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Looking for love in all the wrong places... and manners...


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Not to be a Debbie Downer here, but I would be careful about this insurance opportunity. Companies like Aflac will often take just about anyone because the person isn't salaried and they'll often get their sales started by having their family and close friends do it. Then they tend to burn out quickly and lose more money getting certified than they ended up making.

Since this came from a family friend that's probably not the case...but I would inquire more about the job duties before jumping in. If it's selling insurance, consider carefully whether you want to take that risk.

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Salesmen jobs are about being able to sell me shit that I might not need.

You can't even sell me on the fact that you care about turning yourself into a normal human being.

Simple fact. Sales are not for everyone (definitely wasn't for me).

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Research it hard, some things take advantage of their bottom sellers and bank on them contributing. Others are really on the up and up and can be pretty stable. I wouldn't invest any money until you know if it is only a commissions thing. Many people get a lot of perks getting others to join. On the other hand, it will probably be reliable, it is best to try to rsearch and see if it is a bigger company, if so, it probably has reviews that can give you an idea. If not, it is likely they are too small to try to take advantage and is a great job to put your nose to the grindstone with.

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So, I just got offered a potential job working at an insurance firm from a friend of the family. On the plus side, work and pay! On the down-side the entrance exams are expensive. I have to buy a textbook that costs 130 bucks just to start studying, never mind the actual tests themselves. And, even if I pass with flying colors, it will likely be about 3 months before I can start working. I haven't decided if I'm going to try for it but I certainly think it would be worth it if I got it. I'm... just not certain I can pass the test.

Hey Snowy, I've been reading this thread for most of the pages and I'd like to offer my 2 cents here as I can relate with how you feel :^_^:

So I read the quote here above, and I think it's a great opportunity. Sure, as others said, be on the lookout if they want to take advantage of you, but as you said, it's a friend of the family. I Think that lowers the chance. It's a good start either way, and I think that in the current market, you gotta take what you can get. My advice, give it a shot! If it's not what you sought, you can always quit and find something different anyway.

As for the other stuff, I think it has been said before, but I'd like to emphasize that you should do something that you like to do. It gives you a better feeling, it gives others a better feeling because they see that you like it. It's a win - win situation. Don't do something you hate to do, because it'll only cost more energy and effort and the result may be dissappointing. At least, that's what I experienced. Don't be afraid to try new things though!

That's the only way to find out if you like to do other stuff and in my experience, most girls also like it if guys have the balls to try new stuff :lol:

The reason behind that is that you have subjects to talk about with them and makes the conversations easier. Let it go with da flow. In my own experience, just feel relaxed and talk about stuff that you like to, because it helps to keep the conversation going. If the girl likes it, you'll notice. If she doesn't, well, too bad. We move on I suppose, right? Every girl is different anyway.

Conclusion, do something you can enjoy. Don't look up what others enjoy, because you may not enjoy it as they do. But do feel free to try new things, so that you learn new fun stuff.

In any event, good luck with whatever you do. I'm rooting for ya man! :D:

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Unless I somehow manage to open up a game shop or get paid for writing reviews I don't think I'll ever get paid to do what I 'want' to do. Besides... Having spent a while being a review critic I can say something for certain.

It sucks.

Don't get me wrong, it's a great job, even if it's for free, and the free games and related swag is awesome (got a free sound-track a while back and I sometimes get multiple codes for multiplayer games. Happy friends = happy snowy!) but when you have to sit down and play through 'generic space-shooter #192' and 'bad game with crafting system #9,942' and realize that you have to objectively rate it and give it the same score as 'really innovative and cool game that simply didn't have the time/budget to be better' AND do it all in a week or two with Minecraft dangling tantalizingly in the corner of your screen and the call of designing a floating crystal fortress you realize it is, surprisingly, a job.

Anyways, I have been working out and have lost a few pounds. Soon I will be going down to the beach to begin swimming on weekends. Mom is insisting I don't go because she's worried I'll have an attack but I'm not going to let my epilepsy control my life. I AM getting more comfortable around women and have held several conversations with them. But, most importantly, I'm feeling less... like shit about how I am. I want to lose weight and get healthy but it's starting to become a bit more about 'I want to make whoever I meet happy' than 'I am a horrible blob no one could ever love and could be a body-double for Jabba the Hutt'. Sadly the SJW's have taken a small chunk of that growing esteem and replaced it with a bit of loathing for the people who apparently feel that world history shouldn't include things like the World Wars and focus on 'inter-racial issues' or some junk like that, but the gain is far more than the net loss.

