Xenoblade Chronicles X will be already out in Japan, so it's highly unlikely (though not completely impossible). And Nintendo could always show some DLC for Smash 4 and maybe a new line or two of Amiibo. However, if Nintendo really wants to build the hype, especially with Zelda Wii U not being there, they'd better have some new games to announce.

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Going by the Zelda rule, everyone will hate this game and love the older Zelda( Skyward Sword).

If the game lacks mandatory Silent Realms it's already miles better than Skyward Sword.

It'll probably be inferior to Wind Waker, A Link Between Worlds, and Phantom Hourglass, but being worse than SS is something only TP and Zelda I manage for me.

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Honestly, Red Fox, while I don't think she was mad at you for anything, I can see where Florina/Loki is coming from. I've seen Zelda fans spew bullshit around too, and I agree with what Advance Gamer says about the "rule." It's stupid how as soon as a new Zelda comes out, people hate it for awhile, but love the previous game instead. People currently hate on Skyward Sword and A Link Between Worlds, but praise TP, TWW, MM, etc. And when those three first came out, people hated them too. People hated MM for the time limit (I honestly dislike it too, but I dislike the game for more reasons than that), people hated TWW for its graphical style (which I actually like, despite the game being my least favorite in the series), and people whined that TP was too easy and had too much boring stuff in the beginning and didn't use all of Link's items enough and such. Now people are BSing about Skyward Sword, saying that Fi is awful, the linearity is dumb, etc.

I can see why people would hate Fi, she IS repetitive. But I don't get what Zelda fans' beef is with linearity. I don't think being linear is a bad thing at all. Look at Mario games, they're extremely linear most of the time, yet people adore them. Yes, I get that people like exploration and all that, but Skyward Sword still had some of that too. Exploring the areas was pretty fun once you gained access to them. I agree that the sky area could've been better, but still. Zelda isn't ONLY about exploration, it's about going through dungeons, defeating monsters, and solving puzzles. And enjoying a good story.

EDIT: I liked the Silent Realms... Even though they were a bit frustrating at times. What I DID hate in Skyward Sword was the Imprisoned. Ugh.

Edited by Anacybele
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Oh please dear god no more Silent Realms or anything of the sort. I can handle a horror-themed dungeon once but the Silent Realms were too nervewracking for me. I never did get past any Silent Realms other than the first one on my own. I would much rather stick the Master Sword through something's face than run around completely defenseless in a place where everything wants to kill me.

I don't get people saying any particular entry is "the worst" entry in the series though. Like, each game has its assets and flaws and the games are how they are. Each game will be remembered for something about it eventually whether it's Majora's Mask interesting use of time, Wind Waker's ocean, or even Skyward Sword's Silent Realms.

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I love ALBW. It's got two of my favorite Zelda Characters (RAVIO and Hilda... now I want to do my Ravio theme again), great dungeons, and an interesting new rental system.

SS would be okay, but numerous failures with Silent Realms killed it for me. And I wasn't even having fun while failing, like I do with Touhou. So I eventually kinda just gave up. I can see why people liked it, but I think PH did a much better job with timed stealth missions, since you kept everything, and SAFE ZONES were there for use.

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Why should the Silent Realms have had safe zones when you have a meter on the top right corner that functions the same way? If it's getting low, grab one of the tears, which you need to complete the realms, to replenish it. And if you're having trouble finding tears, Light Fruits are everywhere and add beacons to them.

And technically, your starting point is a safe zone. :P

Adding more, imo, would've made these challenges too easy.

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Why should the Silent Realms have had safe zones when you have a meter on the top right corner that functions the same way? If it's getting low, grab one of the tears, which you need to complete the realms, to replenish it. And if you're having trouble finding tears, Light Fruits are everywhere and add beacons to them.

And technically, your starting point is a safe zone. :P

Adding more, imo, would've made these challenges too easy.

Because the meter deplenishes much faster than the Phantom Hourglass did. While the Phantom Hourglass had a ten minute minimum (more than enough time for the first three floors if you know what you're doing) and increased as the game progressed to a maximum of 25.

Safe Zones stopped the timer (and made you invisible) so long as you stood on them, meaning you could wait for the Phantoms to pass by in safety before you snuck by them. And you could defend yourself against them (by using the bow) if worst came to worst. You were given no means of escape should the time run out in SS, and it always seemed to. PH always had some means of escape should the Phantoms find you, be it the safe zones, your bow, a red pot, and at the end of the game, they're a non issue because the Phantom Sword is lolroflstomp.

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Well, I had a LOT more trouble with PH's Temple of the Ocean King than I did the Silent Realms. I often couldn't figure out at all how to get past those phantoms and I gave up after awhile, which is why I have not finished that game.

Skyward Sword's Silent Realms weren't so frustrating, imo, though were still challenging enough to be fun. It did take me several tries on each one in my first playthrough, but I didn't have so much trouble that I decided to give up. Nowadays, I don't have much trouble keeping the safe meter from running out.

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Well, I had a LOT more trouble with PH's Temple of the Ocean King than I did the Silent Realms. I often couldn't figure out at all how to get past those phantoms and I gave up after awhile, which is why I have not finished that game.

Skyward Sword's Silent Realms weren't so frustrating, imo, though were still challenging enough to be fun. It did take me several tries on each one in my first playthrough, but I didn't have so much trouble that I decided to give up. Nowadays, I don't have much trouble keeping the safe meter from running out.

And that's you. I personally preferred the TotOK's "stealth mission" to SS, for the factors I listed, and since I couldn't manage SS's fast enough to be doable (it does NOT help that my collector's guide has no useful advice whatsoever). I found slipping past Phantoms easier than grabbing tears in an open field in 90 seconds. My first 6 floors record of time used is 40 seconds, though, and I've gotten every Ship part, so my preference could be a result of pure memorization.
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Silent Realms is an idea that was pretty good on a top-down 2D Zelda, but a shitty idea on a 3D title. It comes off as hideously cheap, and pointless busywork. Tears of Light thing in TP is similar, but at least you werent completely helpless. People hated that segment of TP too.

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It's unfortunate how SS gets as much hate as it does at all. Zelda fans have even said that Aonuma should be fired because they disliked the game. Just...wtf.

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