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Question about DLCs

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Rouges 1 and 2 entirely depend on whether you care about aesthetics or not. The two DLC units you get from them are better than most due to having some unique skills, but still not very important.

CoY3 is important. Whether you get 1 and 2 or not falls into the same boat as RaR1/2. You'll want both LB2 and LB3, so for the price you might as well get LB1 (only a few cents more with the pack discount). SB2 is important, and while SB3 does give an item it's not very good so you could skip 1 and 3 if you want.

The Scramble Pack is entirely aesthetic. Either buy all of them or none of them. The Challenge Pack is entirely gameplay, so in a similar boat: all or nothing. Future Past is both story and gameplay (more story on 3 (almost an hour of main cutscenes before counting the optional convos), more gameplay on 1/2) and a similar all or nothing deal, though if you're only going to buy one of those three packs I'd strongly recommend it.

Apo is Apo and not part of a pack, so you can buy it whenever you feel like it or leave it alone. Watch some YT vids of it if you're not sure (I know OmegaEvolution has a good quality run of it that nicely shows what you should expect from a casual playthrough of it).

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Personally I skipped the Rogues pack and just went for Rogues and Redeemers 3 for the Limit Breaker skill.

Other essential DLCs:

  • Scramble and The Future Past packs if you like extra story/development
  • Lost Bloodlines Pack for the Paragon skill and Dread Fighter class
  • Smash Brethren 2 for the Bride class (or maybe the pack if you want the Iote's Shield skill)
  • Apotheosis if you want a final challenge for your maxed out characters
Edited by VincentASM
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To consider:

Champions of Yore 3: All Stats +2

Lost Bloodlines 2: Dread Scroll

Lost Bloodlines 3: Paragon

Smash Brethren 2: Wedding Bouquet

Smash Brethren 3: Iote's Shield

Rogues and Redeemers 3: Limit Break

Harvest Scramble: boss drops Master Seal, which means infinite Master Seals right after Chapter 4 if you have strong Avatar Logbook units (for early game)

EXPonential Growth: easy experience for weak units

Golden Gaffe: easy money farming

Infinite Regalia: more copies of legendary weapons

Can be considered:

Roster Rescue and Apotheosis: for the 2 best Rallybots in the game

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The combination of Smash Brethren 2 (Bride class) and Apotheosis (Katarina)/Roster Rescue(Palla) gives you, as already mentioned: The strongest offensive Rally Bot with a possible setup of Rally Spectrum/Heart/Speed/Strength/Magic.

Of course, if you intend to use all rallies, you could do what I did and get one male and one female avatar, spread the ten rallies among the two and always have them in your avatar logbook in case you need them. Then you don't need Apo or RR. Personally, I bought Apo because it's right down my alley and I think it has the best money/entertainment ratio, but I didn't get RR, so no personal experience there.

Since I like apo, I absolutely need the DLC which enables me to grind units efficiently. At least LB3 and EXPgrowth are essential to me.

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Apo is really fun.

Can't comment on other things since it's all I got. But the xenologues that give classes, characters, and skills seem pretty cool. I hear good things for Golden Gaffe too (even if it's only gold).

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I hear good things for Golden Gaffe too (even if it's only gold).

Can confirm. It's the only thing which makes grinding for max renown or high rank forges bearable. Should have mentioned that in #5. 30-60 seconds with Blitz-Auto AI and couple galeforce units for 70k gold is just unbeatable.

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Adding Despoil/Leif's can bump that up to 80, if you feel like emptying your inventory after every battle. It's really useful for long-term grinding and is the biggest factor in most anti-Armsthrift arguments (since you can get 1-2 forges per run...).

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  • 2 months later...

Hi. Replaying the game," and I was wondering if there anyplace that describable the best place in the storyline to play some of the DLCs. For example, would it be smart to wait until after chapter 8 to do the first "Champions of Yore?" Thank you for your time and patience.

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Do them either whenever your team can handle them, or after clearing all main chapters. You likely won't be training every single unit so you'll have a few weak units to use on the easier maps if you don't want to stomp them.

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