But biggest of all, I QUIT WOW! I confronted my demon and love and realized that, while I loved my guildies, if I stuck around I'd be doing little more than running on a hamster wheel with the 'cheese' pulled away from the goalpost at the last second and I was far happier pairing up Shep/femShep with Miranda's Booty/Garrius or playing Katamari/Smash U and even FFXIV would be a new experience than constantly looking at the walls of my garrison. Not to mention I have RL friends to play with in other games. Heck, if you wanted to friend me on Steam to do something like play TF2 or Battle.net for HotS I would be glad to play! I'd suck, but I'd be sucking with friends instead of Assy Mc1337 in PvP berating me for not being able to take down a 19 in full heirlooms when I'm a level 10 rogue and ignoring the scouting and three captures I've given the team.

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First, SJWs aren't the best source of advice for anything.

Second, swimming is excellent exercise! Don't forget the sunscreen~!

Lastly, it looks like you're slowly moving in the right direction. Go, go, go!

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Snowy, you tried out for the role of Jabba in the new Star Wars film, right?

I'd not really focus on SJWs that much, it's really easy to focus and put blame on them instead of what's in yourself. I'd recommend going to a pool rather than the beach if your seizures are an issue. I'd also focus less on games, it's totally fine to have them as a hobby, but it might be interesting for you to gain some more breadth in your interests.

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Snowy, you tried out for the role of Jabba in the new Star Wars film, right?

I'd not really focus on SJWs that much, it's really easy to focus and put blame on them instead of what's in yourself. I'd recommend going to a pool rather than the beach if your seizures are an issue. I'd also focus less on games, it's totally fine to have them as a hobby, but it might be interesting for you to gain some more breadth in your interests.

Exactly, if the internet gets you down, don't go on those sites, understand that often times how people are online isn't always how people really are and it can become a maelstrom of frustration. I suggest avoiding all things online that you feel hinder self esteem. And don't linger on them, too often people become bitter or use it as a crutch.

Hey, awesome, anything that makes you feel better about yourself! As for work, in this economy, we can't afford to be as choosy about our careers, but do avoid jobs that you really dislike or feel would put you in a bad place. Maybe avoid ones that put you under a ton of pressure to be quick or under abuse as a job itself (like telemarketer) so that it isn't a job that will make you feel worse.

Your main issue is confidence, get that, and you will be great, trying to avoid things that take that away is okay.

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Avoid SJWs until you can smite them with logic and proper reasoning, else it is frustrating to interact with these people. It's like internet trolls made worse.

Good to see you're having proggress. My only advice now would be to not lower your weight just to feel accepted by other people, it is a terrible thing to dance to others' strings. If you're going to do something, do it for yourself, for your health, for your proggress as a person. This is not to say you shouldn't care about others, but that you should be the primary motivation to get things done.

Heck, if you wanted to friend me on Steam to do something like play TF2 or Battle.net for HotS I would be glad to play!

Sounds fun~ I've been playing HotS since a friend of mine got keys for the closed beta, but I still suck on pvp (not to mention my internet becomes really bad sometimes). Yet I'm perfectly fine with playing. If you do want to play with me, just message me.

Also, in a completely unrelated matter, I think you write well. In the latest RP we've been, your posts and the GMs posts were the most pleasants to read. You seem able to describle characters and situations well, like the fight with the brigands and your pegasus knight character. You seem to slip sometimes when you give too many 'addorns' to your prose, but that happens when we're trying to become better. Actually, if you could give me tips on describling, I'd be happy to listen. Describling appearances is especially hard for me (because I'm not a very attentive person irl) and some sorts of clothing, hair etc. are strange to my vocabulary since my main language isn't english (and all I've learned was from playing games and looking into the dictionary).

So don't feel like shit. You're cool. The simple fact that you haven't given up is also a strong point on itself.

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